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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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  • Other (please specify)

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Mik bangs on the cell door and shrieks curses , particularly directed towards Alexa " COME HERE , YOU *word of your choosing*SHOW ME HOW YOU'D DO IN A REAL FIGHT!!!!!"
Penance slowly woke up "where the hell..?" He looked around to find himself back in solitary "oh joy. My favorite place." He said with sarcasm "great no food for while." His vision blured amd he passed out again
Crawler tried to contain it as he viewed the events taking place. The sedatives, tranquilizers and bullets flying making him jerk his head around to and fro so as not to miss any good entertainment. Experiments getting dragged off and the guards letting several of their coworkers die before rising funding them up.

But now it was too much to handle now that it was all winding down. As Uriel put on his big boy pants and stood up to the playground bullies, Crawler couldn't help but start chuckling at the sheer stupidity of it all.
He watched Alexa carefully as she gave orders. He was curious if she actually had anything behind her threats; he wouldn't be surprised if she didn't. But then, if he did summon one of his tattoos or even a Daemon, if circumstances called, how would she defend herself?

"So what now?" he asked, a slightly psychopathic smirk on his face. Virtually all common sense had left him now.


((I'm probably going to head out in a bit, I have school tomorrow and I need sleep O_o))
She looked over at Uriel. "You are to go to your cell. That is all." She said before turning her back to him to make sure her orders were being followed. @Flawless
(Ugh them notifications)

Tats nodded in unison with Mari in response to to the statement, "Good, as long as you continue to stretch them you will be able to fly someday soon" replied Tats to the girl; him sympathizing with her with wanting to fly, it was an amazing feeling to be able to do so.

Alexia simply hid in her seat, doing her best to remain quiet and still so nothing would happen to her... well she wasn't entirely still, she was shaking like a leaf..
"Please just stop all this fighting" begged Alexia to herself as she sat there, curled up in a ball.
Uriel snorted in derision. "Nope." he said, popping the 'p'. He began to examine his nails. "I'm not going to go back to my cell just to allow the same continuous cycle go on."

He stepped past her, letting his hands fall. Time to go and look for Mik. Who knows what they've done to her.
((Maybe just one more post))

The guards grabbed Uriel arms on both sides quickly placing them in cuffs and slamming him to the ground tazing him repeatedly and beating him. "You will do as your told freak"
Sothena smiled before beginning to hum a troubadour song. She loved to fly soon and when that happens, she would leave this place as Tats would bring Mari along. They were her flock and her responsibility.

Mari smiled at hearing her sing the song, "Pretty!" was all she said in a child-like manner while listening to Sothena sing. Tats nodded in approval of the statement, "You singing is great" complemented the boy.
It did take him by surprise, and it was painful. He gritted his teeth, but laughed briefly.

"You have no idea..." he hissed. This kind of pain was nothing. Not after Lyrr. He shut his eyes, and focused his mind. His upper arms began to burn like a white hot bar was pressed to them. His vision flashed, his very mind feeling like it was burning, a bead of sweat running down his forehead.

Something serpentine felt like it was moving underneath his skin. It suddenly burst free, and he blacked out for a brief second. The energy drained from him felt like a kick to the stomach.

But An and Fir were finally free. It had been a while.

The twin dragon-like, silver serpents simultaneously hissed, white fangs bared and gleaming. He wasn't going down easily.

((Tireeeed... Probably my last post.))
"Thank you, you both. Having the genes of a nightingale allows me to sing lovely songs but they are troubadour songs or songs that don't belong in the 21st century."

She said with a smile as her wings stretched half way before settling down.

Tats nodded in understanding of Sothenas' statement; his eyes drifting to nothing in particular, a smile etched its way across his face, the boy thinking of something. "I can't wait to see you fly" smiled Mari directly at Sothena, since everyone else was in the cafeteria, they conversation was bound to be private.
Sothena chuckled at Mari's statement.

"I can't wait either. I have missed the wind rushing through my hair and feeling the sky, in a way, touch me."

She said with a smile. @Federoff
"Wow That's intresting!... Actual...it isn't." She said coldly. With that she dashed behind him and placed her hand on the back od his neck. "Get some rest, you will be waking in a new cell tomorrow." She said before he got zapped with so much electricity that he passed out twitching, making his two dragon disappear. "Why are there still experiments here? I guess we need to hire new guards. I want them all in there cell by the time I get back. Max. Carry this fool for me to his new cell." She said in a tone that practically dared him to argue.

Max showed her the cuffs that were still on him, which she took off. "Hurry up." With that he tossed the unconscious man over his shoulder and carried him to one of the isolation cells. "Sorry." He did his best to carry the man even though he was beyond tired. Once they arrived he carefully placed him in his new cell.

After Alexa closed the door she pushed Max back into the rubber cell he was in before. He didn't complain or even get up after he was pushed he just laid there. 'I wonder if I broke him?' She just shrugged and walked back to the cafeteria to see if her orders had been followed. @Flawless
"Flying is fun" smiled Mari before looking back up to Tats, "Right Tatsy?" asked the little girl with a smile on her face as she bent skyward. Tats blinked his eyes before looking back at the two and nodding at Mari in response. "Yes it is" stated the bone boy.
Flawless said:
It did take him by surprise, and it was painful. He gritted his teeth, but laughed briefly.
"You have no idea..." he hissed. This kind of pain was nothing. Not after Lyrr. He shut his eyes, and focused his mind. His upper arms began to burn like a white hot bar was pressed to them. His vision flashed, his very mind feeling like it was burning, a bead of sweat running down his forehead.

Something serpentine felt like it was moving underneath his skin. It suddenly burst free, and he blacked out for a brief second. The energy drained from him felt like a kick to the stomach.

But An and Fir were finally free. It had been a while.

The twin dragon-like, silver serpents simultaneously hissed, white fangs bared and gleaming. He wasn't going down easily.

((Tireeeed... Probably my last post.))
(( at least you tried ))
Still chuckling, Crawler watched as Alexander pretty much instant K.O'D Uriel. Once he had been carried away, Crawler made a point to usher Alexia out of the Cafeteria so as not to bring about the ire of the staff.

"You run along to your cell now Lexia," Crawler said as he tried to keep his laughing under control "Don't want any trouble now kiddo."

With that he made his way back to his own cell, laughing all the way.
((Waitwaitwaitwait one second... Where are Alexa's powers suddenly springing from? And also, Uriel is kinda 6'1", so you would probably have to drag him, just saying..))
(Right! Sorry! She doesn't have any powers she wears special gloves that can electrocute people. Not enough to kill, just barley enough to knock people out.)
Alexia nodded at Crawler before thanking him for accompanying her this far, "Thank you Crawler, see you later" smiled the girl as she took Ashley back over to her cell; it wasn't to bad of a cell, it had some curtains for privacy so that was always nice. She had a bunch of cat toys that Tats had sown up for her and Ashley. Once inside she set down Ashley before staring to play with her and the toys.
Flawless said:
((Waitwaitwaitwait one second... Where are Alexa's powers suddenly springing from? And also, Uriel is kinda 6'1", so you would probably have to drag him, just saying..))
Peaceswore said:
(Right! Sorry! She doesn't have any powers she wears special gloves that can electrocute people. Not enough to kill, just barley enough to knock people out.)
((Makes sense, what with experiments like that rampaging beast of a guard dog Experiment 10, and the research they are doing on these expirements, equipment that beefs up security makes more than enough sense.))

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