The God inside [Inactive]

Wade walked out of the library after it appeared everyone was moving out. He started to go where Helena, Vanessa, and Zane were talking. He was about to say something when he heard the name 'Venus'. "Hm...Why does that name sound familiar...." He said looking down, and then scratching his leg that made the click sound.
Vanessa looked to Wade and then looked down. "Ah..... I am sorry I should go... I just need directions to the restroom." She asked and shifted back and forth. With big nervous smile she started to pace back and forth too.
She pulled away from the newest girl, not enjoying how she had gripped her hands. Personal area was clearly not something she was familiar with. "Restrooms are right down this hallway" She pointed in the direction where she could see Wade. "And one advice, do not touch me again."

Looking back at Zane, she raised a brow. "Now, you know what Goddess I am, who are you?"
Vanessa's mind was confused. She thought to herself 'She really is Hera....dang I was not expecting that.' She stood as she heard Zeus's name. Venus, and her Greek form Aphrodite was the Eldest of the Gods The last Children of Uranus. She thought she would at least get respect but she guessed not. Zeus the youngest of the big three was more powerful. She wanted to slao him but then she wanted to be in hus favor. She tightened her grip on her shirt. And turned away.
She sent the roman goddess' a last look, not without disgust. Those sorts of goddesses had never beem her favorite, running between men.

"I suppose we will have to get along then" she said to the taller man beside her, glad she wore high heeled shoes.
"I guess you should all tell me who you are?" Zane asked these strangers to him at the table

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Vanessa imediately responded. She was already captivated by him and decided speak before running off to the rest room. "I am Vanessa....Venus is ah my other name."

She said with a low blush. Vanessa bowed and smiled, but she knew Romans and Greeks did not mix as much as she hoped them too.
"Pleasure to meet you Vanessa" Zane said with a hand extended to her

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She took his hand and shook it for a moment then lets go quickly. She didn't want Helena/Hera to get mad or not like her anymore then what she already does.
Zane rested on his hand as asked "How did you come to make the discovery of who you are?"

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"Me?..... I just know, I don't remember how or even why." Vanessa answered and then started getting nervious. She then bowed for no reason and ran off towards the restrooms.
Dawid walked across the beige-coloured sidewalk, looking up to a big old building and wondering is there many Roman gods around and would it really matter if he's Roman god. Stepping in and walking to his shared room, he took a small notebook and a pen and then heading back to the library.
After getting a tea, Helena rolled her eyes. "Strange indeed, at least she didn't grab your arms"
She looked over at him. Horrible memory in that guy. "When she heard i'm Hera. Grabbed my arm and spoke of Venus"
With her hands around the cup, she raised a brow at him. "I've met apollo, and poseidon, and Thanathos, and a little bit unsure about everyone else"
"I feel obliged to meet them myself" Zane said as he pushed his hair back.

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"You should. There's many others who I am not sre of who are though"

So this was the guy who was the human reincarnation of Zeus. Fun.
Rich made it to the cafeteria without incident. By the time he walked through the doors, Rich had worked up quite the appetite.

The cafeteria had an entirely different feel than the rest of the building. The lights were bright, the walls had a fresh coat of eggshell white paint uniform and without imperfections. Instead of being furnished with ancient looking tables, desks and chairs; the cafeteria had polished metal tables with brand new plastic seats. Everything looked clean and orderly. Two rows of food lined up buffet style taunted Rich. He could only imagine what they had available.

Rich saw Helena sitting beside another guy, from what Rich could observe he looked rather reserved sitting there.

The smell of hot food prompted Rich to pick up a plate and walk over to the rows of food. He spied a big mound of fresh, golden brown french fries; Rich put a bunch in the middle of his plate. The boy moved on passing a few of the different choices, until he cane upon chow mein. Chow mein was like cocaine to Rich, it was his favorite food in the entire world, a million servings of the stringy noodles wouldn't be enough. Rich grabbed the tongs and constructed a mountain of chow mein on his plate, completely covering the fries.

Chop sticks in hand, Rich walked over and sat beside Helena. Rich couldn't contain his smile, he knew this was going to taste awesome.

Rich took the first bite and rolled his eyes into the back of his head in pleasure. "This is really good!" He said pointing to his plate with his chopsticks.

"I'm Rich, Poseidon" he said with a nod to the other guy at the table. Rich passed his chop sticks to the other hand free his right hand for a handshake. Rich moved his open palm over the table, holding it in front of the other boy.

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