The God inside [Inactive]

Jocelyn swam around a bit and saw Rich ogling Vanessa. She giggled "uhm, rich" she giggled again and watched him setting the net up

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"Yeah?" Rich replied with an absent mind. He had found the hole lined with metal inside the marble floor beside the pool. With the pleasure of success Rich place the pole and it fit perfectly. He grabbed the other pole and walked around the pool. He held the pole high above his head so that the net wouldn't drag in the water and catch the faces of those swimming.
Vanessa laughed. "My name is Vanessa by the way." She said smiling. She didn't think Her Venus charm was always on, and not even the gods could resist it.
Vanessa turned to Zane and looked at him. "Yes?" She asked with her charm voice accidently. She was so mesmerized by her own voice she had to shake her head to stay awake.
"This Evening...uh Nothing I never do anything anymore.." Vanessa answered already haveing a idea of what he would ask.
"Well since you've been the most agreeable person I've met here, I think going to dinner would be a great idea" Zane said smiling

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"Sure! I'd love too!" Vanessa said with a smile. She actually did not expect to be asked a question like that.
"Excellent, I know a great place" Zane told her with an affirmative nod

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Vanessa laughed. "Sure I wouldn't know anyway i'm new to town." Vanessa said while laughing partly.
Vanessa smiled she didn't go out much and had money lots of unnessisary money but she didn't want to be alone with just Zane she felt as if Venus might do something .

"Hey lets invite them too." She said with a smile and shivered from the cold.
"If you'd like, I don't see why not" Zane told her as he hopped out of the pool

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Vanessa looked over to Rich and Jocelyn. "Do you guys want to go have dinner later on? Well if you don't have money let me worry about that" she said with a smile and hoped they say yes.
"No, I do not, I just think you might be underestimating me" Zane said with a grin.

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Vanessa watched them. She was a pro swimmer but rather watched others. "Go for it you all." She smiled.

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