The Game ❤️

Emily groaned not bothering to to text back and put her head on the desk. She hated school, but she was good at it, well somewhat good. She raised her hand and asked the teacher to go to the restroom, she walked out of the room walking towards the courtyard.
....Dan watched Emily walk out of the classroom while mumbling, "So much for taking notes," so Emily was able to hear him.

...."Excuse me?" Mr. Finebeld said. "Do you have something to say?"

...."Oh, no," Dan stated quickly with a nervous smile.
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Emily toke put her phone out, scrolling through her news feed of all her social media apps and sighed, she felt like ditching. She walked to her locker and grabbed her bag, quietly sneaking into the classroom and walked back out. Emily started down the street, passing her house and Tyler's.
....The hour passed by, and it was soon passing time. Dan wandered through the hallways after grabbing his binder for the next period. He quickly texted Emily:

r u taking like a five pound dump or something? or did you ditch? the hour's over 
[ I have to go to bed! :( See ya tomorrow! ]
Emily was currently at her house, she climes the window, so her mom and brother wouldn't hear. She sighed and changed into her short shorts and her flowy tanktop. She smiled as she read the text and replied.

Emily: I'm defiantly taking a five pound dump.b
....Dan laughed at the text as he shook his head. He then texted Emily back.

seriously lol. where the fuck are you??
Emily smiled, takings bite of her Nutella and replied, laughing.

Emily: no. Seriously I'm taking a five pound f****** dump, while at my home instead of school. Yeah I ditched, because, I'm pretty bada** .
....Dan read the text quickly before shoving his phone in his back jean pocket. He looked at the doors as the classrooms sucked kids into their next period. The hallways were emptying so he texted back:

oooh, good girl gone bad. ;) i'm leaving. and aren't your family members home or some shit?

....Dan then quickly pushed the glass doors open and ran back to his car before someone caught him.
Emily smiled and finished off her Nutella throwing the container in the trash. She laughed at his words and replied.

Emily: shut up and yeah, my mom is home with twins, I have to be quiet. My mom will kick my a** if she found out I ditched.

Emily sent it And laid down on her bed, listen to some music on her iPod. She saw her door creak open, her heart beating hard, she quickly ran Into her closet and saw her moms red hair in the corner of her hair. Once her mom was done, she stepped out and let a big breath she didn't know she was hold and swore under her breathe.
....Dan pulled into his neighborhood before pulling over on the side of the road to text Emily back.

i left school and i am in my neighborhood. do you want me to come pick me up so you can stop hiding from your family?

....He resumed driving after switching gears and lightly stepping on the gas pedal. Dan soon pulled into his empty driveway—his mother was on some business trip of some sort.
Emily looked at the text and grabber purse, phone and some extra stuff she might need. She hastily open the window, climbing the tree and land on the ground with a thud. She brushed off her knees and walked around the corner, sitting on a bench. She looked down at her clothes. "Crap." She was wearing some short shorts, that we're tight and her favorite tank top, that was purple. She sighed and decided not to go change, it was hassle and she really didn't care.

Emily: I'm at the bus stop. Come get me. See you soon.
....Dan glanced at the text as he heard his cell phone vibrate, but he didn't text back because there was no need to. Instead of going in his house, he pulled back out of his driveway and headed towards the bus stop. Soon, Emily's figure came into Dan's focus. "Get in the car," Dan ordered like a pedophile before laughing. "And...I like your shorts," he said with a wink.
Emily rolled her eyes and got in the car. "Your such a perv." She laughed and looked out the window. "So where are we going?" She asked, bring her lower lip and fiddle with her EX- boyfriend sweatshirt, that he never came to get and plus is was amazingly soft.
....Dan smiled at her as he drove out of the neighborhood. "How about my bedroom?" Dan joked with a laugh. "I'm kidding. You choose," he insisted as he hit the pedal harder when he got on the main roads.

[ Sorry for the short post. There is an angry wasp less than five feet away from me so. ]
Emily hit his arm pretty hard. "In your dreams," she laughed and blushed, that was seriously gross, never in million year would she do that. "Let's go to that Fair I saw on the way home! I want you win me some big stuffed animals!" She chuckled, glancing over at him. "Or.. We could I don't know."

{ Haha, it's okay! I just hope you don't get stung! ❤️}
....Dan grabbed her wrist after being punched and held it into place so she couldn't let go. He smiled saying, "What are you gonna do now?" Dan headed towards the direction of the fair. It was going to be about a ten minute drive until they got to the fair. "Fair it is," Dan agreed to Emily's suggestion.

[ Sorry I was eating. And, also, the bee is dead from a dumbell. :cool: ]
Emily bounced in her seat with excitement. She hadn't been to the fair since a little girl, she smiled as they finally arrived, she grabbed her phone putting her phone in her but pocket and jumped out of the car door, she opened his car door and grabbed his hand, dragging him to the ticket booth. "Two brackets please." She handed them the brackets and Emily hander her money. She put on the bracelet and walked towards the nearest activity. It was the Elephant run, which went really fast and looked fun. "Let's go to that one!" She yelled pointed over to the elephant room.
....."Okay, but you're not allowed to pay for the bracelets," Dan said. "Here," he insisted, handing her the money for the bracelets. Dan placed his hand on her lower back, leading her body to the ride she wanted to go on. "You never said what the winner gets," Dan said with a smile as he looked down at her.
Emily groaned but nodded, not wanting to get into fight with him. She smiled as she got to ride the Elephant Run, but her smiled faded as Dan mention what does the winner get of the game. She shrugged, she honestly didn't know. "I don't know, you pick..I could really care less, I just wanna win. " she smiled and got in the line for the ride. She rolled her eyes at the guy behind her as he eyed her but in her jean "I really wished I changed into some more concealing.." She mumbled under her breath, shrugging the guy off. Emily Winked at him and his smile grew bigger, "hey.." Her breathed. She smiled "hey," his smiled grew bigger, they talked for a few seconds and exchanged numbers, before saying goodbye.
...."Here, I'll cover your ass with my hand," Dan offered jokingly with a laugh before placing a hand on her butt. "There, now no one will look. Anyways, c'mon. Let's go," he hurried over to the ride with her. Thank God there wasn't a long line. Dan stepped into the cart along with Emily. The ride went by quickly, and he stepped out of the cart with Emily. Dan pressed his lips to her's after stepping off of the metal platform.
Emily laughed and jumped as he put her hand on her butt. She walked over to the ride and got in a cart with Dan. Emily kept laughed and the Ride went on pretty quickly, they stepped out of the cart and walked out of the platform on to level ground. Emily jumped as he pressed his lips to hers. She didn't know what to do, she kissed back for a few moments before stepping back. "What the hell was that for?"

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