[The Grid] OOC

Arynne: Ok, the impression I got was you were intending to stand and fight them. If that's wrong, mea culpa.

BA: You roll 6 successes on 5 dice for perception. Yeah, you spot Arynne heading for the trees and the Agents strolling along behind. Depending on what Kase chooses to do, you may be able to see that as well.
That was because I didn't think I had time to make it to the trees or the alley before they were on top of me. No escape = stand and fight.
Miashara said:
Also, in my games, you can usually assume that anything good that happens for no reason in fact happens for bad reasons. Similarly, bad things that happen for no reason also happen for bad reasons. Mediocre things? Well, you get the idea.
*starts humming Bad to the Bone*
Sorry if I'm confused, but what precisely is Patrick waiting for? I'm wondering, because I am trying to appropriately sort out Malcolm's next move.
Patrick is waiting for either Malcolm or the MiBs to make their next move. He still isn't sure what side Malcolm is on - he seems like he might be one of those more-than-human people he heard about, but...
Miashara said:
Hey, we're adding another PC, Magnificentmomo. That brings us to 5, which is where I'd like to be.
Thanks for the intro. Hi all. I'm really looking forward to this game, and have really enjoyed reading the backlogs. I'm posting my info now...

Edit: all up, sheet is up for the once over Miashara
A split second before/simultaneously with impact (either with her targets or headfirst into the forest floor, in which case she really needs to pray), not while doing her crazy Xena stuff on the branch.

Yes, she's crazy, but not stupid.
Magnificentmomo: Character is good and everything looks ready. It will take me a day or so drop a good hook for you, but otherwise no worries. I'll message you if I need clarification or details.
Btw, just fyi, pg. 131 Core states that Socialize can be used as an alternative to Investigation with mundane Motivation Reading.
Do what you gotta do.

On a happier note, hooray introduction! Some stories start with a bang, this one starts with the heartwrenching sound of an engine seizing. Good times.

I also edited in a character description, which I somehow forgot to post originally.
Mish: Just so you know, I am waiting on what your response is to Patrick and what happens there before having Malcolm act again. How long would another read motivation take in seconds?
A short exchange of words. Longer the better you roll, as you need more verbiage to analyse. You can assume yours is complete by the end of the post.
It being the 25th, more xp comes out. The total award at this point is 87 (pages posted*3), plus whatever you got individually at chargen. This applies to both Blackadder and Magnificentmomo as well.

I'm not sure if I'm making this obvious, but I'm trying A) introduce the major powers, but then B) write them out of the game so you guys can choose whether or not you want to interact with them. Stylistically I'm not aiming for a complete sandbox, but I do want the lot of you deciding what's going to happen and shining while you do it. To recap, Bob's off working with an extraction team to that if you guys want out, you can get out. Athena's basically your operator and available as such. The Agents are still chasing, but after going through their rules again I remembered how much I disliked their splat and can't wait from them to be ignored. Erin's various contacts are around, and actively engaged in stuff, while she also still has the portfolio on Stephanie Whitfield. The savage weasels are still savage.
"NB: Be aware though, that if someone starts shooting at you and you cannot take a move action, ie you did something and don't go again for a few ticks, you cannot defend without magic. If you took a move action last turn and are still technically moving, then you're okay*."

RAW move is reflexive, so you move every tick, not just on your action. If you're doing it differently that is fine, just wanted to make sure.
Good catch.

The idea is that getting shot at is always an unexpected attack. Now, if you're running, you're harder to hit and as such the jerk who's taking pot shots at you has a minus, which we'll call the Dodge DV. In effect you get a dodge. So if you're already moving, you can use the DDV, but it has to be declared before the other guy declares his shooting. So while you can move every tick, you can't declare a move in response to the dude doing the shooting.

See where I'm going with this? It makes sense in my head, but I'm not sure it translates onto paper.
Aynne, Stormy, your characters are only about a hundred feet inside the tree line. That will take but a moment to traverse, and I'm holding off on updating the physical action again until the other fracas at the vehicles moves forward. That being said, if you want to go into narrative time and talk, we can certainly bend reality a bit. Just trying to give you something to do while other lines resolve.

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