The God inside [Inactive]

Jonathan wandered around the place, sighing to himself. There goes his big plan of adventures and sorts. He had thought the god and goddesses would be more interesting. But nope, they are just like typical teenagers except the fact that their life force wouldn't suffocate him as mortals' did. It's time for his back-up plan: music + reading. Jonanthan found his way across campus, seeing not many people, getting lost and passing that annoying group next to the pool once or twice. He finally resorted to go the ultimately humiliating action of asking for direction. He saw Hera and walked over to her. See how his brain worked? He couldn't even remember the girl's name, just the goddess inside of her. "Excuse me, where is the libabry?" and he thought to himself: "That is if you know where is it. Or does this place not even have a library?"
She slid fingers into her hair, loosing it up from the bun it had been held up in. Thinking she was alone, she wanted to let her hair hang lose, to not have strands of hair pulling and dragging on her skull. Had she knew there was someone else in their, she wouldn't have let her own image fall like that, but by the time she noticed a brown eyed boy looking at her, she already had the brown hair down over her hair.

The door had just been opened to the library when Johnathan approached her, asking where the library was. She held her hand up, with her palm up. "look. It is the library." She answered, not waiting for him as she walked in, picking up the book she had been reading earlier from the table by the door and sat down by the boy who had looked at her.

"Hello" She greeted him with, not even bothering with waiting for him to speak first. She prefered being in controll, another sign that Hera could be her goddess. The queen wasn't one to rule over exactly.
Jonathan kicked himself. That was not humiliating. That was off the scale. Being around some more tolerable people for a few hours and he had already lost his wits. He entered the library after Helena, whose name he suddenly remembered, and walked down an aisle, leaving the other two alone.
"Good day", he greeted back with a small smile, eyeing her a bit. Several questions flooded in his head once again. Should he ask her goddess or name? What goddess she could be? What is her name? He decided to go with his regular style, as they still were just regular teens basically. "I'm Dawid. With double w", he said with a small laughter and a quick shrug. "Not that it would matter", he added, meaning his w in his name. "What's your name? And your goddess, if you have made it out already and want to tell it", he continued with a kind but curious smile.

Soon he saw a man storming in. He didn't have time to greet him as he already was gone. "Well he didn't seem very cheerful...", he subconsciously slipped out and then turned his look back to the woman he merely know.
"Helena, Hera" She answered, not sitting casual on the chair like so many other teens would do. And if she truly was Hera, she would have to stay like a queen should. being a fool and flirting couldn't be what she would do. Especially not if she expected Zeus, whenever he arrived, to be less of a flirt than what he was in the myths.

"Figured out what God you're yet" Helena asked back, glancing after Johnathan. "He's most likely one of the Gods to do with Death. Though, I don't think he's Hades, maybe Thanathos?"

He wasn't as bad as he could seem at first glance. He just needed to be warmed up to.
Dawid tilted his head a bit, rubbing his thumbs a bit together. "I'm pretty sure he's Thanathos... I have read a lot about mythology but it's been a few years since I've thought about them so I'm on a bit of rust", he said with a hem. "No, I haven't. I'm actually thinking it right now", he answered to her question, rubbing his well shaved chin a bit, small pout on his face. "I might be Apollo. So you basically are my.. Step mother?", he stated with a small frown. It felt really absurd: he could see Helena wasn't even an adult yet.
"As a goddess, I would be the step-mother to too many children" she answered, brushing her hair back out of her face with her fingers. "After all, my husband there tends to not be very good at keeping his pants of" Smiling slightly. It would sound absurd to anyone outside of the school if someone had claimed she was the step-mother of anyone at the school. She wasn't even old enough to have graduated.
Helena's throw made him laugh for a short while. "Oh yes, true", he said with grin. "Oh dear, I must have children too!", he noted with a pout and frowned again. "I also remember faintly that he would have had a twin sister..", he muttered, flicking his fingers a bit as he thought for a while. "Artemis! Yeah, Artemis it was."
"Without her you wouldn't have been born" she said casually, as if they spoke about what chocolate was best. Then again, Hera was a too jealous b*tch for Helena to not shrug off it. She was a fair bit of jealous and vindictive herself, not hesitating with letting it be known when she disagreed with something.

"So, who else have you met here then?"
Dawid was not exactly sure what she meant by that, but neither he was sure would he like to even know. "Nobody particularly. I've had a bit hard time to swallow the fact, as you might understand", he explained and snorted a bit. "I have been an atheist my whole life and suddenly you get to know you're a God, how ironic is that", he said with a raise of his brows.
"At least your best friend isn't a chatolic. She'll throw me out of her life when she finds out" she had a bit of a distant look in her eyes, as if she was trying to remember the past. Not her human past, but a past she could not quite put her fingers on.

"Did you ever feel like there was things you loved, that made no sense to love?"
Dawid was feeling a bit bad for her. His own friends have never been so religious but they would probably shoo him to a madhouse, not to mention about his family. Dawid felt the usual physical and mental pressure approaching his head as he started to stress about outsiders' reactions of his god-likeness.

Not showing a hint of nervousness on his face, he casually replied: "Yes, actually. I've always been more sceptic about the history and the news than others. So I sort of love truth, I guess. I also love poetry and music even I don't consider myself so creative. But who knows.. Maybe I am after all". He acknowledged how dominant Hera can be; he felt like it was better to just answer to her questions than ask anything from her. "What kind of passions you have then?", he however was enough brave to ask.
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"Apollo must be yours. No one can possibly be quite as in love with music as him" She said, flipping through the pages of the book she had picked up, and found a page where the story of Apollo's birth was written.

"It is incredible really, how what these gods we're supposedly the same as, have affected us as much as they have. How someone could seek truth because of that,where others would seek just what pleased them to hear" Leaning back in the chair again, she started pulling her hair back up to tie it in a bun. "Rain, lightning, peacocks despite never having seen one"
"Yeah. Majority of normal people keep the mythology as like... a soap opera for Greece people back then but now it's all true.. I find if pretty terrifying if you ask me", he said with a small bite of lip. "You haven't seen peacocks? Where are you from?", he kept asking, sounding again a bit curious. Soon his expression turned into a bit uneasy. "Sorry if I seem to be nosy. I saw a lot of peacocks when I was young.. Or at least my father tells me so."
"I've seen them on tv, I've just never seen them in real" she replied, wondering if she soon could get to see one. That she had an extreme obsession with them wasn't so weird anymore, not seeing how Hera supposedly was the reason why they looked like they did. "Oh,I come from England actually. Yourself?"
From the pools edge, Rich watched the dark brooding boy walk back and forth a few times. He looked lost, but Rich understood the inclination to not ask for directions from strangers.

Rich got out of the pool, and said goodbye to Kat and Jocelyn. He dried himself off with a towel that was hanging on a rack beside the pool. When he was dry Rich put on his shoes and clothes.

The etching of Poseidon, at the bottom of the bottom the pool, peaked Rich's curiosity. The boy was finally learning about himself and the confirmation that he was on the right path, made him not want to stop. Rich couldn't wait for his one on one session with Mark, so he decided to find some answers on his own.

Not really knowing where to go next, Rich exited the gym. He walked down the halls of the main building, his eyes scanning for the place that held the next secret about himself. Rich noticed a large school map, that sat in a glass case on the wall outside of the auditorium.

Colour coded rooms, signs, labels and numbers all covered the top down representation of the building. Rich looked over it with curiosity. The word library caught the boys eye, he traced a thin line from the label to a blue box symbolizing the room on the map.

Rich was going to follow the assumption that where there are books, there are answers. He found a red dot on the map stating "you are here", and memorized the way to his destination. Rich walked on more determined that before.
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Jocelyn shrugged and walked back to the dorms wrapped in the robe, she wasn't scared of what people would think of her, she never cared. She was confident. She reached the dorm and went up to her room to unpack, she hung the wet clothes up and took out her book

"Diary entry 5: So the school, is apparently for gods and goddess'... I wonder if Aphrodite is really me, like I've said before, everyone says I resemble her, act like her, talk like her...but in a modern way...hehe!

So there's this boy Rich, he thinks he's Poseidon...I think so too. And this girl Kayleigh, she's Eris... I haven't met many other people who know about their gods yet. But Rich...I have to admit... he's cute... But I don't think he thinks the same about me, I mean, most people wouldn't like Aphrodite for her...She's a 'player' I don't like using the 's' word...especially about myself :P So... I guess that's it for today! xoxo!"

She set her book down and got into a pair of shorts and a tank top. She blow dries her wet hair and goes to sit downstairs in front of one of the flat screen TV's
"I was born in Poland but I moved to Scotland when I was young. Then I moved to London for a while to study archaeology and now I'm here", he said with hem, glancing a bit towards a small balcony as he dug a lighter and a cigarette pack from his jeans' pocket. "I hope you don't mind. I am in a deep need of a smoke right now", he said with a small sorry smile before getting up and entering the balcony. He wasn't so sure what rules there was about smoking, but he was quite sure there isn't any problem as long he doesn't smoke inside nor serve one for underaged.

Lighting his long cigarette and taking a inhale from it, he leaned on the balcony trail and saw a man walking briskly towards the door. "Hello there!", he greeted from the balcony, waiting for a man's response. The man seemed pretty adult to his eyes. Maybe there wasn't so many teens around here than he thought.
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"Feel free to smoke, just don't blow iy into my face" she answered and pulled the book onto her own lap, finding the page about Zeus again.

She wondered if he would arrive, and if she would start to feel more at home then. Like if she met him, she would find out where it was she was supposed to be. For now it was just like if she was wandering through everything with no certain spot to stop.

"Seen someone?" She asked, hoping it was loud enough for the boy to hear.
"Sorry?", he asked as he just heard her saying something. He didn't have the best hearing as he has been in a many small but loud gigs in his life. He walked a bit in to see her face as he can read from peoples lips a bit to get her message right now.
She turned her head a little bit to look at him. "Did you see something?" She ssked, still with the book on hwr lap.
"Yeah, some guy... Probably a student. Sorry, I don't have so good hearing. I play guitar and bass in some small groups", he answered and walked back to the balcony, glancing down in case the man was still there.
Jonathan was lost in his thought again. It didn't take him long to find plenty of books about the god he wanted to read about. Thanatos, Death, a primordial force, bound by the boundary of Tartarus and the Underworld, cold and emotionless. It wasn't far from the truth, he thought. He felt more comfortable around the dead than the living, and he was certainly distance and cold, though he had always thought was the result of the lonely childhood. Apparently, the death of his mother was the price of him walking the mortal world.

He could dimly heard the conversation across the library between the other two. Jon leaned his head back upon the shelves and close his eyes. Feeling alive? No. Among the mortal pantheon, he felt dead. He felt cold. And it made him smile.
"Alright" She didn't want to move to see what it was that was so interesting out there, and instead focused on trying to fix the bun of her hair so that it wouldn't pull some places. She really did hate how some strands of hair would find a way to pull and make it unbearable. Yet she repeated the same every day, making one or another style with her hair. It wasn't that she didn't want to do it either, it was just how she felt comfortable around others. With her hair up that is.

"I wonder if everyone else are greek or roman?" She said to herself, returning to the book.
Rich walked into the library. He thought he heard someone call out. Rich stopped inside the doors and looked around not seeing anyone who looked like they greeted him.

His eyes wandered through the big room. Tall dusty bookshelves stood in rows all along the back wall, some of them touched the roof. It looked like someone would need a ladder to reach the books at the top.

Rich had no idea where to start. He wandered around for a while. He looked that the spines of the books standing at attention in the shelves. Some were in other languages and others didn't even have titles on them. Compared to to textbooks at his old school many of these books looked ancient.

Looking through the books didn't help the boy find his stars either. Rich realized he needed direction, and picked up his gaze to find people.

He saw a younger girl fixing her bun and approached. "Hey" he said in a whisper, he didn't want to cause trouble. "Do you know where I can find a book on Greek gods?"

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