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Fantasy The Four Horsemen OOC

That's what I'm going to do. You don't have enough information at the moment. For all you can tell at the moment it might as well have been a Human.
More evidence will come later.
Im sure you´ll find the right times. Once she has an idea, im sure you´ll let me know any interesting information her wikipedia of a brain would contain
Combat time. Show me what your characters can do.
Please post at least 2 paragraphs per post.

Also Death, this latest development suggests that whatever is doing this is most likely some form of Undead. There are still too many possibilities to be sure, but she should check to see if any murderers have been executed recently.
Combat time. Show me what your characters can do.
Please post at least 2 paragraphs per post.

Also Death, this latest development suggests that whatever is doing this is most likely some form of Undead. There are still too many possibilities to be sure, but she should check to see if any murderers have been executed recently.
How would you want this combat to go? Do we just slay the zombies on our own or would you rather treat it as pvp combat, where we say what we WOULD do and you decide how it turns out and what happens? Or would you want to clear up in the OOC how its gonna go and then have us portrait that IC?
How would you want this combat to go? Do we just slay the zombies on our own or would you rather treat it as pvp combat, where we say what we WOULD do and you decide how it turns out and what happens? Or would you want to clear up in the OOC how its gonna go and then have us portrait that IC?
You slay the Zombies on your own.
Feel free to loop around the posting order as many times as you need to until combat is over.
The Zombies will just be trying to beat you to death with their fists (which will be able to hit incredibly hard since there is nothing holding them back from striking full strength) and moving at top Human speed the entire time.

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