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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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Sothena sighed as she had to find food outside and the power was out but the upside was she could use her wings, downside was she had to be careful when to use them.
Alexia was now pressing her two index fingers together nervously as each person went about their own business, her shy attitude still very active around people despite having Crawler in her company. Her cat, Ashley, was now meowing at Alexia, her blushing in response while nodding her head. "H-H-H-Hey Damion?" queered the shy blond girl very sheepishly, "A-A-Ashley w-w-w-wants to k-k-k-know if we can sleep near y-y-you, she likes being on your h-h-head" continued the girl once Damion would turn around, her blushing at the statement; it was an entire lie that Ashley conjured up as an excuse for Alexia, who's heart was now pounding a mile a minute.

Arya would be at the cave that Penance had dug out. Inside she would lean on a wall, cursing she would think 'Damn, He was right there as well. It's going to destroy him.' Closing her eyes she would attempt to fall into a shallow sleep, but didn't. Her mind was filled with the events of today, and those yet to come. Arya had no idea what was to happen, how penance would react. How that would affect her. But she knew that it wasn't going to end nicely, nothing ever did. With these thoughts still swarming her mind she would finally find a fragile fragment of rest.
Penance leaned on a nearby tree and sighed 'great more loneliness' he then got up and just left into the woods and didnt say a word
Eyulf had returned to the clearing earlier to search for the deer only to find it gone with Penance's fresh scent in the area.

"Fucking hell...he had another job to do, he failed this job, he isn't supposed to get a second chance at it." he muttered to himself.

On the way back to the cave Eyulf somehow had gotten separated from Max and was now veering off in the opposite direction, something messing with both his natural internal compass and his biopsychic abilities. It had been a good two or three hours since he'd disappeared. Everyone probably thought he was gathering any equipment that had been left behind like food or other supplies.

In truth he was completely confused on his location, currently sitting by a small creek playing with a frog to pass the time. Tendrils of lightning crackled through the clouds, offering a very temporary light to the otherwise endless darkness. Though the darkness didn't bother Eyulf with his ability to see in the dark fairly easily, it was the fact that it had been a good couple hours since his last dose of meds, even if he had taken a double dose earlier to reverse the damage. The electricity and warped scents in the air were making it hard to track anything by scent as well so there was no way in finding the others that way until the storm ran it's course.

Soon the downpour came, hardly any warning, just a wall of water basically dropping on the area. The wolf in human form just kind of stayed there, sitting by the steadily growing creek, occasionally scooting back from the water, uncaring of the water coming down from above.

Eventually he started coughing, not anything bad at first, but it steadily grew into a harsh hacking until soon enough little black dots speckled the fist he held up to his mouth but were soon washed away by the rain. A cold smile crept into his pale lips as he whispered something but it was drowned out by a clap of furious thunder.
Max couldn't help but wander off and explore the island. He had unknowingly been gone for quite sometime since his attention was taken by a rabbit he found that was slightly injured. The poor creature was helpless and completely alone. Max obviously couldn't leave it there so he took it and began to nurse it, carefully placing it down whenever he felt like he would glitch so he wouldn't fry it. After a few hours of him treating the rabbit the best he could, he saw a flash of lightning followed by a crack of thunder. He let out a sigh and looks around. Just now noticing how late it was.

He got up and tucked the rabbit carefully into his coat so it wouldn't get wet, already having a strong attachment to the little guy he couldn't leave it there when it was likely going to rain.

He then made his way back to the river. He was almost at it when it started to pour. This freaked out Max not because this was his first storm, but because he was wet and holding something. If he were to glich...well you know.

He did concentrated on not glitching and soon made it to the river. When he arrived he saw Eyulf there. "Sorry about leaving suddenly!" Max shouted so he could be heard over the rain as he sat down next to Eyulf. Since he was carrying the rabbit, Max wasn't giving of any electricity so the only reason he found Eyulf is because it continual flash of lightning.

"Are you ok!?". He shouted as a flash of lightning gave Max enough time to see the black blood covering Eyulf fist.

@Memios Bonavich
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Arya was woken up by a violent clap of thunder. With the rain pounding on the roof of the cave her senses were clogged and confused. She would make her way over to the entrance, ignoring the sharp pains flaring up her sides. From the way the cave was laid out and the way the rain was falling the cave remained dry. She was about to go back to her previous spot but a stale sent at the mouth of the cave filled her nose. It was so faint that she was surprised she caught it. 'That other wolf is near' Arya would think as she sat down once more. 'Lovely'
Penance was standing in the middle of the woods punching everything from trees to bugs out of anger. "Dammit!!" He yelled "this is all the stupid governments fault! If they did experiment on us no one would be dead, no one would be trying to survive and i wouldnt be a walking FREAK!!" He punched a hole in a tree on the last word. He then sat down and huffed out of exhaustion "i want off this hellhole"
Luna sat outside the cave, she was soaked by now because she never step foot in the cave yet, she didn't want to be cramped up if there was a chance of that happening, so she stayed outside playing with her cat tail.
(Question, what cave are you people talking about? Arya was alone in the only cave and everyone else was in the center of a field by a fire.)
LunaCrosby said:
(I thought that Eyulf found a cave for everyone to take shelter? Unless I goofed up 0///0)
(I have no idea, Arya and Penance found a cave and then went with everyone to a field. Then Arya stormed off into the cave where as everyone is on the field. I think everyone is there besides Penance, Wolfie, Max and Arya)
Damion sighed and huddled next to Alexia and made his wings open in a odd way to cover both of them from the rain. He said,"Come on, there has to be somewhere nearby..."

Digit laid on the grass, the screen of his handheld pressed to his face. He continued his time on it until it began to rain. He quickly got up and walked towards a tree that would provide some nearby cover from the sudden rain.
Arya would be staring at the ceiling of the cave, the pounding of the rain above lulling her into a dreamlike trance. Sighing she would shift her position, only slightly but the pain would flare through her sides and up her spine only to vibrate in her skull. Or so it felt. Cursing through her teeth she would ever so slowly move to lift the side of her hoodie and shirt up. Right along her side there were deepening ridges that ran parallel up to about her mid back with being half an inch thick and 3 inches in length. Letting a groan escape her lips Arya would carefully let the side of clothing down. With all the horrid thoughts of what may happen fresh in her mind she need to distract herself. Angling her ears to the roof of the cave she would refocus herself to the drumming of the rain, it soon soothing her into sleep once more.
Alexia blushed as Damion actually accepted her request, holding onto Ashley she followed the dragon boy closely as they looked for somewhere to get out of the rain; along the way, all she could do was blush since she was so close to Damion. After a while of searching in the rain she pointed to a cave and shyly stuttered "Th-that l-l-looks like s-s-s-somewhere D-Damion"
(From what I could remember, the cave everyone is so confused about might be the one that was found by Max & Eyulf. They had discovered it during or sometime after Penance and Arya busy with the deer. Afterwards they led a number of experiments to it where Eyulf immediately began ordering everyone around [insulting Penance and Arya in the process]. Then while everyone began their duties, Penance and Arya made the cave slightly bigger through digging it a bit deeper in back. Meanwhile Eyulf, completely convinced the other wolves were too useless to do it on their own, went to gather the deer meat. Coincidentally, Penance left not long after to gather it himself. Alexia and Damion set up the fire which drew several other characters to it, including Penance [who had beaten Eyulf to the carcass against the odds.] who at the time was conversing about relationships with Mik, unaware that Arya was listening. Penance and Mik met up with Damion and Alexia, who was scared of them at first sight. Que Crawler's intro and then Arya catching up with her anger speech. Afterwards she returned to the cave, Penance left the campfire group in anger before taking it out on some random trees due to Arya's proclamations, Eyulf wandered off to have his edgy moments, Max followed suit due to convenience of having a character to interact with out in the open, and so on.)

(That's just how I remember it, but I get the feeling someone's either letting the horrible Notifications knock them off track or is just ignoring several people's posts. Either way this is just how things happened if memory serves correctly.)
GrieveWriter said:
(From what I could remember, the cave everyone is so confused about might be the one that was found by Max & Eyulf. They had discovered it during or sometime after Penance and Arya busy with the deer. Afterwards they led a number of experiments to it where Eyulf immediately began ordering everyone around [insulting Penance and Arya in the process]. Then while everyone began their duties, Penance and Arya made the cave slightly bigger through digging it a bit deeper in back. Meanwhile Eyulf, completely convinced the other wolves were too useless to do it on their own, went to gather the deer meat. Coincidentally, Penance left not long after to gather it himself. Alexia and Damion set up the fire which drew several other characters to it, including Penance [who had beaten Eyulf to the carcass against the odds.] who at the time was conversing about relationships with Mik, unaware that Arya was listening. Penance and Mik met up with Damion and Alexia, who was scared of them at first sight. Que Crawler's intro and then Arya catching up with her anger speech. Afterwards she returned to the cave, Penance left the campfire group in anger before taking it out on some random trees due to Arya's proclamations, Eyulf wandered off to have his edgy moments, Max followed suit due to convenience of having a character to interact with out in the open, and so on.)
(That's just how I remember it, but I get the feeling someone's either letting the horrible Notifications knock them off track or is just ignoring several people's posts. Either way this is just how things happened if memory serves correctly.)
(I think your right and I need to deck Wolfie)

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