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Fantasy The Four Horsemen OOC

I should have it up by tomorrow or the day after. I just had a few more ideas I wanted to get down.

Who else thinks it would be fun for Death to have a dog named Hades who follows her around?
I should have it up by tomorrow or the day after. I just had a few more ideas I wanted to get down.

Who else thinks it would be fun for Death to have a dog named Hades who follows her around?
I think it would be fun but a bit strange lol
I should have it up by tomorrow or the day after. I just had a few more ideas I wanted to get down.

Who else thinks it would be fun for Death to have a dog named Hades who follows her around?
Actually i can see that. It´d be a really scary doggo, though, one that looks as if it was a hellhound incarnate.
Man, why is it sometimes I get notifications for this thread and sometimes I don't! I'll have to make sure to check back faithfully so I don't miss anything.
I'm really sorry, but this is over.

And by 'this' I mean 'waiting for the RP to start!' Did I frighten you for a moment?

Alright, back to the main post.

It's your choice whether you keep examining the body or ride into town.
If you examine the body more closely I'll tell you what your character finds based on their expertise.
I'm really sorry, but this is over.

And by 'this' I mean 'waiting for the RP to start!' Did I frighten you for a moment?

Alright, back to the main post.

It's your choice whether you keep examining the body or ride into town.
If you examine the body more closely I'll tell you what your character finds based on their expertise.
You scared the living shit out of me.

What are we talking about? is the first post up?

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