The God inside [Inactive]

Ignoring common sense, she took one of the fries from Rich's plate, biting into it. It was really yummy! This school was properly trying to spoil them all. Why though? Was it because they supposedly were gods? And Gods should only have the best of the best? If so, she wouldn't say no to staying there at the school.

"Great, now part of the sibling group is gathered. Now, where's my sisters and Hades?" She asked, with a joking tone, sneaking off with another one of the fries from Rich. It was his fault for placing food right next to her like that, when she had only picked up a cup of tea.
Rich glanced at Helena as he finished chewing a mouthful of chicken flavoured noodle gold. "What are the names of our Gods other siblings besides this Hades guy?"

"Maybe they don't know to meet us here" Rich said to Zane, after he spoke he shoved another mouthful of food into his mouth.

When Helena stole a second from Rich's plate, he tried to smack her hand with his chopsticks but he completely missed. A noodle that was stuck to one of the sticks flew, was send flying with an accidental flick of Rich's wrist. Rich watched the little strand of chow mein fly across the table in slow motion, flailing in the air the yellow noodle hit Zane In the iris. With a snort, Rich started to choke on a mix of fries, noodles and laughter.

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She pulled her hand quicky away when Rich tried to hit her hand with the chopstick, and started laughing when it flew right onto Zane. "Oh dear.... Oh dear..." She couldn't say anything else as she was laughing, already loving the school.

"Well, we're missing Demeter and Hestia which are out sisters, and Hades" she spoke as she tried to hide the laughter. This would be a funny year.
Vanessa came back from the restroom and tripped over virually nothing hutting her face on the ground she was surprised and also in pain but got up and held her nose. "Why do I get the bad luck..... And I am not even Nemesis...." She asked outloud but to no one.
Dawid walked back to the campus, raising his hand to cover his eyes a bit from the sunlight. Looking a bit in the sun, he smiled faintly. Now he have also found a reason why he likes the sun so much. For a while his smile fainted and he squinted his wide eyes, lowering his hand. He didn't feel any harm when watching the sun, when he came to think about it. Opening fully his eyes, he stared into the sun and smiled.

For a while he was just literally stunned by his discovery but soon he headed back to the building where library is. He walked in the corridors, a small note and pen in his pocket. Though, his rather peaceful walk was distracted by the woman who hastily got out from the restroom, tripping in front of him. The sudden incident made Dawid shriek overwhelmedly but quietly, which sounded like a foreign word.

Watching dumbly the woman stumbling up, he made a note that she hasn't recognized him, as she got up back towards his face. "Are you okay?", was the first words what came out from his mouth as he took a few steps closer to a girl.
Rich collected himself from his uncontrollable laughter. He swallowed down the cork of food that choked him.

"I'm really sorry man" Rich apologized to Zane with a chuckle. "What are they Gods of?" He asked Helena, trying not to get lost in laughter again.

Rich attacked the remain noodles on his plate. They pleaded for mercy, but such is a noodles life. Rich finished off his plate in ecstasy.
Kayleigh walked into the cafeteria, after getting lost 3 times, and saw Rich and Helena with another girl and guy.

She grabbed some pizza and a coke and walked over to sit on the table. "Hey. I'm Kayleigh. Apparently I'm Eris, since there's nothing else special about me." She introduced herself, albeit a little awkwardly.

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Rich waved to Kay as she joined them in the cafeteria. "Hey Kay, how's it going?"

The boy eyed the pizza on her plate and stood up to get some himself. I wonder who the Greek god of food is? Rich wondered. When he reached the table full of food he scanned it for the pizza pie. He honed in on the warm cheesy goodness and grabbed four slices, a veggie, some meat thing, Hawaiian, and of course a pepperoni. He sat back down beside Helena.

"Hey who is the god of food?" Rich asked absentmindedly looking around the table for any answers.
Kay shrugged. "I wish I knew. I swear, I'd pray to that person for the rest of my life." She told Rich, biting into her yummy pizza full of cheezy goodness.

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"Hello, I'm Zane, Zeus" he said extending his hand to shake Kayleigh's.

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Kay shook Zane's hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Eris, as you may have heard. Well, at least I think I am." She laughed.

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She glanced over at Kayleigh. "Do not bring one of your apples near me. There was quite the drama last time@
"I really don't know. I guess ever since I came in here, I realized the only special thing about me was to start arguments." Kay shrugged, answering Zane.

She looked at Helena and winked. "The apples are on their way."

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"So tell me more about yourselves, the both of you." Zane told them as he sat drinking from his cup, more curious about them with each word.

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Well, I was a regular kid up until I got a call from this school. Yknow, the usual video games, pranks, skateboarding. What about you?" Kayleigh asked Zane.

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"I would have never considered myself normal I suppose, I enjoy sports, honing my power, anything that pushes me further" Zane responded with a smile.

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"I was 12" Zane said as he brushed his hair back out of his eyes with his hand.

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"I suppose. I feel it was destiny" he said as he looked into her eyes knowingly.

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