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Fantasy The Gates Of Hell Have Opened [OOC]

The lore is done. We may now add "hometown" to the CS.
You can create other towns/cities as well. I just listed the main ones.
Ah. I'm, uh, kinda lost actually... I'm used to one-on-one's, so I don't know how this works.
Interesting. Are there other playable races aside from humans and werewolves? If not, I can settle for werewolf.
Alright. Yeah, this sounds interesting. I've only ever tried two other group rps before and the first one went quiet less than a page in and the second one didn't even get started. Neither of them was very well thought out though, so that's probably why.

Anyway, any limits I should be aware of if making a lycan?
Okay. Yeah, you practically read my mind there. I can still work with that, I think. So, I'm just free to make a CS then?
Yeah. Just add in "Hometown" right below "Gender" because I'm too lazy to edit the code.
Anything after a # is a colour. Everything else is explained in the main post. You'll also find links.
I could help you if you have some issues. I suggest you make use of the BB Code Editor and the "Preview" options. I would never have been able to get the most basic of coding (which is the only thing I do) without either.
Oiy. I'm on mobile right now, so it's anything but easy. I may have to wait until I can get my hands on the desktop before I can make it.
I have another question. Are elemental powers allowed or should I just stick with the lycanthropy?
Maybe I could add in alchemy though. Dunno. I'll consider it, but no magic.

I was just about done and I was trying to get the images to show up in the preview, but then I hit something wrong and went back a page and lost all my progress....
Go forward. It sometimes saves.
You may have pressed 'cancel' in which case I'm more than "sorry" because I had to go through that five times, quite literally, and in the same post as well.

Also on other posts but yea.

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