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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Sothena saw Mari and Tats before smiling.

"Hello Mari and Hello to you as well Tats. Mari, would you like some lunch?"

Sothena asked while smiling, her hood up since her eagle vision was active.
"Hello..." replied Tats to her greeting, not smiling at all; he had a stoic face on at the moment, that's how he always felt after one of the transplants. "Yeah lunch!" smiled Mari enthusiastically as her face lit up at the prospect of some food; she hadn't noticed how hungry she was until Sothena had basically pointed out it was lunch. Maria hoped that she could have a Pb&J, her favorite thing to have for lunch; typical kid am I right?
Sothena laughed before deactivating her eagle vision and pulled her hood down.

"Well, shall we go to the kitchens and fix something for you, Mari? Oh, almost forgot to deliver the rest of the food."

She said before she dropped the trays off to Greg and Neko. She then smiled at Mari before doing the same to Tats.

"Shall we, Mari?"

she said while holding out her hand.
Neko had finally gotten her food and she sat down then began to eat her face expressionless and she shifted into her house cat form to eat

Mari giggled and nodded her head in response to Sothenas' question before looking down at Tats. "Mush Tatsy" joked the girl with a smile, the teen looked back up at Mari and nodded before starting to walk towards the kitchens, leaving Sothenas' hand in the air. "I like your hood Sothena" stated Mari with a smile as they walked over to the kitchen.
Martine and Craton looked up at the hole and waited for Damian to emerge from it or maybe even Sothena, But nothing happened. They sighed once again and stared at each other. "Metal Shooters" Craton suggested while shrugging. Martine didnt even reply he was already forming his Gold gun filling it tiny gold balls as ammo. Craton did the same but with silver. There guns were like air soft guns. They weren't deadly unless they wanted them to be. The pellets would only sting, they wouldn't penetrate the skin. They ran around the grounds shooting each other and anything that got into the crossfire.
Sothena just smiled before walking with Tats as Mari rode on his shoulders. She heard Mari's comment and nodded at it. She never told anyone about her 'friend' that gave her this outfit or the hidden blades that were strapped to her forearms at all times, you never knew if the twins tried something idiotic.

"Thank you, Mari. Those twins really do make a mess of things but enough about them, what would you like, little hatchling?"

She said with giggle, knowing that Mari possibly didn't know the reference to being referred to as a small or baby bird.
"Pb&J" replied Mari without a moments hesitation, filled with excitement at the prospect of her favorite food for lunch, she was such a little kid. "Hatching?" asked Mari quizzically, not knowing what it was. Tats looked up to the girl, "A baby bird" explained Tats as he went back to looking at where he was walking. "Chirp" joked Mari before giggling.
Sothena laughed before going to the pantry and got bread, peanut butter, and jelly to set out.

"Do you want to make your own or should I make it?"

She said with a smile
"I'll make it" stated Tats as he walked up to the counter and started to spread the ingredients onto the bread. Once he finished he put the two pieces of bread on top of each other and handed it to Mari, she accepting it with a smile. "Thanks Tatsy, Sothena" replied the girl before starting to nibble on the sandwich like a little kid would. "Do you want one?" asked Tats to Sothena, not moving from the spot he respectfully walked up to a few moments ago.
The food slid into his room and straight into the ooze's gaping maw. He took the entire tray into his mouth, devouring all edible material, and spitting out the tray itself as well as any other non-organic matter, such as silverware or the like. The meal, no matter how nutritious, was never enough for Greg, and he began his daily routine of slithering out of his room as an ooze, then becoming human to start his search for the kitchen. "Food?" he asked no one in particular as he starting walking aimlessly.
"Ah! Greg, don't do that. I'll make so more food for you and yes I would like one Tats."

She said to Greg for sneaking up on her before telling Tats what she wanted. Her eagle vision had activated when Greg sneaked up on her, causing her eyes to glow.
Tats made two sandwiches, one for Sothena and one for Greg. He handed them both one, "Here" he simply stated as he put the food into the respected hands, then preceded to put the food away and cleaning off the silverware. The whole time Mari was just enjoying her sandwich peacefully, somewhat started that Greg came in like that. "Hi Greg!" smiled Mari through her chewing of food, waving at him with the same hand that had her Giraffe in it.
Neko was hit by a bullet while sitting in her cell and she growled looking to them her eyes went red and she got up

@Ninja God
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As he was handed food, Greg formed a mouth on his hand and started to chew into his food. As he was eating, he heard his name being called. Distracted from his meal, he found he was being acknowledged by the small kid. "Hi," he stated back, waving with his hand after finished its sandwich.
Craton sat on a small hill with a silver sniper aimed at Neko's cell. "Good..." started Martine. "...Shot, i know" smirked Craton. They both knew they were gonna regret doing that but laughed it off and started to run. "Awwwe look at..."mocked Craton. "...little pussy cat getting..." Martine continued mockingly. "...mad, what you gonna do...""...pur me to death." The twins scurried away with weapons in hand.

@Wild Born
Neko snarled and bent the bars and little and slipped out Luke all cats do and ran after them in panther form snarling soon catching up and pouncing on the two she pinned them and with claws sheathed she roared as scientists and gaurds came out and tazered her then dragged her back to cell asleep and then threw the boys in a time out room which they knew they would get out of anyways but didn't care they knew they where just having fun but with the wrong "pussycat"

The boys sat on the opposite side of the room facing each other "Well that was..." Craton started "...no fun, i know right." they both scratched there heads and looked at the walls of the room. "Im..." Martine said "...Me too." they both rubbed there bellies and Yelled "HEY SONETHA WHERE'S OUR LUNCH." stretching the word lunch out. All the horse playing they've done today have made the hungry and tired. And they weren't planning on leaving the room. Yet. They laid out flat next to each other hands behind there heads and swapped ideas in there minds.

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(Ok, i see)

Susan had heard at least some of the commotion as she ate, aware that something was going down. She could hear thunder in the room. That meant she was nervous about what was going on in there. She knocked on the wall of the cell and asked "Hello?"
As they lay in there thoughts. They were awaken by a knock and a voice. They both sat up in excitement "Susan" they said in a overly excited tone. They both scurried to the side of the wall were they heard it from. "Hey Susy..." Craton spoke. "Long time no speak." Martine finished. The twins werent too afraid of Susan cause her lightning would just go straight through them considering there metal attributes. She was actually there preferred person when it comes to just hanging out. She was pretty cool until she got mad. Which is like most experiments, there probably the only ones that dont have anger issues

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Damion sighed, the one moment he gets to leave his cell and it was short lived. He walked back inside and shut the door behind him. There was no way he could try and make a run for it, not with Sothena there. His wings folding along his sides once again and threw himself back onto his bed, tossing his pillow into the air and catching it.
Sothena heard the twins shout out for their lunch and sighed.

"I might as well give them their lunch. They would constantly bug me till they got it."

She murmured to herself before going about the kitchen getting the twins lunch ready, which consisted of small amounts of silver and gold with normal food. She smiled at Mari and Tats before deactivating her eagle vision and headed to where the twins were. Along the way, she saw Damion on his bed.

'The boy really needs to let loose some steam...'

She thought before an idea came to her head. As long as she had a key to Damion's cell, she could allow him time outside, but frowned knowing she only had the key for giving meals at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Since she was one of the few adult experiments, she was allowed almost full reign of the abandoned facility but higher ups wouldn't like those with rare genes running wild without supervision. Hence, she was given the two nicknames Nightingale and Eagle. She also very close to one of the scientists that had worked on her, he gave her his last name and his genes as well since her body was sickly like Mari's when she arrived.

She then remembered a spare that she was given by the same person, before smiling.

"Damion, would you like to get some fresh air outside for awhile?"

She asked
Damion looked up from his bed when he heard Sothena ask if he'd like to go outside. "Really," he asked, "What's the occasion?" He then stood up and walked over to the door, hoping that this wasn't a trick.
She giggled before unlocking the door with the key that was given to her for lunch and making sure she had the spare in case he wanted some air whenever he wanted.

"No occasion, you looked like you wanted some fresh air. Now don't blab this to anyone, alright?"

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