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Fantasy The Final Masquerade | Volume: ONE

Silas walked out onto the docks, paper in hand he scanned through the crowd for the organizer of this little party, spotting a small group of people, a few of which had the same poster as he did screwed up in their hands he headed towards them. As he approached one of them introduced himself to the group, Julian Grey, presumably the son of the king, putting one and two together he figured this little voyage was a revenge mission "Grey huh.. I'm in." speaking offhandedly to Julian. Following his instructions he stepped off to the side, next to a tomboyish looking woman resting on a crate "You in on this little party too girly?" Blowing out a puff of smoke as he spoke, making sure to direct it away from anyone else.

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Torre's mother instructed Torre that now that he was of age, he should go out, experience the world, acquire riches, and court a lady, just as his father had done. It was admittedly a little hard for Torre to do so, considering he had never met his father before, but his mother was confident that Torre could, considering how much he looked like his father. And with that, she kicked him out of the castle, with only directions toward the nearest town square and some provisions for a couple of days. At least she remembered to give him his two katanas. He was not to come back until he had either acquired riches or a wife with an estate of her own. Torre hoisted his katanas onto his left hip, slung the pack over his shoulder, and followed the map to the town square.

He had finally arrived onto the town square, which was bustling with energy. He figured he might as well look for a good way to "experience the world," since that was the first of the several things his mother told him to acquire. Walking through the crowds, he came across a recruitment poster, one that would allow him to board a ship to the Land of Wonder. That definitely sounded promising. It was also as good of a way as any for him to try to have a way to travel out of the town, since his coin alone would not be enough to get him around the world. He tore down the poster and headed to the designated area. There was already a small group waiting there already. He hoped he was not too late for this recruitment. Torre decided he might as well introduce himself.

"Pardon the intrusion; might this be the group related to this recruitment poster?" he inquired, holding up the poster he had torn down.
Julian was shocked, enraged, then immanently felt respected for once. "Agreed." He shook the girl's hand nervously then firmly, as he does with all Julian-to-girl interactions. He smirked at her joke.

Another member found the group, he nodded to the guy who addressed him indirectly.

'What have I gotten myself into...?' he though nervously.
Sage had just finished cleaning the rail gun of her latest weapon, DeathBot, when she heard rustling in the streets. Going outside of the garage, she ran towards the center, finding a poster.

Smirking, Sage running back to finish this robot death machine just in time to take it to the docks. She shuffled herself inside the contraption and busted through the garage, causing a well-known shriek from her mother to hit her ears. "I'll be away for a while!" Sage called to her parents. The robot, now controlled by the girl, moved down the streets a back way to avoid attracting unwanted attention.
Hope was still standing unnoticed unlike anytime before and he didn't like it. He put his hand up slightly attempting to get Julians attention. He didn't know if he was invisible or what but he wanted to make his presence known to someone. If it didn't work he was going to leave or sneak on to their ship as a stowaway.
Julian saw a man raising his hand, as if in school to ask a question. Julian looked around to see if the man was trying to get his attention and not someone else's. Julian made his way over.

"I saw you have a poster. Do you have a question?" Julian asked the kid politely.
Ellion gave one of her famous and naturally crooked smile as she gripped his hand firmly before turning back to the boy who spoke to her earlier after she introduced herself. Thinking of his question she returned to her position on the crates her arms hooking around the crates corners as she eyed the person up and down.

"Girly isn't my name it's Ellion or Leon your choice." She responded hoping he'd use her nickname and for the sake of her sanity not call her Elli like her father would every chance he got. She let out a small sigh before answering his question,

"Of course I am, who'd put down an offer like this?" She questioned the blonde quizzically before holding out a gloved hand for a cigarette.

"A cigarette for the poor?" Ellion rarely smoked because she never had the chance due to always being on jobs and needing to save up what money she had. But she saw this as a chance to.

@The One Eyed Bandit
Vivian shoved the flyer into one of the pouches hanging from her belt, then sit herself down on a nearby barrel, swinging her legs. "Yessir," she said to one of the new arrivals. "If you're here because of the poster, please step aside and wait for the others." The girl grinned, her smile bright and sweet. She held a hand out to him, crossing her legs as she did so. "My name is Vivian Langley," she said, "If we're going to be working together, let's get along, 'kay? You can call me North, if you'd like."

Hope kept the same expression on his face best he could. He put his hand down and shook his head muttering quietly " No just trying to make my presence know," his voice was almost inaudible but was still able to be heard. "Sorry," his voice was scratchy from staying silent as long as he had.
"Understood." Julian patted him on the shoulder. "I know you're here." He reassured the kid. Julian leaned against the railing of the dock scanning the crowded area again, this time closer to the kid he'd just talked to. 
Julian heard a girl call out her poster and nodded at her. "Thank you." He said aloud.
Silas withdrew a pack from his jacket pocket and handed it to Ellion, "Leon a nickname I suppose?" Attempting to stoke up a conversation, if only to pass the time while they waited for more crew members to arrive, he was a.. little rusty with this sort of thing, spending most his free time at bars and sleeping. "So, you know how to fight?, What kind of gear do you use?" Offering her a light as he spoke, curious as to the talents of his new-found teammates.
Akira smiled. "Nice to meet you Terra." She said. "So what's your favorite weapon?" She asked. She was always curious about seeing weapons. It was like meeting new people, only cooler. Although, she wasn't sure if they would have weapons like hers. After all, a scythe mixed with a sniper rifle is not something you find on every corner.
Torre was not sure why someone would want to be called a direction; surely that would lead to confusion? Perhaps it was a title she was given. Nevertheless, he respected her wishes. "Very well, Lady North. Thank you for welcoming me," he replied, bowing to her. A little nervously, he shook her hand, hoping he was not being too direct by accepting the gesture. He tried to remember all the etiquette mother had taught him when meeting women, and shaking hands was not something she had told him about.

Akira asked her what her favorite weapon was. "Oh a sword see?" She took her sword out and showed it to her. "Only one of its kind. It's redness is suppose to be poison. So got be careful not to touch it."
Hope nodded and felt that it was rude to not give his name " My name is Hope," he said looking at the ground not sure if Julian had heard him. He didn't mind though he couldn't do much about it he wasn't very social.
Ellion sighed with relief as she plucked a single cylindrical paper coated tobacco piece from the box and placed it lightly between her lips. Then leaned into the lighter gratefully as she gave a curt nod to signal her appreciation before removing the cigarette and letting out a small amount of smoke through her teeth.

"Yup a nickname," she answered looking off at the shimmering waters surface.

"Do I know how to fight," she scoffed narcissistically retrieving past brawl memories, "I once took out a guy bigger then you and I at a bar while I was nearly unconscious from everything I was doing that night. Don't cheat at a game of poker with me," she instructed as she took another puff of the cigarette before releasing the smoke as she tapped the tip of ash on the crate.

"And I usually use blades like anyone else. But I'm best with the baby on my hip." She stated referring to her sword which she called Ruth, "But don't get me wrong I know how to shoot as well." Ellion informed before eying the blonde.

"Now your turn starting with your name of course."
Akira nodded. "Well so is mine. This is Crescent Rose." She said, pulling out the bulky package. She smiled and she pressed a button and the thing unfolded to it' full glory. "My folding one of a kind sniper rifle slash scythe." She said, sticking the pointy end into the wood and leaning on the handle. She made sure to keep her hand away from the trigger.
Vivian couldn't help but giggle a little when she was called "Lady North". She had been called many things - many rude things - but "Lady" was never one of them. "I appreciate the formality, but it isn't necessary. Besides," she said with a sigh, leaning back on her barrel, "I'm not much of a lady. And... I don't believe I caught your name?" Vivian allowed her hand to fall to her side, stabling her balance with her sheathed sword. "Should I prefix your name with 'Lord'?" she joked.
Justin didn't want to communicate because he didn't want anyone to nickname him anything he wouldn't like thought he wouldn't care he was coward when it came to things like this but he didn't care for it.
"Hope? Like H-O-P-E hope? Yeah, I need a little some of that for myself..." He hesitated, then chuckled. "Cool name, it's better than a girl's name..." He hated his own name.

He sighed, stretched, and looked up at the sun; it was beginning it's decent. The unfolding of one of the other's weapons made him jump slightly, he looked back at Hope. "You think we should send everyone home soon? Or give he others who haven't found me a little more time?"
Torre felt embarrassed forgetting to introduce himself. It was something he should have said when he had first approached the group. "I am sorry La-... Miss North. I am Torre Wallace Darren Sams, Son of Sir Wallace Darren Sams, now deceased. You are free to call me what you wish. I have not gained an estate myself yet, so I cannot be called a Lord, Miss North," Torre replied, hoping she had not taken offense to him not giving his name sooner. Already he was falling short of his mother's teachings.
Hope nodded at Julian's question about his name and thought it was odd that Julian thought his name was for a girl. He had always thought it was a boy name he's always seen it that way. He was brought out of his thoughts as Julian asked another question " Wait," he said knowing he didn't know where he would go.
"What's up?" Julian asked Hope. Julian was intrigued at the group's interactions. He had no idea it would go this smooth. He thought for sure there;d be some type of scuffle that would lead to a death, causing him to yet again scrap the idea for a fourth time. This was the first time this had worked so well.
"Silas, And was that supposed to be a threat?" Taking back the box as he spoke, Ellion was leaving a.. memorable first impression to say the least, the woman of this day and age may be independent but she was something else, she honestly seemed like more of a man than a woman.

His cigarette smouldering low he spat it into the harbor, coughing lightly "As for my own weapons.." pulling back his jacket as he spoke, revealing a large, heavy looking pistol "I'm a pretty good shot if I do say so myself, Not too shabby in a fist fight either"

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