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Fantasy The Four Horsemen OOC

Well, he would find that out the hard way the first time. Like everyone else Im sure. But after that, he would just leave it be. That being said, he certainly wouldnt hold back with any stories he had to tell. Soma is also a curious bastard so he would probably get into debates about what the stories meaning was or whatever. The messages behind them. Just to exercise his mind.
Maybe that is something he trains Avelynia in. She is very intelligent, her brain is a super computer. But she never learned any values, she never learnt about hidden meanings. She could not interpret stories, she´d just remember them. As if they were information. She´d understand them as given and as facts, things you can use for yourself. She doesnt understand how people just make things up for entertainment.
Maybe that is something he trains Avelynia in. She is very intelligent, her brain is a super computer. But she never learned any values, she never learnt about hidden meanings. She could not interpret stories, she´d just remember them. As if they were information. She´d understand them as given and as facts, things you can use for yourself. She doesnt understand how people just make things up for entertainment.
Oh perfect. There you go. They tell stories and he can interpret the lessons or meanings within the stories she has read. He gets entertainment and she gains perspective.
Now i just have to find a way to make him crush on her lol. So everyone loves Death. XD
That would be.... hard. She's not really his type. Not the cold, death thing but rather the whole I will open up to no one mentality. He isn't that accepting. Soma is more of a give and take character. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Give me your heart and Ill give you mine.
That would be.... hard. She's not really his type. Not the cold, death thing but rather the whole I will open up to no one mentality. He isn't that accepting. Soma is more of a give and take character. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Give me your heart and Ill give you mine.
As mentioned in her personality, she is slowly opening up. She was betrayed and tortured by her very parents, is it a wonder she has major trust issues? That doesnt mean she cannot be influenced to the better, however.
As mentioned in her personality, she is slowly opening up. She was betrayed and tortured by her very parents, is it a wonder she has major trust issues? That doesnt mean she cannot be influenced to the better, however.
Then it will be a long road before Soma takes a romantic interest lol. Or not. I guess it depends on how she behaves IC. I might have the wrong impression.
Then it will be a long road before Soma takes a romantic interest lol. Or not. I guess it depends on how she behaves IC. I might have the wrong impression.
Its fine if nothing comes up really. I just really liked the idea of the sociopath Death being really loved by all the others and being kinda unable to handle that. Since War sees her as her best friend and Pestilence as the closest person they have in life.
Then I guess a little rivalry will be good for her hahaha! There are all kinds of people out there death sweety. Oh yeah, he talks to chicks like that. Forgot to mention that.
Why would anybody be mean to poor waifu death. She is beautiful, cute, emotionally crippled, ruthless and a trained murderer. The perfect girlfriend!
Why would anybody be mean to poor waifu death. She is beautiful, cute, emotionally crippled, ruthless and a trained murderer. The perfect girlfriend!
Isnt everyone in that party in some way? Attractive, cute (in their own way), emotionally crippled, and trained murderers?
We've also got characters from different walks of life. Nice to see that not everyone has a chip on their shoulder

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