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Fantasy The Four Horsemen OOC

Yes, although in this case more of being able to ensure a monster can't flee, that its weaknesses are exploited, etc.
Well that means Ill be getting in touch with you alot to find out monster weaknesses. How fantasy are we going here?
I read the ooc. The question still stands.
The monsters, what Death has, and rare individuals and a few groups know about/have magic/magical stuff will be the extent of the fantasy.

In general this will be lower fantasy than The Witcher. You won't find sorcerer colleges, magician guilds, or random magic items, and personal magic is limited.
The monsters, what Death has, and rare individuals and a few groups know about/have magic/magical stuff will be the extent of the fantasy.

In general this will be lower fantasy than The Witcher. You won't find sorcerer colleges, magician guilds, or random magic items, and personal magic is limited.
Alright done.
How's his relationship to the common waifu in this rp going by "Death" XD
Hm.... My guy is illiterate. So books would definitely not be an option. Though, he does love stories. So, when they have some downtime, Id expect him to go exchange stories with her. Personal, made up, or from a book. That or to teach him how to read.

Other than that, Im not sure. He's very friendly for the most part, albeit annoying sometimes. Not sure how the ice queen would react to the sun tanned desert rat.
Hm.... My guy is illiterate. So books would definitely not be an option. Though, he does love stories. So, when they have some downtime, Id expect him to go exchange stories with her. Personal, made up, or from a book. That or to teach him how to read.

Other than that, Im not sure. He's very friendly for the most part, albeit annoying sometimes. Not sure how the ice queen would react to the sun tanned desert rat.
I think she´d sometimes share stories she has read. She does not share personal things, should he bring it up at any point, she´d close completely for that time and leave to groom Despair. During story time she wouldnt wear her mask, but if he made her leave like that, she´d immediatly put it back on.

Other than that, she´d act towards him like to anybody else.
I think she´d sometimes share stories she has read. She does not share personal things, should he bring it up at any point, she´d close completely for that time and leave to groom Despair. During story time she wouldnt wear her mask, but if he made her leave like that, she´d immediatly put it back on.

Other than that, she´d act towards him like to anybody else.
Well, he would find that out the hard way the first time. Like everyone else Im sure. But after that, he would just leave it be. That being said, he certainly wouldnt hold back with any stories he had to tell. Soma is also a curious bastard so he would probably get into debates about what the stories meaning was or whatever. The messages behind them. Just to exercise his mind.

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