The Game ❤️

Emily smiled as she reached done stairs and saw Taylor talking to her mom. "Taylor, ready to go?" He nodded and kissed my mom hands before placing his hand on the small of her back leading her to the car.

Emily: I guess. But I'm not staying there.
....Dan replied back to Emily's text saying:

awe, why not? do to me what you did to taylor last night ;)

....Dan thought about ditching again, but he didn't really have anyone to ditch with, and he had just ditched the previous day.
Emily smiled and looked out the window "let's go get some food!" Taylor chuckled and nodded, "where?" Emily paused for a second "How about the ice creams parlor, it has the best ice cream and some good subs" she suggested.

Emily: yeah, in your dreams.

She really wanted to see Dan, but she couldn't she hanging out with Taylor. She sighed and walked into the icecream parlor hand him hand with Taylor. Was this cheating?
oh, so you two did get it on last night?? ;) )

....Dan texted back under his desk before raising his hand. The teacher called on him after a few seconds of waiting with his arm extended up. "Um, may I use the bathroom?" The teacher nodded his head, pointing towards the door, and Dan exited so he could text without hiding his phone uncomfortably under his desk.
Emily ignored his text and smiled at Taylor, she was I. No mood to kdeal with him right now. "Yes. May I please have a bacon and cheese sub with mayonnaise and with toasted bread." The waitresses smiled p
....Dan headed towards the men's restroom, slowly walking in the empty halls. Once entering the men's bathroom, he sat on the tile floor, leaning his back up against the white, brick wall. Dan then texted Emily for a second time:

so, where are we hanging out?

....The text sent with the touch, but Dan regretted it a little after. Two texts in a row is desperate, Dan thought. Whatever, it's not like I actually like her or anything... What do I have to lose? he reassured himself silently in his head.
Emily smiled and toke a bite of her sandwich. "Looks good." Taylor smiled, and she nodded. Emily looked up at Taylor and saw a spark of excitement. She really didn't know Taylor but she liked him, but she didn't know him that well. "Its amazing!" She laughed and toke a sip of her drink.

Emily: if you want too ;)
....Dan scrolled through his Twitter, catching up on all of the famous tweets before he felt the vibrations of his phone in his hand. He tapped on the text to go to their conversation. Dan clicked on the send button after typing:

where would u like to go???
Emily smiled, walking hand in hand with Taylor walking around the park. "I had a fun time last night. Well, from what I remember.." She laughed and sat down on the park bench. Emily looked towards the lake.

Emily: let's get drunk ;) <3
....Dan looked down at his new text from Emily. He then sent the next one in after a few minutes of thinking what to say:

wait wait wait... r u all ready drunk? bc i thought you were a goodie goodie
"Yeah.. You were pretty drunk." Emily nodded and laughed. "Yeah.. I don't remember anything that happened after I did." Taylor laughed and toke sip of his coffee. She laughed thinking of something to say.

Emily: I'm no goodie goodie, and but I could be you never know.
....Dan chuckled lightly at the text, and he immediately texted Emily back:

haha, okay. whatever you say. what time?
....Dan furrowed his eyebrows at the text before standing up to text her back.

now? aren't u with taylor or something?
Emily laughed and smiled. She liked hanging out with Taylor, but Dan was more funner.

Emily: he is not here. He left 3 minutes ago..
....Dan grabbed his backpack and headed out of the school after reading Emily's text message. He knew that he would some how get in trouble when his mother got back from her business trip for missing so many days, but right now he didn't really give a shit. Dan texted Emily back before hopping in his truck.

so, where shall i pick you up at?
....Dan started his truck up before reading the text Emily had just sent him. "Meet me at my house," he read to himself. Dan pressed on the gas pedal with his foot, quickly exiting the school parking lot before someone could catch him. Soon, Dan arrived in Emily's neighbor hood. His eyes scanned the left side of the road for Emily's house. Found it, Dan thought silently. He pulled into her driveway then jumped out of the car and headed towards her door step. He rang the doorbell twice. Dan stuffed his hands in his pockets as he through his head back waiting for her.
Emily was currently in a towel wrapped around her body and trying to find something to wear. She sighed, looking out her bedroom window. She saw Dan, ringing her doorbell. She wrapped the towel tighter around her body and walked Down stairs, she opened the door and smiled. "Hey." She replied awkwardly, biting her lip.
....A wide smile grew on Dan's face when he saw Emily wrapped up in a small towel. "Well, you look nice," Dan teased as he looked her up and down. "Should I stay out here while you finish getting dress? Or, if you want, I could definitely help you," Dan joked once again.
Emily smiled. "Why are you such a pervert?" She said, swaying back to her room. Emily picked out a pair of yoga pants and a lit blue tank top and some mix match socks. She walked down stairs, she just pulled her wet hair into a messy bun and didn't bother to put on any makeup. It was just Dan.
...."All guys are," Dan stated, "but some of them just show it more." Dan laughed gently. "Hurry up, thought, Emily. Oh, and where are we going to go get drunk?"
Emily toke a small sip of her bottles water and got up on the counter. "Well. Why are you such a big pervert." She questioned, raising one eyebrow questionably. "Oh, and here. My left yesterday for a business trip and won't be back until like Sunday." She laughed jumping onto his back. "Let's go get crazy." She whispered seductivly.

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