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Fantasy The Four Horsemen OOC

I tried to make Death a bit... Her own person, like, focussed on her own more, because looking at the original four horsemen, Death is a bit seperate, like they are three horsemen and death. I tried to catch that spirit, while still having her part of the team.
Well, hoping you had the time to take a look at Death, what do you think their relationship would be like?

I wonder if War would ever feel regret actually. Her parents were vigilantes who, if they had known, would have killed Death's father in an instant to protect her. It'd be interesting if War kept a distance from Death, purely because she wishes that she could have changed Death's past, even though it was entirely out of her hands.
I wonder if War would ever feel regret actually. Her parents were vigilantes who, if they had known, would have killed Death's father in an instant to protect her. It'd be interesting if War kept a distance from Death, purely because she wishes that she could have changed Death's past, even though it was entirely out of her hands.
I doubt that. Death does not talk about her past, not even Pestilence would know who she was and what made her who she is. They might soon find out more, but as of right now, she´s just a big, cold, deadly question mark.
I doubt that. Death does not talk about her past, not even Pestilence would know who she was and what made her who she is. They might soon find out more, but as of right now, she´s just a big, cold, deadly question mark.

That's true. While War has social anxiety, she still enjoys getting to know people. In that way, I can imagine that she has attempted many times to approach Death, only to fail just about every time, besides when they need to work together. And due to this, the most they communicate is War walking up, extending her hand for Death's sword to fix it up and returning. Maybe sometimes sitting near Death, but never uttering a word. The two are polar opposites. Death could be the one person that War just never confronts.
That's true. While War has social anxiety, she still enjoys getting to know people. In that way, I can imagine that she has attempted many times to approach Death, only to fail just about every time, besides when they need to work together. And due to this, the most they communicate is War walking up, extending her hand for Death's sword to fix it up and returning. Maybe sometimes sitting near Death, but never uttering a word. The two are polar opposites. Death could be the one person that War just never confronts.
I can see that. Maybe, if you get Death a bit drunk, she gets more talkative. In the future i mean. They could have softened her up like that and always get her closer to actually revealing something.

I can see that War would not confront Death, the eerie atmosphere around her could probably make War keepa bit of distance too, after learning she wouldnt crack her that easily.
I can see that. Maybe, if you get Death a bit drunk, she gets more talkative. In the future i mean. They could have softened her up like that and always get her closer to actually revealing something.

I can see that War would not confront Death, the eerie atmosphere around her could probably make War keepa bit of distance too, after learning she wouldnt crack her that easily.

It'd also be interesting if War viewed Death as her best friend, even though Death probably wouldn't never picture such. But the reason why is because Death reminds her of her late mentor.
It'd also be interesting if War viewed Death as her best friend, even though Death probably wouldn't never picture such. But the reason why is because Death reminds her of her late mentor.
I´d love that. Mostly because Pestilence views Death as his best friend. And if war does so too, while Death is just like "Oof i cant grow attached to anything this is awkward" that´d be funny as heck. Now we just need Famine to view her as their best friend and then they all connect over death while death doesnt really connect to anybody. That´d be hilarious.
I´d love that. Mostly because Pestilence views Death as his best friend. And if war does so too, while Death is just like "Oof i cant grow attached to anything this is awkward" that´d be funny as heck. Now we just need Famine to view her as their best friend and then they all connect over death while death doesnt really connect to anybody. That´d be hilarious.
Well it makes sense because everyone causes death. Famine starves people, War is.. War.. And Pestilence infects people.
So if death girl isn't the magic user, does that mean I can be it?
I do use magic, its just not the main focus. But you can have some magic too, i dont wanna claim it all to myself if i dont focus on it majorly. I just thought since there was so much realism, id not go too wild with magic

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