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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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"Yeah, i got it" Susan said. She was currently a bit mad at the twins for abandoning her conversation. At least she could talk to Mari. "Also, that light-headedness should be nothing. That happened to me when i got here. Did it just start suddenly or has it been there a while?" She remembered the headache she had for a while when she first got her powers.
"Its weekly" replied Mari with a smile, now hugging her giraffe. "It will go away tomorrow, like always. Right Tatsy?" said Mari as she looked up to Tats with a smile. Tats blinked his eyes twice before he looked down and nodded his head, "Yes, like always" stated Tats before the two turned their attention back to Susan at the same time, spooky.
Penance happen to be eavesdropping on their conversation and tried to remember if he was light headed when he first got his powers "hmm i dont think i was light headed, i just had growing pains from being turned into this big ball of fur."
The twins grew tired of all the people and figured if Damion was leaving they weren't gonna be having any kind of fun. They looked as Penance rambled on and then faced each other. "You thinking..." Craton started. "Yes craton I'm always thinking what your thinking now stop asking me that," Martine explained. They headed towards Penance cell and stared at the big ball of fur. "Same with us..."Martine concluded. "...beside from the splitting headaches." Finished Craton. They both rubbed there temples and then laughed. "So Mr. Wolf..." Craton said jokingly. "...How's the view in there..." Martine continued "...seeing us all out here free." The twins folded there arms and curled the edges of there mouth.
Penance stopped talking and snapped to attention at what they said clearly annoyed by it. "Just as bad as the view from looking at you two." He said showing his teeth.
"Hey come on now..." Craton started. "...were all friends here right." They inched towards they cell to get closer. "We were just suggesting..."Craton whispered "...that you get a chance to get..." Martine whispered also. "... some fresh air also." They said in unison holding back a malevolent smile.
Penance squints his eyes at them trying to figure out the angle. "Hmm what did you have in mind?"
The twins smiled and placed there hands on the cell door. Silver and gold oozed out of there hands cover the door on both sides. The twins pulled did a crushing movement with there hands. The edges of the door moved into itself causing any attachments to the wall to be broken. The twins moved back as the door feel forward and landed causing diary to fly every where. They stood staying at penance to watch his next move.
Penance stared at the empty space that used to be his door and slowly stepped out of his cell. He took a deep breath and exhaled as a big grin grew on his face. "Ahh freedom. Hahaha!!" He then looked at the twins. "You two have released me. You're alright. But why did you?"
The twins shrugged there shoulders and stepped forward. "Damion is set loose and Is going to the city...." Martine explained "...which means a raging dragon is being set loose...." Craton said. "...why not you get a chance to be free also. "
Susan was shocked. Lightning flashed above her. "You...set him free?" She said, trying to comprehend what was happening. "Aren't there people out there trained to kill us on sight if we try to escape? Athlogh, I could make short work of them..." She motioned to the twins. Maybe they'd free her next.
"Heh i like the way you think" he started to walk towards the exit but stopped and turned towards everyone "Who wants to go out and have fun?"
The twins turned to Susan "The guards are only there..." Craton said. "...so we won't kill each other. " they motioned towards her cell. "Something tell us..." "..you wanna be set free too." Twins used the same thing to bust her door down. "Now let's have some fun" they said in unison and ran toward the exit.
Mari shreaked out a scream of terror before running to hide behind Tats' leg, hugging both his leg and Larry the Giraffe at the same time in terror. Being a little kid, she was naturally scared of lightning. Tats put an arm behind her head and tried to calm her down, and after a few moments later it worked but yet she continued to hide behind Tats
"Hahaha!!! The 'exeriments' are free!! Time to have some fun!!" He said running towards the exit with everyone else.
Dympna ran with the crowd of experiments to escape. She wore a black jack hooded jacket to hide her antlers. It was frightening to do this but it was also very exciting.
The twins had spotted that one of the less dangerous experiments have joined there 'stampede'. They laughed at there reference and slowed down to inspect her. They were each on opposite sides of her "Hey Bambie" They spoke in unison.
Dympna jumped ten feet up in the air from fright. "Wh..o who's there?" She turned around quickly to find the two twins had surrounded her. "Not funny guys." she said jumpily. "Ugh. Sometimes I swear you guys do that on purpose. "
Dympna was one of the more kind hearted experiments like Sonetha. They both laughed. "We didn't expect you..." Martine started "...to be escaping with us..." Craton said mockingly. "...thought you were a good girl." Martine finished and noticed they have passed Sonetha and Damion and were getting closer to the gate.
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"Just because I may be a good person, doesn't mean that I want to be stuck here for the rest of my life." Dympna said to the two siblings. She was right, she didn't want to have to be forced to stay here forever. Just because she was a different didn't mean that she didn't deserve a life outside of this place.
Penance stood by the gate watching experiments going by to freedom he then notices the twins talking to some hooded girl. He ran up to them and started running with them. "Whose you're friend, twins?"
"This is Dympna." said Craton. "Also know as 'Bambi'." added Martine. "And this is your friendly neighborhood werewolf Penance." They said together. They stopped at the gates and turned around. "Ladies First" they also said together. Both standing on opposite sides of the gates holding there arms out in a 'good right ahead' gesture.
Dympna shrank back in fear from the furry-like creature. She had great instincts to bolt from the large predator in front of her. She let out a small yelp of fear when he talked. "He-llo." She said at a high pitch. She paused for a moment at the gate. Then she nodded and bolted out.

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