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Fantasy The Freaks Come Out Night

Wisp puffs up. "Young Lady?! Child do you even know what I am!" A strong gust of wind flings the bar door open and enters the room. She tuns dark grey and the sound of rumbling can be heard. "I am a Sylph! I am the wind that passes through that empty corpse you drag around." She turns to the changeling man "And you foolish Fae, your disrespect is horrible change your attitude or... " thunder rumbles and lightning sparks in her face "we will have a good brawl."
Geoffrey sighed, and leaned back in his chair. He took a sip of his drink, wincing at the taste- even with the blood added as a chaser, human food tasted vile to him- and set it down.

"Let's not have a fight?" He used Presence, lacing his words with magic that'd, hopefully, have a calming effect. "You're free to be as proud of what you are as you want. ...And you're free to think it's tacky and revolting. Either way, it's not worth bickering over."

He took another sip. Damn, there was not enough alcohol in the world for an evening like this. Maybe he should just skip to the Dr. Strangelove part of the evening.

"I thought there was a truce in effect in places like this?" he added. "No deaths, no Final Deaths, nothing that would make the mortal police show up."
"I don't want a fight." He sipped the scotch and smiled. A fight would be fun, even though he'd probably get destroyed. But the look of the black eye and bleeding nose was really cool, so it wasn't too much of a problem. "But if you do, alright."

Maybe tie guy was right, though. "I don't know what that means, but I'd assume so. I'm Fitzgerald, by the way. Like F. Scott Fitzgerald."
Wisp flips her hair and sighs. The gray disappears from her body and a flesh like color comes back. "Very well, I believe in the value of bars like these so I will not be hasty to destroy one with a fight." She turns to the group and smiles " I am Wisp, I apologize for the outburst we slyph's are very proud of our ages." She looks at the vampire "and the tie" Although I'm glad its gone, I thought vampires were suppose to have taste she thought.
She couldn't help but smirk a little, of course his name would be something like Fitzgerald."Ruby. And I am not sorry about my threat. But I will keep things civil for the sake of the bar. I came here to relax, not fight, whether it be verbally or physically" She turns back around to glance at Wisp for a moment, her display was impressive even if it was due to being short-tempered but so was she. She looks back at Lucy. "Can I get another shot of tequila. I've seemed to have lost my buzz here recently"
"My name's Geoffrey." He took another sip, drinking slowly. "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

This last was a polite fiction, of course. He wasn't really pleased to meet anyone at the moment, but he'd keep up the social niceties if it killed him. He did have a reputation to uphold.

"And all right, in answer to your previous questions: Kindred. Toreador clan, specifically. I know I don't look the part."

Vampires in the faction he belonged to, the Camarilla, called themselves Kindred, as a thin veneer over the whole 'monster' thing. It was the other faction, the Sabbat, that tended to call themselves vampires. It was mostly a political matter, and people who weren't vampires tended to not distinguish.

"I have just as much of a right to be in here as any of you."
"I'm this tiny, and you're still reluctant?"

Fitzgerald wouldn't admit to goading them on, and would never say that he was, even though it was exactly what he was doing. He finished the scotch and pushed it away. "A wind spirit and a werewolf against a changeling and a vampire, you'd think it would be over in seconds." He laughed and put his arm around Geoff. "If not... I'd like another scotch."
"Coming right up." She grabs her glass and pours her the shot. "If you guys do fight, take it outside, last time a fight took place it took me weeks to clean up weeks and I had to ask other like me for help which was terrible."She passed out some menus. "I do have food for any of you who might be hungry." She gives the man a look but gives him another.
Legs moved quickly, causing the somewhat small creature to travel swiftly across the ground. It had to be fast, some random fool may step upon it and end it's life. Submerging itself in a puddle of rainwater for a couple of seconds was necessary, as it had made a beeline towards the bar. Slipping just through the gap between the door and floor, the insects legs slowed.

It noticed the presence of a couple different people in the room already, which caused it to decide to form back into it's usual state. Rolling itself over onto it's back, the silverfish began to reassemble itself into something bigger, much bigger. Blake wasn't sure if it's presence had been acknowledged by anyone yet, as it was temporarily blind due to the lack of eyes for the time being. Only 30 seconds would past and it would be able to move once again. Bring it's right "leg" forward, it began to stride forward towards Lucy, the dark-grey prongs of it's metals limbs making a soft tapping sound as it advanced.

Laying a four-fingered, hand made of thin bones upon bar, the metal finger-like appendages under it's face began to move slowly. "Do you have any oil today, Lucy? Wonderful choice of dress, if I must say." Blake's voice-box stated, it's aqua eye glancing around it's surroundings.
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"Oh I was wondering when you show up and thanks at least somebody like my style." She gives him a bigger small and passes him some oil. "I always do. How you been Blake, life treating you any better." She always like the robot, he like her was not very pretty to look at and you know what they say birds of a feather flock together. "We got a lot of newbies tonight, you been telling people about the bar." She laughs
Geoffrey tried to shrug off Fitzgerald's arm.

"I probably should be getting home," he said. "I've got a Kubrick film waiting for me."

And a long night of self-loathing for coming in here. Of course, he wasn't going to mention that part. He hadn't really been in a bar since... had it really been that long? Since Maria? No, there'd been a couple times since then. But he hadn't really gone regularly since they'd split up, and now he was going to be thinking of her all night.
"I just came here on my own," Fitzgerald specified, even though he hadn't been asked in the first place. "I used to spend time in human bars that looked like this." Well, at least this Blake fellow had no choice in making it obvious they were a robot. "How do most people find this bar?" He glanced back to Ruby and Wisp, just in case, then...

"Wait. Did you say Kubrick, as in Stanley Kubrick?"
"No I have no desire to engage in a fight tonight" She takes the shot and downs it quickly before chasing it with a bit of her vodka soda. She takes one of the menus glancing over the items curiously before looking up at hearing the metallic sound of someone approaching and then looks up at the robot as she approaches the bar. She finds out it's name is Blake from Lucy's conversation with it. What else would make it's way into this bar tonight? It was definitely getting to be an interesting crowd. She turns her gaze to Fitzgerald but before answering could see he was engaged in another conversation with Geoffrey so she sets her eyes back down to the menu, taking another sip of her drink.
Fitzgerald sighs. "Fine, I didn't know I was that intimidating." He puts acid in his words, then laughs.

"Yes, Kubrick is a genius. One of my friends made me watch Lolita back when it came out and it was absolutely brilliant, and the man only got better. Then there's David Lynch and Tarantino, and I'm not even at the foreign films yet..."
Making a small nodding notion at the female's statement, the tips of it's fingers began to tap the surface they lay upon. "Almost got stood on when I was on the way here." Blake commented, the crimson of it's left eye glowing as the container of liquid was presented. Bones wrapped around the object, bringing it upon to it's disfigured face. "Sadly, no. Those assholes are still searching for me." It responded, referring to the police before tipping approximately half of the fuel into it's throat. Hearing the other's sentence, it moved the bottle away from it's head. "People scream at the sight of me, I doubt any humans would want to talk to me." Blake stated, adding a cackle to the end.
"What was your favorite David Lynch movie?" Geoffrey was mostly ignoring Wisp in order to focus on the film conversation. The guy might be a pretentious snob, but he knew his cinema. Outside of Toreador circles- and let's face it, he'd already had this conversation with most of the ones that were- there were very few people that were as interested in film as he was.

"I'm going to have to be boring and say Blue Velvet."
"Well humans scream at the sight of me to and I think I look pretty cute, so don't worry about them, human just don't have taste. I mean where pretty cool looking." She sighs. "You're life really sucks thought I don't know how you do it." She looks around seems like the bar has calm down thank the old gods.
Seeing as she was ignored by Geoffery. Wisp evaporates next to Blake a long time customer of the bar who she converses on occasion. "Awww poor blakie-boo" Wisp says giving Blake a hug. "You know I'll always love you, right?" She smiles creating a warm breeze through the bar that everyone but bake feels making her a little melancholic.
"Mulholland Drive. By far." Fitzgerald tapped his fingers together absentmindedly. "I feel like it means that there is no point to meaning. A lot of it is on nostalgia, which everyone knows is pointless. Velvet laid on the Freud a bit much for my taste. Maybe it's because being a changeling makes me Freudian just by existing."
"I haven't seen that one yet." He was being honest; though he had plenty of time, and plenty of resources, sometimes he just didn't have the motivation to do anything.

"And oh? How do you mean?" He knew very little about changelings; only that the True Fey, their creators, were nasty and to be avoided.
"Well... the whole thing about trauma from childhood affecting people, that was Freud. That was a big part of Freud's theories, and it's sort of alluded to in Blue Velvet. Then here I am, thrown as a small child into a family with no memory..." He shrugged and finished the scotch.
Placing the container back onto the bar counter, though continued to grasp the bottle. Blake kept it's other arm down and behind it's form, as due to the size of the prongs would easily knock over items or injure someone. "I know right." It added, the appendages that replaced it's bottom law stretching out to their full extent for a moment. Just as it was going to reply to Lucy's statement, another familiar voice was picked up.

Something that would resemble a frown fell upon Blake's features at the nickname it was given, though the sign of seemingly anger washed away in a heartbeat at the girl's next action. It shifted it's right arm slightly, all three of the finger-like metal parts pressing gently against the back of the female. "Why, thank you, Wisp." Blake responded, it's voice-box attempting to apply a warm tone to it's words. It's blood red strands of "hair" swayed slightly, which indicated there was some sort of wind in the room, most likely created by the girl that embraced it.
Geoffrey leaned back in his chair.

"...As long as we're all here," he began, slowly, but a little more loudly than the cinema conversation, "anyone fancy a game of Monopoly?"

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