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Fantasy The Freaks Come Out Night

"You had to pick the most rage inducing game,I'll give it a go. You guys want some cheesecake while we play, I have a lot in the back."
Ruby eyes Fitzgerald for a moment at being called werewolf but she wasn't truly offended by it. She had been called worst after all and couldn't help but grin instead. "I haven't played monopoly in ages" She glances back at Lucy. "I could go for a slice of cheesecake"
Wisp smiles brightly she hoped she cheered Blake up a little. She turns and says "Monopoly sound fantastic and Cheesecake sounds really delicious right now, can I have extra whipped cream on mine?" she looks at Blake and asks "are you going to play too?"
Blake moved it's head as it's name was said, staring at the man for a second or so before nodding. "I guess that a board game or something." The cyborg responded, rapidly searching it's database for more information on this "Monopoly" the male spoke of. As it failed to find any useful file on the game, it's head cracked to the right, before rapidly twitching in different directions, unintelligible sounds emitting from it's voice-box. A couple of moments would past before it's head returned to it's original angle, the glitch successfully ceasing. "Sure." It's voice responded, sounding somewhat cheerful.
"I have it as an app on my phone," Geoffrey explained. "If you 're all willing to pass it around and not, well, steal or break it..."

He shot a meaningful look at Wisp.

"I'd be more than happy to share."
"An app really..I'll just go get the board game." She disappear before returning with a very pretty Monopoly games that was in pastel colors and some slices cheesecake. "Alright cheesecake then we pick out pieces"
It listened to the auburn haired male in silence, though once it noticed the other's gaze was directed to the girl in-front of Blake, the cherry red of it's left eye dimmed and it's right eye simply narrowed. It remained still as Lucy spoke up, mood shifting from annoyance to something that could be classed as excitement. It moved it's full metal arm to the side, so none of the parts would jab into Wisp's side as it moved. The gears that were located at the bottom of the steel that served as legs, spun as Blake strolled towards Lucy and Geoffrey.

It stood on the spot, towering over the two with it's extended height. It had brought the bottle of oil along with it, proceeding the down the rest of the fuel as female spoke of choosing game pieces. As Blake removed the container from it's face, a 3 inch woodlouse crawled out of it's open throat and onto the side of it's pale neck. The insect made it's way up onto the cyborg's face, resting upon the bridge of it's nose.
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Geoffrey laughed, quietly, and moved over to the board, picking up the Scottie dog.

"Any objections?" he said.
"None at all" Wisp says picking up the tiny silver hat. She smiles, she always loved hats, when she was a young sylph she was fond of creating gusts of wind to blow them off the tops of people's heads. Ah the good times.
It reached forward with it's left arm, the tips of it's fingers clasping around the miniature battleship. The cyborg's eyes locked onto the small token as it brought it up to it's face, staring at the small details of the item.
Nicholai burst through the door with a flash of light resembling a dark purple, having portaled from across the continent. He stood there in his black pinstripe suit with his jet black hair slicked back with grease. He looked as he normally did when he went out except for a few different details: their was a long sword sticking through his chest with the blade jutting out his back.

"Hunters" He said out loud to the room. Then Nicholai took the sword by the hilt and slowly pulled it out of his body having been immune to pain for centurys except when high on black blood. He looked at the blade a few times be fore scoffing "Silver? I swear sometimes their just guessing."

He strode over to the bar and surveyed the options, he wasn't sure why he did so as only one thing would still have any kind of effect on him.

"Ill have a double shot of Black Blood, straight up."
She looked at him. "Umm what? Look sir I might by unhuman but I don't know what that drink it. I can get you blood that is black if that's what you want, but if you looking for alcohol I don't have a clue." Lucy really need to get a menu for drink and all the like. She looked over at the vampire, "you know what black blood is cause I don't know."
"It sounds like the name of a cocktail," Geoffrey said, quietly. "But I wouldn't know; I don't drink often."

He turned the scottie dog between his fingers, and looked at the man who'd just entered. He reminded Geoffrey of his childhood a little, and he swallowed down a lump of regret.
"Oh." She nods and pulls out a very pink iphone and looks up the recipe. "Well I'm just go with the first one and be right back out with your drink sir." She went to the back and looked, she had never heard of this drink but money was money. She quickly made it and brought it out. "Here sir."
Wisp looks over at the new man with the new drink and smiles. This one is different from the other there's more... strength... and his style is impeccable. I wonder how old he is. She smiles an sits for a moment and sends a breeze by the new man a warm breeze laced with the scent of hazel and ginger that originated from a cottage in a far away valley. She waits for a moment letting the air move slowly and lets it land over her. She in hales and smiles once more feeling as sense of peace and renewal and turns to Geoffrey. "Does he seem familiar?" she asks in a sweet voice.
nicholai had gotten so cought up with the hunters he had let his mind slip for a second.

"It's not a mixed drink, thats why I ordered a shot. Its blood from the dead. It turns black with time. It's also referred to as the Elixir of undeath."
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"Ohh well it really was blood." She scowled at the vampire. "And you call yourself a vamp. Well sir I don't think I have that but I do have black blood and if you're ok with it I'll give you some." She gave a quick look over at the people at the bar, all "monsters" so they wouldn't care right. She nods to herself and bites down hard on her wrist. Thick black blood begins to run down from her cut and she gets a shot glass, letting it fall in there. "While I know it's not what you really ordered, it is black blood, so give it a try and see how you like.." She gives a weak smile and hands him the shot glass.
He raised an eyebrow, she certainly wasn't dead but then again he wasn't really sure what kind of life she possessed either. He cautously picked up the drink and took a sip. Yep definitely tasted like magic, wait.....it tasted. Normally he had no natural senses, only his supernatural ones. Thats why he drank black blood, so then it seemed to be working although he could already tell it would not be the same.

"Thats.....interesting, thank you." He bowed slightly.

A gentle breeze floated by him, it smelt like something so foreign to him after all these long years. He thought again, well that drink must have been stronger then i thought if I can smell too. And he had only one sip. He turned towards the source of the smell and gave a small smile to the girl. He wasn't sure of her origin, fey perhaps? He realised he was still holding the sword from earlier and chuckled to himself. "Uhh is their a place i can put this? or throw it away for all I care."
Wisp looks at lucy preparing the drink "Lucy you know, you shouldn't give up your blood like that. It may be tasty to vampires but you should never loose a lot of it, your completion will diminish " She smiles "you gotta keep being pretty to catch a man as fine as the gentleman next to you." Fluttering her eyelashes at the gentleman.
Indifferent coloured eyes fell upon the newcomer, it's disfigured face unable to show any emotion but monotone. The somewhat large woodlouse that had once settled upon the bridge of it's crafted nose, crawled over, thus completely covering Blake's crimson eye. It's sight remained perfectly fine, almost failing to react to the movement.

The cyborg then turned it's attention to Lucy, watching the female's blood trickle into a glass. It has turned it's head around as far it's neck would allow it to go, without accidentally cracking the tough material that made up it's upper body. Out the corner of it's azure hue, it glanced at Wisp, staring at her actions blankly. It had seen others flirt countless times, though has never tried it itself, though Blake heavily doubted it would ever need to.
"Ahh don't worry the last vampire who tried to drink from me, died, it was too much for him." She laughs and grins. "I'll take that sword, it will go nice in my living room, right next to the shield." She sighed at Wisp flirtatious ways, girl was beautiful but that flirting is going to get her in trouble one day. "Alright lets put monopoly on hold since more people my come in and would be totally clueless."
"Well good thing I'm not a vampire then." He smiled as he turned to girl that had just complemented him.

"Good evening M'lady." He took her hand in his and laid a light kiss on it before letting go.
She smiles "good evening sir, my name is Wisp, one of the many queens of the winds" a breeze from the door flows around her carrying a lotus flower that lands softly on the side of her head. "And you are sir?"

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