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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Damion smiled and said,"I'd love from fresh air." He then added,"Don't worry, these lips are sealed." He let his wings open and floated into the air. He then said,"Lead the way to freedom."
Sothena smiled before closing the door behind Damion and lead the way outside. There she looked at Damion with an apologetic smile before using her voice echo to shout at the twins to know lunch was Served, in Damion's voice.

"Hey, lunch is served!"
Martine and Craton sat waiting for Susans reply. As the plate of food slide through the door Martine went over and picked it up and moved back towards the wall. He stopped and saif "Is that..." "It is" Craton jumped up and looked through the bars on the door. From the outside you could see The twins heads poking out through the bars. "Damion your free" said Martine. Craton formed a key and unlocked the door. "Finally we..." he started "..have someone..." continued Martine. "...to play with." finished craton. " Where you guys..." "...headed"
Sothena just smiled at the twins.

"Outside, I might take someone with me to the town if they behave. Last few times, Tats and Mari went with since Mari likes to see the town."

She said

"I do have clearance to go get more food personally for myself since I tend to forget to eat my proper meals."
Damion looked down at the twins with a slight smiled and circled around in the air before saying,"It feels great to be out of that cage for once!" He started chuckling and finally landed, wings folding at his sides. "I can finally use these things." he said, referring to his wings.
Susan, hearing the twins, said "Hi". She was good friends with them, although like most people, she was confused by how they always finished eachothers sentences. " How's it going guys?" She asked them curiously.
Watching Damion fly around the twins were thinking up a way to enjoy this time of freedom with him. They turned back towards Susans room as she spoke. "We've been..." started Craton"...Fine, how bout..."Continued Martine "...yourselves" they pushed they faces againt the glass of her room.
"Tatsy can I go outside as well?" asked Mari innocently towards Tats, knowing that he would abide to her wish. And just like always, he did. Mari got of of Tats' shoulders and walked a little ways in front of him, Tats making sure she would not bump into anyone as they followed everyone outside. Mari took in a breath of fresh air, it had been a little while since she was last able to do so.

gasped Mari in awe of Damion as she saw him flying above them. Mari was not expecting to see someone flying outside, so it came as a shock. She had flown on Tats' back before, so the idea of flight was not new to her at all.
Casey sat in her cell staring blankly at the wall with her single working eye. The most recent thing the scientists had done to her so that she couldn't use her powers was to glue her mouth shut. It may not sound like much, but even the slightest attempt to pry her lips apart hurt like hell. Case boredly began switching her eye colors wishing terribly that she hadn't bitten her nails down to nubs yesterday. You bastards will pay for this she thought angrily standing up and pacing around the room.
Damion continued his floating until he finally floated back down and let his wings fold along his sides. He now saw how many people had seen him floating in the air and simply tucked his hands into his pockets. He then approached a tree and simply put his back to it. He slide down the smooth bark and propped his head up against it, smiling as he did so. He yawned and said,"Man, I need to start doing this more."
As the twins had there faces planted on the glass everyone seem to be heading outside. No reply came from Susan so the twins sighed and backed up. "Well Susan...." Craton spoke "...nice talking to you...." continued Martine a little sarcastically. "...,lets do this again sometime". With that the twins raced out side running together in unison as always. They ran to the tree were Damion sat. "Hey dude hows..." Asked Martine. "..the fresh air..." finished Craton .
"Hey, wait!" Susan said. "Yeah, typical." She said to herself. She had gained a bit of snark after the experiment. She was always sure it had something to do with how her hair and eyes had changed. She wasn't exactly sure about what she looked like before she was abducted. She always assumed her hair was brown however. When she heard someone else talking, she must've assumed that one of the other experiments was visiting. She never really did that. Sometimes she did, however.
Penance stares from inside his cell at damion flying around. "Hmph, dragon boy gets to fly around but we can't get out and stretch? Unfair." He smiles hoping they'll let him out so he can have a little 'fun'.
Damion smiled and said,"It feels great!" For once, he felt...calm. He smiled again and let his wings open and close in a small rhythm.
Damion looked over to Penance's cell and simply said,"So what, what are you going to do about it!?" He sighed and got up before moving to another spot to try and ignore Penance. Even though Damion had a anger issue, he was trying his best not to start a fight.
Damion smiled and floated into the air saying,"Man, I wish I could; but I don't think I could do that" He then began to chuckle and landed back onto the ground with a smirk on his face.
Sothena heard Penace shot at Damion and knew this would turn messy.

"Penace! Shut the hell up! You know why you can't come out and I will not let you come out! Damion, would you like to come with me to town to get something with me. Getting away from this place would be good for awhile but we can't be gone too long alright. Meet me by the main gate so we can go to town for a short while."

She shouted at Penace before talking to Damion. She then thought of some of the others that might like to join her to go to town but she had to choose one and Damion really needed to get out, at least for a little bit.
Damion smiled and began to fly towards the gate. He landed and let his wings fold at his sides. He then asked,"Wait, to town...should I hide these?" He then pointed to his wings, flapping them a little.
Mari walked up to Susans' quarters with a smile, waving her hand with the giraffe in it as she walked up; Tats following right behind her, an emotionless face on the entire time. "Hi Susan" greeted Mari in her normal fashion, she had made friends with most of the experiments; Susan included. "How you doing?" asked Mari, tilting her head to the right a little like a little kid would do when they ask for candy. Tats stood right behind her, his weird self just staring like always.

"Hey" Susan replied. "I've been good, talked with the twins, nothing much." She enjoyed being with Mari, she was nice, she went everywhere with Tats. She was a bit unnerved when Tats stared at her, however. she wondered what he was thinking. Mari had visited her a few times, this must've been the third or fourth. "How've you been?" asked Susan
Mari smiled back at her, even bigger then before. "I'm fine, a little light headed though" replied Mari, the transplants always made her feel weary but not many people even knew of the transplants. "Did you get lunch?" asked Mari, a little bit worried that someone might have not gotten lunch; she would die from hunger herself if that ever happened. Through out the whole talk, Tats continued to just stand here, silently as the two talked. IT was as if Tats was a zombie of some sorts, no reason to talk at all.

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