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Fantasy The Four Horsemen OOC

Sure. Not all the monsters will be the type you can take trophies from or would want to though.
She's also in charge of making sure the group gets paid.
ACtually... Ima go with my first choice on image. I just have an idea for that and will go for that.

What do you mean with cant or dont want to take trophies?
Incorporeal beings and diseased things.
Trophies dont have to be part of the monsters body. Just something that reminds her off the hunt. Be it the bone of a person the monster has killed or a possesion of the monster. Something thats unique enough to remember.
So far I know my character will be either super thin or super fat (irony) but I've got nothing otherwise
"Yersin Enza grew up on a large manor in London, giving him his soft British accent. "
That bit too. I'm trying to avoid placing this anywhere specific on purpose. They'll travel from town to town and I don't want the extra work of having to work off a map.
"Yersin Enza grew up on a large manor in London, giving him his soft British accent. "
That bit too. I'm trying to avoid placing this anywhere specific on purpose. They'll travel from town to town and I don't want the extra work of having to work off a map.
So should I just put "on a manor" and then put in personality or trivia that he has an accent?

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