The God inside [Inactive]

"And I think you might be underestimating me." She grinned back. "What do you propose?"

"Come on Vanessa, join us. I'm Kayleigh, by the way." She smiled.

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When Vanessa hit the ball it was almost like a bullet at the speed it was going. "Heads up!"
Joc sat on the edge and watched for a bit. She sighed an watched Rich. She thought about how cute he was for a second then quickly shook her head pushing the thought away sighing.

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"Sure I'd go out and grab some food with you guys." Rich accepted Venessa's invitation but he couldn't tell if Zane was really OK with it.

Rich jumped back into the pool quickly to join the game. He had to dodge Venessa's spike, the ball splashed water in his eyes as it smacked down beside him. The ball bobbed in the water after it rose back up to the surface, he grabbed it with both hands.

"Let's play 2 versus 2, Vanessa and Zane go on the other side" Rich looked at Jocelyn and Kay. "and one of you guys should join my side."
Vanessa smiled "Well I guess a Two on Two is called." She was happy and ready to play well.
Rich waited for everyone to get into position before starting. Once everyone was ready, he gave Kay a nod. Bending his knees and springing off the bottom he jumped up and served the ball over the net. When Rich fell back into the water he moved behind Kay to cover the back position.

"I'll cover back here if you cover the front." He said to Kay. The water seemed to move out of his way as he walked, giving him the ability to move faster than normal.
Every Hit Vanessa got was like a bullet. She would hit the ball but something had to cause that ball to get that fast. She apoligized everytime she hit the ball.
Kay nodded and moved up front. "I'll tell you if I'm gonna mids the shot." She said, her eyes trained on the ball.

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Zane continued to move with fineness with his precise volleys " rather simple game" he stated

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Vanessa smiled. "Losers have to do something embarrassing!" She said and hit the ball back like a bullet again.
Dawid kept staring the girl who just simply wlaked away. He was still a bit overwhelmed, maybe a bit offended: he didn't say it that quietly, did he? His thoughs made him shrug and pout. Maybe she just was too embarrassed to pay attention...., he came to conclude as he wandered back to the library.

(Woah, wth.. RPn didn't give any notifications to this! Sorry!)

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