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Fantasy The Four Horsemen OOC

Yeah it was one of the ones that got sliced up. the one that was "dead but still intact"

also i like the reference

also is the momento mori a dbd thing or am i trippin
I was more orienting on "Dead again" from dark souls. It makes corpses or undead explode and deal heavy damage.
It's fine, you can keep it as is now. Just remember for the future.
Again, i wont really have her use magic against anything but undead and if they are anything else than minions, they wont be one hit. But since these are fast, but other than that regular zombies, they dont put up a fight to death. Its just her specialty.

Is Zombie flesh poisnous? For creatures that are used to eating remains, i mean?
It's rotten and still full of whatever diseases the person had and animals instinctively avoid them.
After they're destroyed the negative energy dissipates quickly and they're just corpses.
It's rotten and still full of whatever diseases the person had and animals instinctively avoid them.
After they're destroyed the negative energy dissipates quickly and they're just corpses.
So if the zombie was killed, it would be somewhat save, but a living zombie is dangerous to eat even for a scavenger?
It would try to kill that scavenger since it instinctively seeks to destroy life if not controlled.
But thats only if it was a living zombies flesh, a dead ones is just corpse flesh? I just want to be very sure that what im about to write doesnt end up being very bad for all parties involved XD
The bigger the zombie the worse it is. A zombie whale would kill surrounding fish by being near them.
I suppose that wont be a possibility then. ^^ Alright, thanks for explaining. I figured Death would know these things, so i wanted to clear it up beforehand
Should have said this earlier, but well done on the fight scene.
Should we have that be it for the Zombies or do you want to keep at it?

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