The God inside [Inactive]

Vanessa took his offer. But dhe was worried about what Helena...Hera would say. "Sure lets go somewhere."
"So, who all have you met so far?" Zane asked curiously as he walked with his hands in his pockets

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Rich gave Zane a goodbye smile and nod. He watched as the human version of Zeus bumped into the same girl who bumped into Rich earlier. She fell over the same way as well. Rich felt a pang of guilt for bowling her over.

Zane handled the situation in the exact opposite way Rich did. Zeus showed some grace and courtesy, instead of just running off. His eyes followed the two as they hit it off and walked away side by side. Rich glanced at the two girls who sat beside him.

Helena had an air of authority and control about her. Her brunette hair woven tightly into a bun. Light flickered off her glasses as she sipped at her tea. Rich could tell she was intelligent, so far she had been the biggest help in Rich's investigation into Poseidon.

Kayleigh was different, she had a sense of sarcastic humor that was probably lost on a lot of the people around her. She seemed confident, unafraid and strong. Her hair was brunette like Helena's but that was the only similarity the girls hair shared, Kay's flowed freely over her shoulders.

Rich caught himself. He always did this, analyzed the people around him, placing them into categories and defining variables so that he can predict the future. In truth it never worked, the future was cruel as always one turn ahead of the boy.

"Well I'm finished eating" Rich said a little too loudly. "What do you guys wanna do?"
"I was thinking to take a stroll in the gardens, possibly see if they have any animals around" She answered, not sure if spending too much time with kayleigh would be safe for her. Out from the legends, she had after all tried to put Hera up against some of the other goddesses before. And anyone knew that was not a very clever idea.

"Or maybe return to the library, see if there's a cosy little corner with soft chairs and the ability to write and read" To spend time alone wasn't too negative. It just meant that she wouldn't end up hurting someone like she had doen before she was moved to this school. Like she had done to her friends x.
Vanessa agreed with Zane. She was trying to blend in but kept attracting unwanted attention from others. She asked Zane a question. "So.... How do you know you are Zeus?"
"It was for seen by a stranger, when I was just a boy" Zane told her as he held a door open for her leading outside.

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"Oh... Wow ." Vanessa was suprised at the fact that a stranger told him. She walked through the door that held open for her.
"Ah... I pretty much already knew that I was Venus.." She answered Zane she put her hand on her head.
"I want a story" Zane said in a joyful tone as he sat down at a nearby bench

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"I was born already knowing I was Venus. I never cried, or screamed.. I was always alone....." Vanessa said with a small voice.
She sat down and spoke lightly. "I seemed to attract all sorts of attention. I hide myself from most people." She answered slowly.
"Heh. True but I seemed to attract even older men..even women so I tried to just cover up and never show off. Me and Venus are the same...we are one.." She said and brushed her hair away from her face while she slowly chewed a small pen.
Jocelyn walked into the cafeteria and saw a group sitting at one of the tables, she walks over and sits down beside one girl (tantan) "Hey!"
"Interesting, what say we find something entertaining to do" Zane requested

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