[The Grid] OOC

That's the first argument for the errataed chargen I find truly convincing. We're beyond that now, though, so PCs can pick up any of them they feel like roleplaying for.

(That giant spiders thing was a joke, btw -- and a joke aimed more at me than at you.)
1. Oh shit, first time for Hank to come face to face with The Suits.

2. Is it obvious the cell was forced open and or damaged? I guessed as much from your original wording but I just wanted to make sure.
1. Don't worry. You've got Malcom with you, and he has experience!

2. The cell wasn't forced. A little OOC knowledge that might help set the scene. They shot him through the bars, and then unlocked it to get access to the body.
I was waiting for the response to how the cell doors functioned before I posted. Seeing if it is closed by hand or if there is some kind of control box
Ach. There's an old electronic lock on the cell. So the function is the same as the old gear locks, but it just works a little more updated. That make sense?
Groovy, I'll post when I get home from work.

edit: or I can get distracted by Borderlands until I start to fall asleep and realize I forgot to post. Until tomorrow.
Bleh. I need to stop going to bed at 6am and getting up at 11 then going back to bed 'till 1...

Sleep patterns? What sleep patterns?
Post up.

About the Exaltations. From what old Ignis Divine said to past Hank in the flashbacks, I think the names are key to getting back our Exaltations. It was just a thought. Hank is currently a little pre-occupied, but I'll see what can maybe come from this. As always I reserve the right to be completely and utterly wrong.
I keep meaning to get back on a regular sleep cycle, which would help in getting back on a regular posting cycle...

I should, finally, be able to post more than once a week again now, at least. :oops:
BR: What do you want to talk to her about? She's very concerned with free-will, so isn't going to lead the conversation except in things necessary for your survival. Depending on how things go down in the inside, you might have a bit of excitement shortly, but otherwise you're on guard duty which is real boring until it gets real interesting.

MM: you're going to go concurrently with the first suit drawing his weapon, so post an action please. BA, you're three ticks behind, concurrently with the other suit.

0: Hank, Suit



3: Malcom, Suit

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