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Fantasy The Final Masquerade | Volume: ONE

Hope looked at Julian " Home is long ways away," he said a bit louder than before. Then looked back at the ground "That's all," he said with his feeling of missing his home in Netherlands hit him again.
"Where is home?" He asked Hope curiously. He wished he knew of is own real home. His whole life was lived in confusion of such a place.
"That depends on how you take it Silas." Ellion readjusted her bronze goggles as her foot tapped quietly to her own mental beat. The blonde teen was definitely older then her and held himself nicely. And seeing as he hasn't yelled at her or spoken with her out of anger like most usually would with her by this point he seemed alright. He seemed patient and someone who could think up something in the heat of the moment naturally. When he revealed his gun she looked up at him sceptically, people strayed from using guns unless the situation called for it seeing it as a cowardly weapon. But if it got the job done Ellion didn't quite have a problem with it.

"Nice," she breathed out as she released the rest of her smoke sure to keep it from anyone vicinity before she felt the warmth of the cigarette be to close to her gloves and dropped it to the ground smothering it with the bottom of her boot as she spoke.

"You'll have to show these skills to me sometime."
" Scotland, Norway, Netherlands," he said quietly listing his homes throughout his life. He had a Scottish accent like his mother did but most people couldn't tell because didn't talk much. " Home is where a heart is," he mumbled just as his sister did when they moved to Netherlands.
Vivian's smile lowly dropped as the younger boy spoke. At some point she tried to repeat his introduction in her head, but didn't make it passed "I am Torre Wallace Darren". She nodded along nevertheless, although she waited a few moments before she replied. "You're too tense." she said calmly, smiling again and even letting out a laugh. "It's kinda funny, but you should relax Torre. I can call you that, right?" Vivian hopped off the barrel, stretching her arms before picking up her large sword.

"This is your first time experiencing the big, wide world, isn't it?" Vivian asked, teasing him a little. "I can tell that you're nervous."
"No shit?" He was surprised that he had met someone from the same-ish area that he came from. "Sweden here." He pointed to himself and smiled proudly. "You ever been to Sweden?"
"Whoa so cool." She looked at the weapon amazed. " where in the world did she find a weapon like that? She looked around noticing more people arriving. "So are you nervous about joining this whole thing?"
Akira shook her head. She smiled. "I am kind of a crazy fighter so I think this will be interesting. I have kind of ever earned a name for myself. People call me The Red Hood. You know, because of the cape." She said, looking at her.
Hope shrugged " We past through on our way to Netherlands," he said clearing his throat. This has been the most he's talked since he left to find his brothers and father. He just couldn't shake the feeling that something was up with his father. He left when Hope was so young he was surprised his father looked the same. He wanted to know why he left his family behind.
Torre felt he probably was being too nervous, considering how rigid his shoulders were at the moment. He tried to loosen them up a bit before replying. "You are free to call me that, Miss North," he replied, "I am indeed experiencing the wider world for the first time. I had been within my family's castle walls until today. I shall do as you suggest, and try to relax more." He was glad she seemed to be taking his misgivings well; she could have very easily berated him for his manner and he would understand why; he definitely needed more practice when interacting with women.

"That is a rather large sword, Miss North," he commented; it had over three times the thickness of both his katanas. "I applaud you for having such strength."
"I'll be sure to, a sparring match sometime?" Looking around Silas noticed a few more people had gathered and were also talking amongst themselves, there was quite a range of people here, they had to look like the most mismatched crew in town "Interesting lot here isn't it, we've got everyone all lined up. From Little Red Riding Hood to the Disgraced Prince" Gesturing to the latter as he spoke, settling down and taking a seat on the wood of the docks, lighting another cigarette after he'd gotten comfy.
Eldrick looked at the poster that had been shoved into his hand by a friend of his, "You should go," was what the man had said. Eldrick read over it, before folding it neatly and placing it in his pocket. Maybe I could find a way to get a cure for my brother, he thought to himself. He walked to the boardwalk, his boots make a solid 'thud' every time he took a step. He looked around for any form of group.

After a few minutes of looking around, he saw a group of people and walked over, as he took the poster out of his pocket, "Is this the group for this recruitment?" he asked, nothing more then a serious look on his face, and a serious tone to his voice.
Ellion nodded in agreement itching for a good opponent ever since she had taken up those matches in the towns alley ways a couple years back. She only reminisced for a moment for when the topic of their group of misfits was brought up she was paying attention once more and nodded in agreement,

"Oh ya, I definitely didn't see myself being in a gang like this with such..uh..." She paused and snapped her fingers as she thought of the word. Smacking her knee confidently as it came to mind,

"Diversity. Not that I'm saying that I was some stupid matching tops that say the princes dog on the back though so we're more alike." She stated as she pushed herself upwards and onto the edge of the crate where she leaned forward and let out a bored yawn.
"Well the place is a shit hole ever since my m-" Julian sighed and cleared his throat. "King Grey took over and made is a shit hole." He crossed his arms. "I think that's all of us for today." Julian stepped away from the railing and walked a few feet to the rest of the group. "Okay, we've got all we're gonna get out of the daylight, go home, get some rest, tomorrow we do proper introductions and start training. In two days, Friday, we leave. Meet back here tomorrow, noon."

Julian heard the voice of a new poster owner. "Yes, you're in the right place. Name's Julian." He shook the newcomer's hand. "Meet back here noon tomorrow for introductions and training. Meet the rest of the group first." He smirked and began to walk away.

"See ya tomorrow Hope." He saluted Hope with two fingers as he passed him. His hand went back into his pockets. He made it few steps before a deck hand form one of the docked ships at port tripped him.

"Traitor." The man mumbled as he passed him.

Julian was enraged, but held himself back. He then stood back up, brushed himself off, and began walking again.
Akira noticed his anger as he stalked off. Deciding to follow him, she waved to her new friend see you tomorrow!" She said as she followed Julian off the docks. She technically had nowhere to be and she was just kind of a floating person, so she decided to walk out with him. Falling into step with him, she walked in silence, sensing he was already angry.
Hope held up his hand waving a goodbye to Julian. He stood there unsure what to do. Where was he gonna go? Is there any inn or hotel somewhere? Even if there was he didn't have any money to pay for the room. He sighed and looked at the boy that Julian had talked to before bidding him a farewell. Hope waved at him and leaned against the railing again.
Eldrick listened to the instructions before nodding, and shaking the man's hand, "Eldrick Erstweiler, pleased to meet you," he introduced, using all the formalities he had learned from his older brother. When the man walked off, Eldrick did the same and headed home. Once he got in the door, he hung up his jacket and walked over to his brother, who was sitting on the worn down couch, "I'll be leaving soon brother, do you think you'll fair well?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

His brother nodded, "I'll be fine, just be safe," he muttered, coughing a bit as he spoke, "You know my friends visit me on a daily basis, if I get really sick they'll take care of it, no worries,"

Eldrick sighed and nodded, "I'll go make some dinner then," he said before stalking off to the kitchen to make some food for the two of them.
Justin was silent at the docks and he got tired of just standing there and he walked off he knew he had to meet back tomorrow but he didn't mind what time it was he would be waiting all day for them to make a appearance. Justin smirked and as he was walking back once again he fell in the water "God Damnit!"
Vivian looked at the sheathed blade, eyes shining since he mentioned it. "Oh, this old thing? It's not too heavy." she said excitedly, lifting her chain sword and holding it with both hands and started to pull it from its case. "I bought it a while ago, even though it's broken. You see these little, sharp teeth-like edges here? They're supposed to spin along the edges of the blade, so they can cut through anything - or anyone." She grinned, obviously enthusiastic about her death-machine. She looked up at Torre, her grin basically going from ear to ear. "I was really disappointed when it didn't work, but it's still quite intimidating." Vivian said. "So, what kind of heat are you packing?"

As soon as she asked, Julian Grey, or "The Observer" announced the end of today's meet 'n greet. Vivian pouted, disappointed that there wasn't any action. "Time to go, I suppose." she mumbled, watching their leader make his leave.
Julian walked off and into the town square and past his uncle's shop.

"Closed" He read the sign. He sighed and continued walking. The dark had now consumed the usually alive town, leaving it an empty and poorly light ghost town. Someone was walking behind him. Julian walked down an alley way to see if they'd follow.
Harley was in the town square because--wait, why was he there again? He raised his arm over his head to block out the sun, squinting to protect his eyes from the sharp rays. He didn't know how he'd gotten here or why he'd gone there in the first place. All he knew was that he had one hell of a hangover. Awesome. It wasn't the first time that this had happened. As he wove his way through the town square, he noticed that there seemed to be more people there than usual, all of them gazing at posters that advertised recruitment. On a whim, Harley moved closer, squinting so that he could read in spite of his pounding head. Recruitment for--oh. Well, /that/ was certainly interesting. He grinned to himself, gazing around at the crowds in the square. He would have to stay and learn more about this recruitment, or possibly return tomorrow to see if it was still an option.
Hope put his head back and closed his eyes it was silent. Until the silence was broken by a splash and a yell. His eyes shot open and he saw the boy who had fallen in the water before. He walked over to where the boy had fallen and he offered to help by holding out his hand.
Torre was amazed that such a mechanism could exist in a melee weapon. "That is truly an extraordinary weapon, Miss North. I can barely imagine what it would look like fully functional." He felt that his own swords did not share the destructive capabilities her did, for better or for worse. "My weapons are of a more simpler origin. They were previously my master's, who taught me to fight using two katanas. When he had taught me all I could learn, he bestowed them upon me as a final graduation, and retired. They are simple katanas, without any mechanical additions." He drew both of them out slightly so that Miss North could glance at their blades. He felt it was not proper to fully unsheathe his sword in front of a woman.

Upon hearing that they should go, he realized he actually did not have a place to stay. He was not welcomed in his house until he had fulfilled his requirements set by his mother. "Miss North, may I ask where lodging might be? I am not able to go home until I have fully experienced the world, so I have no place to stay for tonight," he asked.
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Akira smiled. So he had noticed her presence. She continued following him into the alleyway, her feet not making a sound. She smiled as he walked into an alleyway to try and throw her off. She continued behind him, a smile still gracing her face as she followed him. She had folded her scythe and put it under her cloak so he wouldn't know.
"Well, that's that I suppose" Standing up as he spoke "I'll be off then, See you Friday Ellion, I'm going to go get a drink." Waving over his shoulder as he headed away from the group, taking a small, piece of paper out of his jacket pocket, a time and place marked down on it. He had a quick job to do before they set off Friday, and would rather get things sorted sooner than later.

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