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Fantasy The Grey Family: Monster-Hunters

Lady Insanity

I live for the chaos, yet I'd die for peace.
Your typical average family, the Greys, are like everyone else. They're loving, slightly dysfunctional, and always sticking together when things get rough. Oh....and they kills things when it gets dark outside. Like no joke. This is a family who hunts things that go bump in the night. Instead of camping trips. they go on hunts for supernatural monsters. They face regular struggles, as the parents struggle in their marriage, and the kids all deal with high school. But at the end of the day, a pack of werewovles or a clan of vampires is their biggest concern. Trained, deadly, slightly psychotic, and looking forward to Meatloaf night, the Grey family is going to do what they can to live normal lives...and save the world of course.
(@Trundle @LyraDark @PenBlade1326 here we go, family!!!!!)

Saturday morning. 8:30 AM. Alexis had woken up before her entire family. She was downstairs in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. (just for a little detail, here Halycon) Her mother, Beth's, birthday was a few weeks ago, and since Alexis is only 15, she can't get a job in the city. So she could buy her a gift. In order to make up for this? Alexis has been making the entire family breakfast for the past 3 weeks. Just so her mom knows she loves her. Alexis hummed to herself softly as she cooked, taking note of what she was making. Pancakes....waffles....eggs....bacon.....biscuits & gravy....all the jazz. She tried her best not to burn anything, she knew her mom didn't like burnt food...but then again, who did?

As the clock it 9:00 AM, she finished cooking and set out all the food on the table, as well as plates for everyone in their usual spots. She placed the silverware in it's spots, and set out the milk, orange juice, and coffee. The kitchen looked normal enough. Until Alexis clapped twice and a pole stuck out from the wall. Gotta love high-tech gadgets of a monster-hunting family! She cleared her throat and clicked the button on the pole, activating the intercom system. "Get up, everyone! I made breakfast!" She said into the mic. She then put it away and wait for her parents and older siblings.

(just getting a feel for the family here, as opposed to their monster hunting selves)
Braxton jumped as he heard Alexis' voice through the intercom in the house. He fell out of bed, awoken from his deep sleep. He was dreaming about a hunt, a hunt where he wasn't performing as usual...where his parents looked so let down...but it was only a dream. In reality, he's a decent fight, and he gets the job done. He groaned as he hit the floor, standing up and rubbing his back. He trudged out of his room, passing his brother Micheal's room, and his sister Thea's (Lily's) room. His parent's room was at the end of the hall, so he didn't pass it, and Alexis' room was across from his. He made his way down the stairs, not realizing his wrist-mounted gun was on his wrist, still. He forgot to take it off from last night's hunt. He walked into the kitchen, waving at Alexis and yawn. "Morning." He said, sniffing around.

"Wow...breakfast smells good!" He said to her, smiling softly. He then realized he had his gun on his wrist as he waved. He sighed and took it off, setting it on the counter top in an empty space. He walked to Alexis, pecking her on top of her head as he always did, and sat down in his seat. He decided to wait for the family before he ate, or even got food. He knew Micheal would probably eat bacon, and Lily might have the pancakes...so he'd leave those alone, he wanted to make sure they'd get what they wanted.
"Morning." Alexis said as Braxton walked into the kitchen, grinning as he pecked her atop the head. She ruffled his hair, taking her seat beside of him, as always. "I hope everyone likes it...I'm getting better at cooking, although I'm still not on par with Mom." She admitted. Alexis was a major tomboy, and she considered cooking a kind of...girly thing. At least by stereotyping. But cooking was fun to her, and it sometimes helped her and her mom bond. She'd also bond with her dad just by going on hunts with him, as she would hate being called his "princess." And she bonded with her siblings through hunting, watching movies, or calling them names. In a joking manner, of course.
Lily was reading a book and looked away from it when she head the voice of her younger sister through the Intercom System. She had been awake for some time already. She rolled her eyes and went back to her book. Ironically, she was reading a book with demons in it. She hated those creatures. Yes, she was ignoring the younger girl that had said that the food was ready. She put her earphones on and laid back down on her bed as she read. She probably wouldn't eat today. Well, she wouldn't eat unless one of her family members would drag her to the kitchen, what probably wouldn't happen.

She scanned her room as she looked for her sniper gun. She found it at his usual spot. That made her smile. Thanks to her good eyesight, she could shoot with an extreme precision even if she was far from her target. She put her book down and reached for her weapon. She really took good care of it, and wouldn't change it for anything else. There wasn't even a single scratch on it. She smiled again and hummed as her music was playing.

(I am on a phone, so I am sorry if the post lenght isn't enough)
Michael's eyes shot open and he at upright when he heard his sister's voice on the intercom. "Jesus man." He stood up and made his way to the kitchen. Upon hearing Lily's music, he walked up to her door, knocked on it and said in a soft voice, "Hey Lil? Why don't you come downstairs? You know, be with the family. It'd be nice to have you with us." He smiled even though she wouldn't be able to see him. He
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Upon hearing her older's brother voice, Lily stopped her music and put her sniper gun away. She also closed her book and stood up, brushing her hair with her fingers. She openned her door and looked at him. She took some time to understand what he told her. "Morning Mickey..." She said to him. She liked to start a conversation by greeting someone. "And I'll go... I need to eat, right?" She told him with a little smile. He was the one she talked the most with, for no apparent reason.
Michael smiled and said, "And we all love food right?" He laughed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. The smell of all of the food hit his face while he was walking down the stairs. He stopped and took a few deep breaths in and out of his nose. He continued down the stairs and he waved to Alexis and Braxton, saying, "Lexi. Brax. Morning everyone. How'd y'all sleep?" He smiled and took his seat to the left of the head of the table, reserved for his father.
Alexis smiled. "I slept alright, had a few dozen blankets on top of me as usual." She said to Michael. She turned her head to Lily's direction. "Morning, Lily. I made pancakes. Buttermilk, blueberry, chocolate chip, you name it!" Alexis said to her sister with a smile. Now they were only waiting on their parents.

@Halcyon @FootlongOak
Frank didn't care for mornings. In fact, it was his least favorite time of the day. So being awoke by intercom to go to breakfast put a sour taste in mouth. Sitting up out of bed he rubbed his hands to his face and eyes as if massaging them would help wake him up. Speaking softly he jokingly said, "I'm going to kill her." He stumbled around the bedroom getting dressed in a sleepy haze taking his sweet time to get ready. He was up late working, so he struggled a bit to wake up. Making his way to kitchen he entered speaking in general in a monotone voice, "Let's ease up on the intercom this early in the morning."
Michael stood up when he saw his father enter the kitchen. "Sir." He said while straightening his position. He always did this because he thought of his father as a hero of war because he pretty much was one. Dealing with the supernatural and a family, who'd of thought? He awaited his father to tell him to be at ease.
Alexis glanced as her dad entered the kitchen. She smiled and jumped out of her seat. "Daddy!" She said in a little girl voice, running over to him and hugging him tightly. She may be a tomboy, but she has a soft spot for her dad. She was different from the others...she didn't formally address her parents, just called them Mommy and Daddy, like a little girl. "Sorry about the intercom, but no one will get up by their alarms." She said.
Braxton smiled at Michael when he first entered the kitchen. Then Frank, their father came in. He, like his brother, stood as his father entered, grinning at Alexis, running like a child to hug him. "Morning, dad." He said, pulling out a chair for him, as per usual.
Looking over to Micheal he gave him a nod and a wave while still in a slight slumber. He spoke softly, "At ease..." Before he could finish his statement he was hit with a tight hug from Alexis. Hugging her back with a squeeze he laughed lightly. "It's all right sugar. Just remember it's Saturday." He wanted to kill her earlier, but how could you stay mad at her. He moved over to take a seat in the chair pulled out for him. "Morning Braxton. And thanks." Looking back to Alexis he spoke, "Smells good, get me some of those Alexis Specialty Pancakes."
Lily smiled at everyone and then held her head. She had an headache because of the insomnia she had after they went back home yesterday. She had slept only an hour or two. She sighed mentally and kept smiling, even if it was a fake smile. "By the way Alex, your cooking skills are getting better day after day." She said bluntly to her younger sister. She kept holding her head as it hurted her. Oh how I like headaches. She thought with another mental sigh.
Like a few of her children Beth was an early riser. Her alarm went off at exactly 5:30. Of course she was wearing he head phones as to not wake her sleeping husband so early in the morning. He wasn't exactly a morning person. Beth changed into a sports bra and active wear legging, grabbing a protein shake. The older women sipping on it as she started with her stretches. After about fifteen minutes of that she grabbed her water bottle and headed out for her run. Every day it was the same. Run one miles, 3 reps of 15 pushups, 4 reps of 15 crunches, 2 reps of 15 pull up, and 10 minutes of stretching again. Run one more mile, repeat. She would then turn around the way she came and repeated everything once more. 4 miles in total.

It was 9:15 when Beth entered the house, her nose filling with breakfast foods. She knew right then Alexis was cooking again. She admired how her baby girl could cook so well. She took after her momma there. The brunette entered the kitchen, seeing all of her family. Beth grinned, panting slightly and glistening with sweat from her workout. "Well good morning kids. And you too Frank." She gave her husband a soft smile, tilting her head. She walked over to the sink and placed her water bottle in the stainless steal appliance, grabbing a mug and walking over to the coffee machine. "Alexis. Once again you did great Darling. Everything smells wonderful, and as always i'm sure it taste just as good." She walked over and placed a small kiss on the smaller girls head, ruffling her hair as she waited for her coffee to brew. She then walked over to her eldest daughter, placing a hand of her shoulders and leaning down. "Thank you for eating." She whispered, placing a kiss on her cheek before straightening back up and moving over to her boys. "Morning to you too boys." She grinned, gently patting their shoulders. She then walked back over and grabbed another mug, holding it up. "Would you like one darling?"

@GeekPride18 @Trundle @LyraDark
Alexis laughed, making her way to Lily and hugging her, as well. She then plopped back down in her seat at the table. She grinned. "Dad, I thought we agreed they were called Super Mega Ultra Pancakes?" She said to her dad with a wicked grin. She the turned to Lily who was holding her head. "Lil...you okay? Another headache?" She asked her.
Braxton smiled as his mother came into the kitchen after her morning run. "Morning, mom." He said softly, kissing her cheek as she walked over with the mug, offering one to his father. He was only 17, yet he was a half inch taller than her. He pulled out his mother's chair, as well, in her usual spot at the table. After doing so, he placed himself back in his seat. He would wait for everyone to get food before he put anything on his plate, as normal.
Alexis smiled widely as her mom entered and complimented her cooking. "Thanks mom. I learned from he best!" She said with glee. For some reason, the tough tomboy girl was especially happy today...just good energy flowing through her veins, probably. She then piled at least 5 waffles on her plate. She like pancakes, but she loved waffles. She squeezed out the syrup from the bottle and set it aside. Boy, the girl could eat! Although, as genetically enhanced as the family was, it wasn't a surprise they could pack on the food weight.

(even though this is just a family having breakfast, I'm in love with this xDDD you guys are awesome!)
Joking he replied to Alexis, "Oh that's right, Super Mega Ultra Pancakes. We'll just have to see if they are as good as last time though." As Beth returned from her morning workout she greeted everyone. He gave her a wink when she greeted him. Shortly after she inquired if he wanted a mug of coffee. He quickly spoke, "Yes dear, black." Coffee was a must.
"Yep, along with the insomnia that goes with it. I think too much." She answered to her sister's question. She kept holding her head as she sat down. "Mom... Do you know if we still have those magic things called painkillers?" She asked. She blinked at what she said. Why did I said it like that. Aah whatever. She thought. She was thinking that her better eyesight might be a cause to her headaches, as she had them often.
Beth poured a cup of coffee for her husband, keeping it black while she filled hers with peppermint creamer. She walked over and placed the cup in front of her husband, letting out a small laugh. "Oh her pancakes are always good Frank. They're probably going to be even better than last time." She grinned,, walking to the other end of the table. She sat down, reaching over and grabbing a few pancakes, as well as a load of bacon. They Grey family all looked like genetically perfect human, people always mistaking them for models. However, they ate like pigs. Beth picked up a piece of bacon and started chewing it when her eldest daughter spoke. "We should really get that checked out Lily." She clucked her tongue, scooting out her chair. Then she walked out of the kitchen and into the bathroom, pulling out Advil from the medical cabinet. She walked back into the kitchen, tossing the pill bottle towards Lilly. "Catch." Beth said in a monotone voice, not looking at the bottle sailing across the room as she walked back over and sat down. When she sat down she sighed, looking at everyone. "Honestly, if someone entered his house, they would think we were a normal family. Which makes me proud. And then we would proceed to kick their butts for entering without permission." She chuckled slightly under her breath at her own little joke before shoving more bacon into her mouth, washing it down with hot minty coffee.
Braxton laughed softly at his mom's comment. "Well we are normal...only we wash monster guts and blood out of our hair in the shower instead of sweat and dirt like everyone else." He said, smiling softly. But he always though 'normal' was overrated...why be like everyone else when you could be...this?

(sorry my post is so short!)
Michael greeted his mother with a smile and sat down at the table last. He made his own plate of about twelve pieces of bacon and five pancakes. After taking a few bites of then combined, he took a deep breath and said, "Lex. These are great. Really." He paused and continued, "Not as beyond perfect as mom's but they are really getting there, sis." He saw Lily grab her head. "Maybe you're an insomniac because you're always listening to your music. Sometimes your brain doesn't stop working quickly so you won't get sleep. But hey. What am I saying?" He laughed and took some more bites of the glorious food.
Lily caught it, of course. "And what do you expect me to say to the doctor? 'Hi, I have a better eyesight than normal and I think that it causes me to have frequent headaches?' I can't really say that. That's the best way to be spotted." She said with a slight roll of her eyes. She took two Advil with some water. She then ate some food, but she never was the one who ate that much in the family. She looked at her older brother. "I don't always listen to my music, that's not true. I mostly take care of Death all day." Yes, she nicknamed her sniper gun Death, how original. She stared at her wrists after she had finished talking.

Yes, she did had an odd fear. She was scared of having her wrists tied up. This is a reason of why she doesn't wears any chains or bracelets on them. For her, it was like she was handcuffed, and she hated it.

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