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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Penance looks at damion going to bed. "Humph guess he's done having a mental break down." He then caught the scent of something wolf like him. He looked at another cell to a girl holding her head in her hands. "You there. You're part wolf. Who are you?"
Damion sighed and put his blankets up over his head, hiding his entire body. He hated being anywhere near both of them! He then reached a hand out from his covers and grabbed his old book before pulling it back in, lightly reading and hoping that his new neighbors were calm.
LunaCrosby said:
"No I haven't, what'd you do to them?" She asked, probably a little too eagerly.
"I'll tell you, but don't tell anyone otherwise the prank is ruined." He said seriously before smiling. "I replaced all the cream with toothpaste. I made it look so perfect even I almost forgot what I did." He said smiling. "Now I just need someone to have a craving and stuff as many as they can in their mouth." He said as he rubbed his hands in anticipation.
Penance said:
Penance looks at damion going to bed. "Humph guess he's done having a mental break down." He then caught the scent of something wolf like him. He looked at another cell to a girl holding her head in her hands. "You there. You're part wolf. Who are you?"
Opening her eyes she would turn her head to see Penance. Slightly startled she would answer "Me?....A-Arya..." Trailing off her voice would wavering a bit.
"Never new there was another wolf experiment" he smirked "cool. Nice to know there are more of me"
(Sorry that I'm just barely joining. I had to edit stuff about my... Player Bio for this. Huehue))

Sonus rubbed sleep from her eyes, giving a big yawn, sitting up in her bed. The room had white walls, a window to the right of her. She yawned again, clutching the blankets. Her eyes sprung open and a sudden wave of excitement washed over her. Today was the day she could go out and talk to the other experiments! She jumped out of the bed and rushed to get clothes on, "Ok I need this, this... Oh and this! Am I forgetting anything?" She mumbled to herself.

A voice came over the speakers in her room, "Ok Sonus, are you ready to meet the other... Experiments?" It was a female voice, one of the scientists and hesitated at the word 'experiments'. Sonus nodded eagerly and waited at the door. She couldn't open it manually, it was controlled by the scientists. She didn't know any of the scientists, but she'd been hearing the female voice almost all her life. She squealed in excitement... but then stopped. The door clicked open and a breeze of cool air met her. She put her hair up in a ponytail and quickly walked down the long hallway. She was acting to childish. Why? Maybe she was just exited, which of course she was, so would it be ok to do so? The scientists have been keeping her in this cell for quite some time and it was breakfast anyway. But she was almost 18 years of age. With the books that the scientists have given her, the characters where so mature. The five year olds and such were not, they bounced around like this. She would go to the cafeteria. Hopefully the other experiments would be nice... Or at least somewhat nice.

She slowed to a very slow walk. What if they weren't nice? What if one tried to attack her? She pushed the thought away, the smell of food reaching her nose. She loved food and hoped that she didn't wake up to late. Usually, as the female scientist said, they visit each other in their own cells. But her cell was isolated from the rest and she would have to go to them. She finally reached the cafeteria, but her hunger left her. She sat down and waited... Just waited....
Max left the girl since she seemed lost in her own world or something. With a sigh he headed to the cafeteria to get something to eat. He didn't trust people easily so he made his own meal and took a seat at a random table. He wasn't paying attention because he took a seat right next to a girl he hadn't seen before (really he doesn't know any of the other experiments). He was half way done with his meal when suddenly his right shoulder turned to electricity making him drop his food. 'Damn it.' He thought as he concitrated on becoming physical again. After a few seconds he was successful. With a sigh he leaned back and noticed the girl next to him. "...Hey, how long have you been there?" He asked as he stretched. @SurroundSound
She turned to the male that spoke to her. Crimson filled her cheeks as she didn't quite know how to respond to the question. She brushed a strand of her blonde hair from her eyes and spoke softly, "I... Don't know." Sonus really didn't know. She could be over 100,000 years of age, since the time that she had been made, was such a long time ago. The scientists have just put her birthday on a random day, and that's when they've been saying she has aged. She has, over the years, but they said she might stay like this. He electric clue eyes seemed to have an unusual glow as she looked up. She was startled at the way his arm went into electricity then formed back, "How... Did you do that?" She asked, her voice having an unusual accent to it. British or Australian, she didn't really know herself. @Peaceswore
"Do what? This?" He asked as he turned his whole body into electricity and then physical. "Simple, I'm electricity. Just like you I'm anther one of those damned experiments." He said with a sigh. "I'm considered one of the more dangerous ones, took me awhile to get out of my prison." He said as he stretched. "And how do you not know how long you have been sitting here? Here I'll simplify the question did I sit here first or you?" @SurroundSound
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"Oh.. I've been sitting here for... Maybe 10 minutes before you came along. Nothing too long." She gave a dashing smile, "That's really cool though. You can control electricity? I would say it is more of a gift than an experiment... I can control sound. I like it as a gift, I can play whatever music I want and what others want to hear... But sometimes it's hard to control, defiantly if I'm angry. That's why they kept me away from everyone else so I can learn how to use it." She said, her voice cheerful but soft, "They said I was a more dangerous experiment too... Since they didn't create me. I was created by other beings and they took me from them... But it's ok I guess..." @Peaceswore
Max looked at her and clenched his fist. 'Gift? If this is a gift I want to return it.' He thought before he let out a sigh and unclenched his hands. "I guess it's pretty cool...though I would be happy without. Sadly it can't get me out of here so I find it on the useless side. However when I get into a fight Haha Well it's intresting." He said as he stood up and put away his dishes. He then walked back over to and grinned. "What's your name?" He asked as he leaned back on his chair. @SurroundSound ((If you want I can have max interact with you. Also can you please keep OOC chat in the OOC tab @pokemariofan64 ))
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Susan came in. "Hey guys" she said. She had been in her cell a while, and decided to see some of the experiments. She had heard the two talking, and decided to stop by. "I'm Susan, I can control weather.". She looked at Max and the other girl. She continued "I can summon rain, clouds, stuff like that, inside as well". She motioned to some of the clouds near her.
Nodded, feeling his frustration, "Sorry..." She said looking at the table as he walked away. She pipped up again as the male asked her name, she though he had left. She smiled, "My name's Sonus Insanu. What's your name?" She asked, blinking a few times. @Peaceswore
"I'm Max Nobody." He stated as before looking at Susan. "You control the weather huh. Intresting...I guess." He said with a shrug. He then went to the cabinet and grabbed a box of Oreos. "Do you want some?" He asked as he offered the snack to the two of them. (He replaced the cream with toothpaste, however your OC are unaware of this) @SurroundSound @pokemariofan64
Penance said:
"Never new there was another wolf experiment" he smirked "cool. Nice to know there are more of me"
Would blink at this, not knowing how to reply. Feeling slightly awkward Arya would give the wolf a uncomfortable look with a hint of fear in the depths of her eyes.
Sothena heard the knocking and opened the door. She heard Mari greet her and smiled.

"Hello Mari. Do you need something?"

She asked.
StoneWolf18 said:
Would blink at this, not knowing how to reply. Feeling slightly awkward Arya would give the wolf a uncomfortable look with a hint of fear in the depths of her eyes.
Penance saw she was uncomfortable. "Sorry im working on my 'people skills'. Might as well do something while i wait in this cell."
Penance said:
Penance saw she was uncomfortable. "Sorry im working on my 'people skills'. Might as well do something while i wait in this cell."
Knowing that he had noticed she would sigh "Sorry..I'm kind of new here..."
Susan said "Sure!" and took one. She examined it. It looked somewhat soft. Must've been melted a bit from being in there. Taking a bite, She immediately came across a taste that definitely wasn't Oreo. Spitting it out, Susan yelled at Max "GET OVER HERE" casting a gut of wind at her. She couldn't believe herself for falling for that stupid trick. She was ashamed.
"Hahahaha You actually fell for it!" He exclaimed as he ran away laughing his ace off on purposely leaving the Oreos on the table for another unlucky victim. He was able to get out of the room before she could catch him in her gust of wind. "HAhahaha Yo-you're! Face! Hahaha!" He exclaimed as he continued to run. @pokemariofan64
Luna's ears twitched when she heard a girl yell, she looked over at the girl, seeing the oreos close to her she smiled and walked past.
Mikai rubs her eyes and yawns with her mouth gaping widely. Slipping off her bed and on to the floor she yawns again. Slowly picking herself up Mikai walks over the cold wooden floor and pads just in the loose nightshirt hanging on her boyish figure. Her stomach growls loudly " Jeez , I'm hungry !" Her emotions rise as she starts jogging to the kitchen, a trail of footprint shaped burn marks in her wake.

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