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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Damion laid in his cell with a sigh. He then finally decided to nap for a while, so he did.

James sat in his "dorm like" cell, he had hay on the ground (which served as his bed since he would break any other bed), a small lamp, a few books, and his cell wasn't like Damion's with the large bars covering a wall and a giant metal door. James' cell was a simple wall at the front and had a door that he could go in and out of. Since he was one of the "less harmful" experiments he had permission to leave his cell for short time periods, but only for simple things like getting something to eat. Being that it was around that, James stood up and opened the wide door; just barely squeezing through. He trotted through the halls and into the cafeteria. He simply grabbed a tray left out for him and went to a table with no chairs. He sat down as best he could on his hooves and began to eat.
Hot on Max's trail, Susan chased him into a hallway shouting "GET OVER HERE SO I CAN GIVE YOU THE BEATING YOU DESERVE!". She ran up to him, catching up, and threw a bit of lightning at him, knocking him down. " You see why you don't mess with a weather controller?" She asked him
She shook her head, chuckling. The prank didn't get her, thankfully she didn't take the cookie. She sat back down, her stomach rumbling again. She rushed over to the food area, looking through the cabinets. She found some Cheez-Its, happily sat on the floor and started to pop one by one into her mouth. She wiggled around, "Yum!" She said, grabbing another handful.

(HAHAH! Max is made out of electricity, my friend. @pokemariofan64 ))
Max just laughed as he absorbed the lightning. "Did you do something?" He asked in a teasing tone as electricity danced off of him. "Actually I think I felt something. Why don't you try another lighting attack." He said with a smirk. @pokemariofan64
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She heard the lighting and she jumped up, her food flying. She sprinted into the hallway, "What are you guys doing?!" She asked, her eyes wide, her blonde hair coming out of the pony tail. Her hair cascaded down her back like an elegant waterfall. She stood with her legs slightly spread, her arms against her sides and her hands clenched into fists until her knuckles turned white, "Stop fighting!"
James quickly galloped out of the cafeteria and into the hallway the moment he heard the lightning. He quickly ran between both of the troublemakers and said,"Both of you, cut it out!" He held out both of his arms like a shield and said,"Will someone tell me what on earth is going on here!?"
Mari shrugged at Sothenas' question and smiled, "I just wanted to talk" replied Mari; hoping that she would be able to. There was not much to do here, that fact everyone knew; and Mari just liked interacting with people, the good kind that was. Tats just stood there, like a silent guardian; Tats was never one for talking unless he needed to.

This is none of your business." He said threaten as electricity danced off of him. After a few seconds he let out a sigh and scratched his head. "She doesn't know how to take a prank." He said in a bored tone. @Isune
James sighed and let his hands fall down to his side and said,"Serves you right for pranking people who can kill you. And as for you." He said referring to the one who had caused him to come out there,"You need to learn to relax, now I believe this gentleman owes you an apology." He then told max,"Go on, apologize."
Max gave him a weird look. "A few things are wrong with what you said. First off, she can't kill me." He said as he pointed at the girl. "Secondly what gives you the right to boss me around. And thirdly I have no intention of apologizing for what I did." He said with a smirk. "Or are you going to make me?" He asked as electricity danced around him excitedly.
James sighed,"I can't make you apologize, but maybe if you do she'll stop trying to attack you." He shrugged."But, if you like to get your adrenaline pumping or that sort of thing go right on ahead and do nothing at all." He then saw the smirk on Max's face and said,"Oh, if I were you I'd wipe that little smirk of yours right off of your face...it's not wise to try and do that with someone who's towering over you."
Hesitantly scampering into the cafeteria, she loads her plate with eggs, waffles, pancakes, bloody steaks ,ripe red apples and a chunk of chocolate. Rushing in to the hallway and stuffing food in her mouth Mikai looks around " Where is everyone?"
Max looked at him and chuckled. "You do know just because you are taller than me doesn't mean a damn. If I chose I co-" He stopped midsentence as one of his arms turned into electricity. He sighed and focused on making it physical again. "What a pain." He muttered before looking at James. "I could kill you with ease if I choose to." He said with a smirk, though he no longer sounded threatening and electricity wasn't dancing around him anymore.
James simply said,"I never said it to intimidate you...that was your own mind." The "centaur" sighed,"Well if you're so sure you can hurt me your free to do so, but I wouldn't advise it." James then turned around and began walking back to the cafeteria, hopefully he'd be able to finish his food before it went cold.
"Nah I don't care for doing sneak attacks." Max said with a sigh. "Do you want some Oreos?" He asked as he went to the table and handed him the cookies. (He replaced the cream with toothpaste fyi)
Penance hears all the commotion from inside his cell. "Man whats with all the noise in the cafeteria? Guess i'll have to go see." He left cell to the source of the noise just to see a centaur and a electric kid talking to each other. "Um do i even want to know?"
James examined one of the oreos, he opened one and looked at it closely. He then put a very small amount of the "cream" onto his finger tip and put it in his mouth. He then said,"You simply replaced the cream with toothpaste..." He sighed,"That means I need to get more toothpaste, doesn't it?" He then added,"Sorry, the only pranks that get to me are when people hop on my back and hope that I don't throw them off instantly."
She folded her arms over her chest, sighing. The other female had over-reacted and used her powers to harm another, thankfully Max was made out of electricity. She glared at Susan, rolling her bright blue eyes. She was angry that Susan had lashed out like that, why would she do such a thing? What if Max wasn't electricity proof? Susan could have done serious harm. She glared at Susan, her bright blue hues retracting. She smiled at the horseman as he walked by. She was startled at first when he galloped in to save the day, but now getting a good look at him, he was simply... Interesting. She then rubbed her arms, feeling just a tinge of loneliness.
Penance said:
Penance hears all the commotion from inside his cell. "Man whats with all the noise in the cafeteria? Guess i'll have to go see." He left cell to the source of the noise just to see a centaur and a electric kid talking to each other. "Um do i even want to know?"
Looks around nervously, holding bloody steak " Uuuhhhhh... Who and or what are you?" The centaur was starting to scare her, flames flashing around her feet and slowly crawling up her body
When he his prank was discovered Max went into depression mode. "It took me forever to get the right amount of toothpaste and I was sick for at least a day from eating all that cream, not to mention I had to take these without anyone noticing. *Sigh* At least I got one person." He muttered as he sat next to a girl with fire feet.
James sighed and said,"No need to be alarmed, I'm a experiment just like everyone else here...My name is James Huntington"
Penance said:
Penance hears all the commotion from inside his cell. "Man whats with all the noise in the cafeteria? Guess i'll have to go see." He left cell to the source of the noise just to see a centaur and a electric kid talking to each other. "Um do i even want to know?"
With nothing else to do, Arya would leave her cell for the first time. Flattening her ears to her head and putting her hood up to conceal them, she would follow him into the crowded room.
Peaceswore said:
When he his prank was discovered Max went into depression mode. "It took me forever to get the right amount of toothpaste and I was sick for at least a day from eating all that cream, not to mention I had to take these without anyone noticing. *Sigh* At least I got one person." He muttered as he sat next to a girl with fire feet.
Isune said:
James sighed and said,"No need to be alarmed, I'm a experiment just like everyone else here...My name is James
" Hello, I'm Mikai" She tries to look unalarmed but the flames still spiral around her body " Please don't come too close!"

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