The Game ❤️

....Dan gave her a crooked smile. "Just playing the game," he said slyly with a chuckle. "Don't even act like you didn't like it," Dan joked with a laugh. "I felt you kiss back." He combed his fingers through his hair before shoving his opposite hand into his front jean pocket.
Emily smiled and hit him in the arm, she could deny that he was a good kisser, but why had he kisses her? Was he jealous about the guy? She grabbed her phone and punched in the guys number. "Hey.." He greeted her, "oh, yeah I was just calling to get your name.. And to see if you wanted to hang out sometime." He chuckled on the other side of the end, "oh, yeah sorry. My name is Taylor-James or you could call me James or Taylor. " she smiled and laughed. "Yeah, maybe tonight? I don't have any plans.. And who was that in your line?" She bit her lip, souls she tell him the truth? "He just.. A friend" she added a laugh at the end and they hung up. "I got a date!" She replied, jumping up and down.
...."Cheater," Dan joked with a small laugh, referring to the game that they were playing. "Do you even know him?" he asked Emily as he raised an eyebrow. "Anyways, fine. Leave me alone at Tyler's house to let me listen to him and his girlfriend fuck in the next room."
Emily smiled and laughed. She shrugged. "Maybe because I don't want to hear them f***, plus I'm sure you have some girl to f***." She bit her lip and shrugged. She walked towards a food booth. "Let's go get some food, ooh and I'm pretty sure Summer hasn't had a dick in her a** anytime soon." She laughed and pulled her hair into a messy bun. "And, I'm paying." She added.
...."No, you're not," Dan said as he walked backwards in front of her. "I won't allow it," he said with a smirk. "And it looks like you have some guy to fuck as well," Dan teased Emily with a wink. "Guys look at your ass and ask you on a date because they want to sleep with you. Anyways, what would you like to eat?"
"But. I wanna pay something!" She put her arm up in frustration, "well. Maybe wanna f*** him, he's good looking enough.." She bit her lip and smiled. "It not like I will though.. I wanna save myself for someone special" she sounded cheesy, but she really didn't care. "Well, are you saying your looking at my a**?" She walked up to the cash register and got her food, some fries with a cheeseburger added bacon. She hastily grabbed her wallet and pulled out a 10 and handed to her. She smiled In victory. She walked over to a picnic table and sat Down.
...."Well, sorry, but yes. It's nice, and you're wearing tight shorts," Dan admitted honestly with a laugh. "Take this money or I'm shoving it down your shirt," Dan threatened while laughing after watching her pay for the food. He then ordered his own food, a cheeseburger as well with lettuce and mayonnaise.
Emily laughed and shook her head. "Ugh. Boys. But you gotta love 'em." She toke a small bite out of her cheeseburger and looked up at Dan. He was standing in the line, paying for his food. She quickly looked away and toke another bite of her cheeseburger as he started to walk over here. "Oh and you can shove it down my shirt." She joked. It was true she had never had sex, she didn't want to either.. And would it matter if she did it with taylor-James. "What would you do if I did do it with him?" She spoke in a small voice.
...."If you insist," Dan said with a laugh as he placed the money down Emily's shirt carefully after sitting down at the red, metal picnic table across from her. He shrugged at her question. "There isn't really anything I could do," Dan stated honestly. "It's not like we're in a real relationship or anything. Plus, don't you want to 'save it for someone special'?" he quoted.

[ Sorry, I was throwing a ball for my dog. ]
She watched as Dan put his money down her shirt. She shook her head and laughed. "Okay.." She took one her fries and took a small bite. "Well. Maybe I do maybe I don't.. " she shrugged throwing away the test of her food, suddenly not hungry. "Let's go.. I have to ready for my date." She walked away and 5 minutes later she arrived at the gate. She ran towards his car and waited for him.
...."Well, if you don't, I'm ready for you," Dan joked with a laugh. "Alright, let's go then..." he obeyed with a sigh as he got up from his seat. Dan followed Emily to his vehicle. "So, what's this guy's name?"
Emily sighed. "Well.. That's nice." She blushed and got into the car "his name is Taylor-James.. He is nice guy." She shrugged and watched out the window, she got out as he arrived at her house. She got out and grabbed her purse "bye.. Thanks I had a nice.. Time"
....Dan laughed as she noticed the redness of her cheeks. He drove her home, pulling into her driveway. "Hey, what kind of fake boyfriend would I be if I didn't walk you up to your door? A bad one. So, I'm walking you up," he insisted before hopping out of his vehicle. They reached her doorstep, and he bent down to kiss the corner of her mouth softly. "There. A fake kiss for my fake girlfriend. Also, don't forget to use protection," Dan joked.
Emily smiled "Okay.." She jumped as he kissed the corner of her mouth softly. "Thanks.. And I won't." She opened her front door, she walked in and ran up to her room. Emily checked the time and shot up, it was 6:30, Taylor was coming at 7:00. She sighed, quickly taking a shower and padding to her closet. She had no idea what to wear. She grabbed a jean miniskirt and a lace top, paired of with some black flats.

Emily quickly put in her makeup and blow dried her hair, letting it go pin straight and walked down stairs. 7:00 a clock right on the dot. She smiled as the doorbell ran and Taylor was standing there with a mixture of exotic flowers. "Aww thanks.." He smiled and kiss my cheek. "Let's get going I have a reservation. " she walked outside and noticed Dan's car still there.
.....Dan got in the car, pulling out his phone to scroll through social media before he left. Time flew by, and Dan was still looking through his phone. Soon, Emily stepped out of her house. They made eye-contact, and he quickly started his car and pulled out of the driveway before saying, "Have fun. I was just, uh, looking for my keys."
Emily and Taylor stepped out of the fancy restaurant. She smiled as he placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her into the bar. "One beer and a vodka for her" he motioned his hands towards Emily. She toke a small sip of her drink and could already feel a small buzz coming on. "Let's dance!" Taylor shouted over the loud music, he grabbed her hand and guided her to the dance floor. Emily toke another big gulp of hr 4th drink, Emily started to grind on Taylor and Taylor smiled, "Let's go" she nodded and walked towards the door.

Taylor backed Emily to the wall and started to kiss her neck. Emily wrapped her legs around Taylor's waist, he lowered her to the bed, not breaking the kiss. Clothes went flying through the room and Emily giggled, she was drunk, didn't know what she was doing but she was enjoying it.

*Fade to Black*
- - new setting: school - -

....Dan entered homeroom, sitting in the back corner of the classroom. He pulled out his backpack onto his lap before pulling out the books he needed for that class. Dan pulled out his phone to text Emily.

ur coming to school rite?
Emily rubbed her eyes, getting use to the bright sunlight in the room. She shot up, she didn't know here she was, she had a killer headache and her everything hurt. She ran to the bathroom, puked and walked back. She saw Taylor was up "I had fun last night.." Taylor smirked and looked up and down her body. She blushed and did her best to cover herself up. He pulled her in and kisses her lips softly. She groaned and picked up her phone.

Emily: um.. I don't know, don't think so.
....Dan checked his phone once again before looking at the clock to see what time it was, texting Emily back:

oh, are you still with "taylor-james?"
Taylor snaked his arm around Emily's waist and smiled. She put her clothes back on and laid down on the bed. "What did we do last night?" He smirked and patted her head. "..Just stuff.." He smirks and put his clothes back on. "But, your still a virgin.
....Dan didn't want to admit it, but he was quite disappointed that Emily wasn't going to be arriving at school. Before class began, Dan pulled out his cell phone and went to his messages. He tapped on Emily's name with his finger tip before looking to see their conversation. Text back, he thought.
Emily blushed and pulled her hair into messy bun. "Why don't we go out somewhere to eat?" Taylor suggested, she nodded. "But first, I have to go home and take a shower." Emily sighed and replied to Dan's text.

Emily: yeah, I am.
....Dan sighed at the text as he looked at the screen in front of him. He decided to crack a joke by texting back:

did taylor get some last night? ;)
Taylor toke her home and she quickly toke a shower. She put on some jean shorts and a tank top with one of her guy friend sweatshirt. She would have slapped him in the face, if she was his mother.

Emily: No and he won't. No shut up.
....Dan smiled at her text, sneaking his phone under is desk so he would not get caught texting Emily while the teacher was in the middle of a lesson. Dan then texted back:

maybe if he get's you drunk enough hahahaha. anyways, hang out with me later? i don't want to be stuck again with vanity and tyler

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