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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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  • Other (please specify)

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Luna layed down on the bed in her cell, she felt light headed and needed to rest or she might faint, (a side affect of the expermint) everyonce in a while letting out a quiet groan.


Castielle left his cell and headed to the cafeteria, it being so far away he shape shifted into a cheetah to get there faster.
The centaur came around again and dropped off four batteries off after he had taken care of the food. James then said,"Here, I got you some batteries, you better eat your food before you starve." He then trotted off to do other matters.

Digit sat on his bed, turning up the volume on his tv a little. He continued to watch his scientific show, where they talked about different types of electronics and their electric discharge.
Alexia got out of her cell due to it being lunch(?) time, and so another ration of food. It was not hard to get out of her cell, for they rarely locked hers'; knowing she would not do much to escape or cause any trouble. She walked over to Crawlers' cell and handed him the sugary rations of her lunch; "Here you go Crawler, and thank you for protecting me during that scene..." greeted Alexia with a smile as Ashley trailed right behind her. "it was very scary" admitted Alexia as she began to eat her food with Crawler. @GrieveWriter
James rounded the corner to crawlers cell and slid his sugary tray under the door. James was so kind as to leave three extra sugar packets for crawler (It was all he could grab, okay?). He then went over to the others cells and slid food under those.

Digit turned up the volume even more when the show brought up the subject of alternative energy. He smiled as he watched television and worked on his handheld computer.
Max absorbed the batteries but still refused to eat the food even though his stomach wanted it (when he absorbs electricity it fills him up slightly but can't replace real food). He stood up and stretched and looked at the door. "It's unlocked.' With that observation being made he opened the door and carfully looked both ways before sneaking down the hall to the nearest light. He would have absorbed the electricity there, but he knew James was close, so instead he turned into electricity and traveled through the circuits.

Once he was a good distance away from his cell he jumped out of a random TV. When he landed he looked around. 'Since when was this here.' He then saw a guy in the room staring at him. "........Please don't yell or scream."
(lol love is in the air for Crawler... Also look at that 4:2 in favor of Zor xD ! WE ARE ALL SO SICK!)
Digit flinched, his leg turning to data as he quickly swung at Max with his heel. He quickly picked up his handheld computer and began typing away, almost as if he was trying to send a S.O.S message on it.
"Damn it." Max jumped toward the computer and absorbed the electricity forcing it to shut off before he could send a message. He then tackled the guy and covered the guy's mouth. "I won't hurt you. Just don't let the guard know I'm here." He glanced around as he waited to see if anyone heard. After a few moments he relaxed a bit but kept covering the guy's mouth.
Digit turned into data and slipped through Max's grip. He then turned around and walked out of his room but said,"Please be out before I come back, otherwise I'll be forced to get you out myself...So be quick about it." And with that, Digit walked out of his room and towards the cafeteria.
(Yes lol)

Alexia nodded her head as she was lead outside by Crawler; she trusted the giant mutant roach more then anyone in the building.
"Can I eat out here with you though?" asked Alexia innocently as she turned around to face Crawler, Ashley following her "master" out of the cell.
'Got to admit that was pretty cool...hold on...I heard that voice before.' Max got up and followed Digit though he was kind enough to give electricity to the laptop before he left. "Hey were you talking to me before when I was in my cell?" He asked as he walked behind Digit.
Crawler shrugged a bit at the girl's enthusiasm and nodded toward the cafeteria. He began trudging his way to the cafeteria with hopes to get some more sweets there.

(I still find it a bit ironic that a massive cockroach mutant is the one in this situation, As for the punishment, I recommended self canibilization but received a tad bit of negative feedback. Either way, New character incoming.)
Digit walked with his handheld laptop, lightly working on it and said,"Yes...what about it?" He then walked down the hallways with it in his hand, lightly typing.
"Nothing, just making sure I wasn't losing it. Good to know that I'm san-.......is that laptop connect to the internet?" He asked as he looked over Digit's shoulder. 'If it is...'
Alexia smiled as she walked together with Crawler and Ashley towards the cafeteria, Alexia slowly eating her food as they walked. "So, do you know how long you've been here?" asked Alexia curiously; trying to fill the gap of silence.
Digit sighed and said,"It's...not exactly what you think its for." He closed it and tucked it away in his pants pocket. He then sat down at a table with nothing more than a piece of toast.
Max looked around after making sure there were no guards he sat at the table. "So it isn't connected to the internet? What do you use it for?" He asked as his foot turned to electricity and physical again, his eyes kept glancing around incase a guard, Damien or worse of all Alexa showed up.
Crawler paused as a small sparkle came to his eyes. He kneeled down, placed a limb on Alexia's shoulder, and looked her dead in the eyes as he prepared for what he would tell her.

"Not at all." He deadpanned, he let that sink in for a while before chuckling, standing up and continuing his trudging
Digit sighed and took out his computer. He popped it open and quickly typed in numerous codes. The moment he pressed enter, his whole body became wire frame and was slowly filled in with code. The code then revealed a Digit with longer hair, darker eyes, and a completely different outfit. He then said,"If I wanted to, I could connect it to myself, but I can't do much with it."
Alexia did not seem grossed out by Crawlers' touch, normal people would be due to hi being a roach, but the girl just smiled at him and nodded. "That's one thing we have in common" replied Alexia before continuing to walk with him. "Do-do you think I'll be able to make friends with the other experiments?" asked Alexia shyly, she had never been one with high self esteem, and in the few months she had been here, only really Crawler and the twins talked to her; or even seemed to notice her at all...
"Wow that awesome!" Max said genuinely impressed. "And all I can do is turn into electricity and manipulate my own electrical attacks." He said with a sigh. His stomach began to growl a bit, but he just ignored it as he placed his head onto the table. "I'm bored....being in confinement for a week is so god damn boring."
"I'm sure it is." Said Digit. He seemed to almost freeze for a moment, his eyes reverting to wire frame for a moment before he closed them and shook his head a little. He sighed and said,"My bad, zoned out for a moment there..." He then opened his computer and continued work on it.

Damion sighed as he had to walk into the cafeteria for once, he simply grabbed as much meat as possible and sat down at a table, ripping and tearing into his meat. At the very least, he had a bit of freedom.

James, tired of running around like a pack mule, finally relaxed while lightly eating. He sighed, he was starting to get tired; but continued to eat his small meal.
"You are not a very talk active person are you?" Max almost left when Damion and James entered, but neither seem to notice him or they just did care, so he stayed not wanting to go back to his confinement.
Digit remained in his own little world on that computer, implanting and deleting data. He finally looked up and said,"What was that?"

((The results are in!! The winner is:2 minutes with 10!))
"Oh come now Lexia," Crawler stated as they neared the cafeteria "anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend. Although I would stay clear of the easily agitated bunch like-"

Crawler froze as he entered the cafeteria before backing up, "Ah, this is perfect!" He said with a hiss as he rubbed his forelimbs together in a conspiratorial fashion "Alexia, would you like to make a friend right now?"

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