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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Plague Doctor casually raised a single tiny metal rod, "I poked her with this a couple of times." He stated "Helped me pinpoint her temperature, breathing patterns, and the works... plus it gave her something to think about while the guards had their way with her."

At that Plague Doctor shook his head and slid the metal rod into his coat pocket before pulling out a small box and fiddling around with it absently"Such a shame."
Digit sat on the ground, computer in hand. He watched the entire process unfold through the eyes of the camera, then he saw them grab Max. Digit then folded up his laptop and watched from the window of his cell, silently watching.
Max didn't believe him in the slightest, but he was more worried as to what this guy had planned for him. He knew attacking him would be a really bad idea, but hell that hasn't stopped him before. He tilted his head in confusion when he saw the small box. "What is that?" He asked still keeping his guard up, but he had a sickening feeling in his stomach especially when he glanced at the wrapped thing leaning against his wall.
Plague Doctor glanced down at the box"This? nothing more than a relocator." He stated "It was made by an associate in engineering, I promised her I'd at least threaten you with it."

He waved the box with nary a drop of enthusiasm, "Now this associate recently lost someone close to her." Plague Doctor stated "Electrified outside recently."

With a final twist of a nob the Relocator began to make a faint humming noise. Plague Doctor held it out towards Max, "Would you like to know what it does Subject-666?"
Max shook his head as he backed away as much as he could. "Leave me the hell alone. Wasn't it enough to take my eye, break my ribs, and not feed me for a week?" He asked doing surprisingly good job at not showing his fear. 'Why aren't I electrocuting him and I don't like the sound of a Relocator. Seriously that sounds really bad.'
(I'm kinda glad Alexia is safe with Damion in the cafeteria away from this scene, for her sake ya know? lol)
"Think of it as a leech, it drains every form of electricity that gets within its radius." Plague Doctor stated "I have it on low right now, but watch as I turn this nob here."

As the dial turned the machine's functions began to take hold as it began feeding off of the Subject's electricity.

"It powers itself by feeding on energy then wasting it. How handy." Plague Doctor stated "Just a prototype, as an electrical elemental I felt compelled to get your opinion on it before we start."
Max instantly attacked the man as he tried to grab the thing and break it. He felt his power get drained as he got closer but ignored it. 'I wont go without a damn fight! You bastard.' He thought. He had landed a kick in the man's gut before trying to make a grab for the machine.
Arya would ever so slowly regain concessions. The fierce pain returning she would let out a whine as she dragged herself over to a corner of the cell. Leaning on the wall she would begin to cradle the remains of her right leg. Unknowing why she deserved this she would grit her teeth. 'I never did' she would think to herself 'they just chose to amuse themselves with the torture of others.' Closing her eyes the pain would become too much. As tears started to spill from the corners of her eyes she would slip into unconsciousness once more.
Damion smirked and patted the odd girl on the head. He then asked,"That's a nice cat, where'd you find her?"

Digit watched as Max tried to fight the doctor, but Digit simply walked out of his cell; taking a very small step forward.
Plague Doctor took the kick silently, his attention focused more on the Subject's ability to continue moving. From what he knew, the subject was already barely fed. Plague Doctor continually kept the Relocator just out of reach as the subject grabbed for it as violently as he could, turning the knob more and more with each miss.

"You know, Subject-666," Plague Doctor stated "As a doctor I feel obligated to congratulate you for making it this long. Do not worry, this machine will be the worst thing you'll be feeling tonight."
When he turned it up Max let out a small groan of pain but tried to reach for it again. When he knew he was to weak to get it he did the first thing that came to mind. He bit the doctor as hard as he could on the arm that wasn't holding the machine. He clenched on refusing to let go while doing his best to ignore the pain, making it appear as if the machine wasn't working.
Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god, hes' touching me! thought Alexia to herself, trying her best not to faint from peer excitement, her cheeks turning a light red as she tried to remain as calm as possible, obviously failing at doing so. Before she could respond to Damions' question, she let out a meow of her own and blushing even more so afterwards; "T-t-this is Ashley, s-s-she was with me be-be-before and after they experimented on us" explained Alexia as Ashley walked around in circles on her lap before returning to a sleeping position and meowing lightly.
Plague Doctor glanced at the machine as the rubber of his outfit took the brunt of the bite, not caring for the obvious tears the subjects was making in his outer layer of clothing.

"Still needs more testing I suppose." He said with a shrug before looking at the subject who still had their teeth buried in his cloak.

Suddenly the tip of his mask's beak slid open as a needle point poked out, he then jabbed the muscle relaxant laced needle deep into the Subject's easily accessible neck.
Max let out a gasp and released the man from his grip. He tried to reach for his neck but fell to his knees. "D...Damn..." He muttered as he used what strength he could to grab onto the mans clothing. After a few seconds of him trying to pull himself to his feet he fell to his side. "Yo...u" '..Haha At least I tried.......'
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Damion said with a chuckle,"Ah, I see..." He sighed and said,"Well, at least you got off easy; I'm basically a dragon in a man's body."

Digit simply stared from outside of his room. He then finally spoke in his computerized voice,"He had a low probability of succeeding...What is it you plan to do to him?"
Plague Doctor stared down at the Subject for a moment before tapping him a couple times with his shoe.

"Not much considering." He said before getting on with it

"Okay then, let's begin." Plague Doctor stated before rolling the subject on to his stomach. With the assistance of some medical scissors he cut open the back of the Subject's back clothing then pulled out a set of syringes.

He hummed absently as he picked out a careful combination of them and set them to the side.

Drawing his sharpie, Plague Doctor made some marks along the Subject's back before readying the syringes.

It took a lot more precision than the last one, the spine being much more integral in nature.

After twelve straight minutes of Plague Doctor systematically injecting each of the mixtures into the Subject he finally stood and cleaned up house.

"Told ya," he reminded the subjects before he finished putting away his equipment, "painless."

With that he passed by Digit and picked up the severed leg before relocking the cell. With his work done, Plague Doctor made his way back to the upper levels for some well deserved operating room time.
"Bu-but you look soooo cool" replied the cat girl, not realizing that she had said that out loud. She wasn't going to say that out loud but she had said it anyways, and obviously you can't un-say something.
'Damn him...what did he do to me?' Max wondered as he laid on the floor incapable of any movement. He tired to sit up, but it wasn't possible. He groaned in pain as electricity danced off of him very weakly, just sending a few sparks in a random direction.

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