The God inside [Inactive]

Helena turned her head to the side and looked at the guy. He smelled of water. "Well, the first three shelves to the left are about the big 12, and the 5 next ones after that are about minor gods in greek mythology." She answered. she had already gone through it enough to figure out. "Just let me know which god you're interested in reading about, and I'll help" she offered with a smile, getting a familiar feel of him. Could he be one of the brothers of Hera possibly?
Rich smiled, the girl seemed polite and not angry at him for the interruption.

"Some people tell me that I am probably, Poseidon." He was happy that he found someone knowledgeable.

"I don't know much about this stuff and wanted to learn some of the basics, I guess." He looked back at the pillars of books and pages. "I tried find something, but I didn't get far."

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"Ah, so my brother then" Would make sense by the fact that he was smelling like water. "Well, this book here is quite good, I've figured out quite a bit about Hera and Zeus from it." She smiled holding the book out for him. Eventually everyone would probaly think of her as the librarian girl.
"Thank you" Rich said as he picked up the book. He looked at the Hera girl, she said he was her brother. Rich stood puzzled for a moment and then realized he didn't know her real name.

He slid the book under his arm and held out his hand. "My name's Richard" He said looking the girl in the eyes. Like most people he'd met so far she was beautiful. This girl had an air of authority about her that made Rich naturally view her with high regard, besides her superior knowledge. "Most people just call me Rich."

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She took his hand with her own, quite much smaller hand, and gave him a fair shake. "Helena Jacobsen" She replied with a gentle tone, and looked to another free seat by the table she sat by.

"you're free to sit here and read, it's just Dawid and me sitting here now, he's out there taking a smoke btw," she pointed in direction of the balcony that Dawid was out at, " and Johnathan here somewhere that we believe is Thanatos"
For his unfortunate the man was already gone, and he continued to smoke his cigarette, starting to concentrate on his thoughs again even they were rather anxious about the future. He really had no idea how he would represent this to his friends and family. Could he hide it? Lie something and just pass on with life as a god? All he knew that they would think he is even madder than his own mother. This made Dawid bit his thumbnail a bit.

However, he pushed his thoughts away as he finished his cigarette and walked inside with the butt of his cigarette. He hated to see all the butts on the ground himselfs, so he decided to find a bin for his one always. He walked back to the side of the library where Helena was talking to someone, Dawid guessing the man he tried to greet at. "Oh, hello again. I greeted you when you were out but you didn't seem to notice", he said to the man as he threw end of his cigarette in the trash, walking back to offer hand to him. "I'm Dawid, or Apollo if you prefer gods name", he introduced himself with a small casual shrug and smile.
"Sorry Dawid, I didn't think to look up" Rich chuckled "Nice you meet you both" Rich said glancing at both Dawid and Helena.

Rich held out his hand to Dawid, after he finished the formality with Helena.

"Like I said to Helena, some people suspect I'm Poseidon." Rich gave a little shrug. "This God stuff is a little crazy isn't it. Who would have thought."

Rich liked the people here. It was different than the other schools he's been to.

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She smiled to the two, wondering how the future would be here. Maybe Rich had seen the so called god called Zeus?

It was not like she was looking forward to meeting him after seeing what he did to her in the legends. But maybe he changed throughout the many reincarnations they had? Maybe he had turned sweeter, less of a womanizer?

"So, brother, seen our youngest one? Zeus who claim to be almighty?"
Rich looked back to Helena, though he kept his hand out for Dawid. "Uh, no Zeus." Rich felt his ignorance showing in his sleeve yet again.

"Sorry" he said with a turn of his head.

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"Yeah, you said it", he said with a small laughter as he shook his hand, even he was startled of the whole thing still. "Poseidon, eh? I feel outsider around here", he said with a small smirk. "They have been classified me to be a Roman god. Roman, Greek.. Whatever to me", he said with a small shrug and walked to some shelf to find a book about Apollo. He knew he was pretty famous god in both mythologies, so there must be some tome about him.
She shrugged, glad she had pulled her hair up in a bun again. "I haven't seen him yet. He's probaly going to be some damn proud bastard just like his god" she replied, and before they could say something, she smiled. "I was apperantly married to his God, I'm allowed to be mean"
Rich gave Dawid a nod as he left to solve his own mysteries. Greek and Roman it all seemed the same to Rich. He raised his eyebrows in surprise after Helena's words about this Zeus character.

The thought of marriage in the past made Rich realize that they all must have had lives before this one. They all lived a life before, it blew his mind, lives with death, children, fame, sorrow, love.

Most of what Rich imagined about those previous lives was better than the one he had lived so far.

Rich sat down across from Helena and opened the book, scanning for his apparent old name.

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After a bit in the gym by himself, Wade decided now maybe a good time to see where were the other students might of been. 'Maybe if I'm lucky I can finally fix this anti social problem I've been having.' He thought to himself as he walked down the hallways. For a moment he thought the cafeteria would be an excellent place to go, but thought it would of been hell of busy, and decided to jump straight for the library instead.

'Yeah that will do.' He thought to himself, and slowly went inside the said room.
Kayleigh decided to do some research in Eris, since she knew almost nothing about her.

She walked into the library and saw Rich there with two other people. One was the girl who had told her about the places here and the other was a boy she was not familiar with.

"Hello, again." She smiled.

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Then the reincarnation of Vulcan spotted three, or now four people in this little group. Like so he started to walk over to them with giving a slight nod, "Heyo there." He said with a light click coming out from his left foot.
It didn't take long from him to find the tome about Apollo and he sat back to the chair, crossing his legs and opening the book. He hoped it was just a brief sum of Apollo: he have never been so eager about reading long stories about someone. But if this whole book was fact now.. I probably should read it like a study book, he thought with a small sigh as he browsed the book to find its table of contents.

Soon he raised his look from the table of contents and he saw a man greeting them. "Hi", he greeted the newcomer, lowering his book as he heard a small click. He thought it would have been rude to ask about it, as he was pretty sure that the click came from his left feet. "So who are you?", he asked from the boy.
"Hello" she smiled at those who had just arrived, and wondered where else it was she would be supposed to find privacy. Library was clearly not that place anymore.

"Go ahead and sit down here if you want" she told the newcomers, looking at the table.
Kay sat down on one of the chairs and grabbed a book about Greek Goddesses. "This is crazy. I feel like I'm going crazy." She stated.

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Zane stepped into the library and sat alone at a computer looking up information. His eyes looked up every once and awhile to observe his surroundings.

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Helena glanced over at the boy who just arrived, who sat down by the computers. "Anyone know who he is?" She asked, pointin over at him.
Vanessa had entered a library. She wondered around for no reason untile she spotted a group of people. She felt like she knew them but kept her distance because she didn't know what to do. Being herself she picked up a random book. It was a fashion magazine and she immediately cursed herself for it. "Stupid I hate this." She said in a small voice bur with enough power to cause people to look her way.
Then the man sat down with a soft sigh coming from him. Then he responded, "It's Wade." He said to them while rubbing the side of his shoulders.
Dawid nodded a bit. "Nice to meet you, I'm Dawid", he introduced himself quietly as there were several people reading. He lowered his sight back to his book as the library wasn't the best place to discuss with newcomers.

He slowly started to browse the table of contents with his finger. Birth, youth, lovers... His finger stopped under the words "Male lovers". He couldn't help but frown deeply in confusion. He have had always considered himself as a dyed-in-the-wool straight.

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