The God inside [Inactive]

"Hmm? What's the matter Dawid?" Helena leaned over to the guy, wondering what could cause such a frown. Had he just read about a murder he supposedly commited? Or about his children if he had many of those?

She glanced at where he held, and saw the word male lovers. Ah, so it was that. She would luckily not have a list of lovers.
Zane glanced over to Helena on the occasion noticing her looking earlier, wary of her intentions.

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Being new to the town Vanessa decided to ask the group for directions. "Umm excuse me.. Do you all know the way around the library?" She asked with a sweet voice.
Jonathan turned another page, finding the topic rather hilarious. So no scyth, no reaper sand clock, but a pair of wings? He almost laugh out loud. imagining himself with the wings. Just one idea of who he really was had planted numerous absurd others to his mind. His concentration was broken as he heard multiple new voices entering the library. He frowned in annoyance. It was supposed to be a place of silence, but now it had turned into a Ball Room. More kids had spread around the library searching for books, and Jonathan knew it was only the matter of time until his iwn peaceful isolation is invaded. With a sigh, Jonathan stood and retreated back to another more secluded area.
"I'm not understanding anything. Does anybody know anything about Eris? All I can see is that she was the goddess who started fights." Taylor mumbled. "Bullcrap, that ability is."

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Dawid chewed his lower lip a bit as he noticed that Helena noticed his problem. "Yyeah.. Not that there would be anything wrong about bi or gays but I've always felt.. You know.. Straight", he whispered with a sheepish tone. He felt really uncomfortable about the though that the book knew more about him than he himself but hid it behind a small sorry smile, deciding to take the bull by the horns and starting to read from the beginning, about his first birth.

Dawid listened while reading the young lady who seemed to be pissed off about her goddess. He wasn't sure what he should have answered to the goddess of fights: who knows if she could start a fight about nobody answering to her. But he remained quiet as it is supposed to be quiet in library.
Vanessa had finished her question and the people directed her around. She was confused but always normal. She talked to herself and Venus's voice came out. "Ah Vanessa I think another one of us Olympians is around.."
"These so called gods are only a part of us. They sre not all of us" she told the guy with a hushed voice, looking around. Was no one getting hungry yet?

Soeaking a little louder, she wondered if anyone was hungry. "Anyone else want to go to the cafeteria and grab a bite?"

If they did so, then people could speak louder at least and she could ask who the guy by the computers was.
"Nice to meet you David." He said, and Wade heard about getting something to eat, and quickly responded to her. "Yeah, haven't eating nothing in lord knows how long." He said, and scratched his back next.
Rich put his head down looking at the old leather bound book. Dust and tears lined the page edges, giving the book the credibility of age. His eyes started to scan over the ancient link scrawled over the pages.

Poseidon, is one of the chief deities of bronze age Greece. Named God of the sea, earthquakes, storms and horses. Brother of Zeus and Hades. Poseidon is commonly depicted as a tall strong man with a bronze crown and a long beard. Venerated as the protector of the Greek city states of Thebes, Pylos, Athens, and Corinth; second to only Athena for cities protected.

Rich couldn't stop reading, about this God who was inside him. Half-expecting to find proof that it is all a hoax and the other half of himself hoping to find proof that everything was real. He read as much as he could until his eyes were teary and bloodshot.

Another piece of Rich's puzzle slid into place.

Rich lifted his head and closed the book, coming back up for air. He had completely forgotten he was in the library. Rich watched absentmindedly as many of the other students left the library. God of the sea, earthquakes, storms and horses. The title picked up the side of the boys mouth in a smile.

Rich put the old leather book in a special spot, on the library shelves so he could find it again. Lost in thought and in his imagination he followed some of the people leaving, not really aware of where they were going. In his mind he imagined himself with a huge beard holding a heavy trident, swimming in a stormy sea, crashing waves together and controlling all of the earths oceans.
After gathering the information he sought, Zane left the library and walked down the halls.

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Vanessa had bumped into Rich she feel backwards on her butt. "Oh I am so soo soo soo Sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Vanessa said with a almost crying personality.
She smiled apologizingly to the ones she had been with, before she set off, quickly reaching the guy she had been curious about. There was some sort of familiar feel around him, just like around Richie. Maybe it was Ares? Hmm...

When she fell into steps beside him, she gave him a gentle smile. "Excuse me, but are you heading towards the cafeteria? There's a group of us going there, and if you want to, you can sit with us"
Zane looked back to the girl with reservations about her question. "Sure. I suppose it wouldn't hurt"

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She stopped up for a moment, and extended her hand to him. "I'm Helena Jacobsen, and you are?"
(Man.... Tottally ignored.... Wow.)

Vanessa walked passed him after he didn't answer. She walked untile she saw two people, to her she seemed to be drawn to them and they looked like they were introduceing themselves, a man and a Female. She decided, well actually Venus did, to walk over to them. Venus decided to let Vanessa use her voice. "Um excuse me...... But I am new to this town....and I have no...sense of direction.. Can you help me?" She asled in Venus's voice not realizing it. Talking like that usually automaticly commanded attention from anothet person.
Rich was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the walking in front of him until he knocked her over. The boy was violently pulled out of his imagination from the impact of the collision. Embarrassed and feeling like a fool Rich, said a quick apology and continued following the group.

Rich continued to mull over the information he learned about himself. God of earthquakes, one could say that is was in Rich's nature to knock things over. Earthquakes hurt more than they help, also true, Rich didn't know how he felt about being a god of natural destruction. Images from the Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters flooded his mind; was I ever responsible for the disasters of the past? Rich made a mental note to look at the known disasters of the ancient world.

His mind felt illuminated but also compressed. He had learned so much today, the information weight heavily on his thoughts and memory, he needed a way to decompress. Rich felt bad for knocking the girl over. He looked back and saw her talking to Helena and anther boy.

Rich looked forward as he walked, making sure not to cause or create any chaos.
"Nice to meet you Zane, do you have any idea what god you could be?" She was truly curious about this man, and then another voice spoke to them. Turning to the female who had spoken, she was a little confused. "Uhm, I think we are all new to this school, seeing how we all started today. But where is it you wish to go?" She waved to rich as he walked past, he seemed a little worried, and she did want to help him, but she doubted she could.
Dawid calmed a bit down as Helena soothed him about the fact that they were only a bit like their gods. Yes, thst is true, he stated to himself also and said goodbye to others quietly. He wasn't so hungry yet and once he get his motivation to read about Apollo, he didn't want to lose it.

Dawid was starting to get Helena's point about Artemis when he read about Apollo's birth. He find it better to get some notes from the book and he left the old book on the armrest and walked outside, heading to the building where he shared a room with Bellona.
"I know who I am, it wasn't hard figuring out. The real question is, who are you?" Zane told her as he walked beside her down the halls to the cafeteria.

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Vanessa Responded in to Helena slowly. "Uh.. Actually I am just plain lost." Vanessa said with a nervious smile. She was actually really confused where she was supposed to go. She has a terrible sense of direction.
She gave an exagerated sigh, and looked at the girl. "If you want me to help you find the way, i need to know your wished destination. If yiu want to go to the cafeteria with us, you can do so" turning back to the boy, still walking in his pace, she simply said the word hera.
Vanessa heard her say Hera, And Venus Squirmed inside of her she reached out and grabbed her arm and spoke. "Hera......Its me...Venus... Even if your greek...its me." Venus's voice came through Vanessa's mouth. Her eyes sparkled.

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