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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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[QUOTE="Ninja God]Waiting a second before saying anything making sure everyone was listening. "You all have already have met my colleague." waving a hand towards Alexa. "My name is Jarnes M..." stopping making sure he didn't state his full name, continuing "..I am the head scientist at this lab..." pausing to see the reaction of the experiments then he starts to pace back and forth looking each experiment in the eye. "..today i have called the meeting to merely show my face and reiterate the rules." glancing at the two young ladies who appeared to be arguing. "Ms. Arya do you want another week in that box,No, then i suggest you shut up."

" Do you want to be barbeucued ?"
Peaceswore said:
"Haha I can asure you, I am very capable of hurting you without guards or anything of the sort. If you want more details ask Max when we leave." She said with a smile while gesturing at him.
Whispering to Penance she would say "yeah, fighting someone who is half dead is real brave" rolling her eyes she would let them continue
Uriel sat, but he certainly took his time. He took a chair and turned it round, sitting on it backwards so his long legs were either side of the back. He rested his chin on his hand and looked around boredly, impatiently waiting for whatever it was to start as he listened absentmindedly to the insults and chatter going on around him.

As soon as this 'Jarnes' announced that he was head scientist, he immediately stopped drumming his fingers and sat very still. As Uriel caught his sweeping gaze, he gave one of the coldest, most furious death-glares that had ever been seen on the planet. The intensity would be enough to cut through solid steel. But he continued to sit silently, and apart from his eyes, displayed no tell-tale emotion.
Furiously Jarnes grabbed a assault rifle shooting multiple bullets in the air. "You all will shutup and listen before i personally torture you and kill you." he shouted his voice echoeing off the walls. He threw the gun back to the guard ." Next person who dare speaks will be removed the from my sight and delt with appropriately
Would give Jarnes a smirk, knowing that he wouldn't. Or he wouldn't anyway, he would let his lap dogs deal with all the "dirty work"
Max smirked not wanting to really torture his ears with what ever the man had to say. 'Hey I'm almost dead anyway let's see if they will kill me.' He thought. He opened his mouth to say something, but caught the glare of Alexa. Something about it made him shut up and stay seated.
[QUOTE="Ninja God]Furiously Jarnes grabbed a assault rifle shooting multiple bullets in the air. "You all will shutup and listen before i personally torture you and kill you." he shouted his voice echoeing off the walls. He threw the gun back to the guard ." Next person who dare speaks will be removed the from my sight and delt with appropriately

Coughs extremely loudly
Alexia silently winced at all the shouting and flying bullets as she continued to hide behind Crawler, not wanting to be hurt nor draw attention from the scientist. They are scary thought Alexia as she hid there in silence, Crawler was a bit taller then her so she would be able to hide without being seen. Even Ashley stayed silent, as she too feared for her life.

One of the guards walked by very very awkwardly silent with a cart filled with fresh meat, still dripping blood... it was that time in the day for Zors' next meal. The dreaded door opened up as the man walked inside, and too his doom. As always the door quickly slammed shut and locked itself; a few moments later the screaming began once more. "MAXIMUM CARNAGE!" yelled Zor as he began to devour his meal.
(Where are the guards @Isune the experiments shouldn't be able to talk like this in the presence of the head scientist.)

Jarnes fixed his glasses and tie clearing his throat and then shot looks at all the guards for not doing there jobs. "I dont usually yell, but i will not take ignorance lightly. And if you dare test my authority.." being rudely interrupted. "Guards get this filth out of my site pointing at the flame girl, put in isolation ill handle her later. "I will not be humiliated by a bunch of incarnate fools." "Now will you please let me finish. Giving Alexa and the guards another menacing look
Would grin at his frustration 'having fun?' SHe thought 'we're about to make your day hell just like you did to our lives...'
After taking his seat and ushering Alexia into the one next to him, Crawler put on one of his most positive and happy expressions he could. Which wasn't much due to the lack of proper facial structure.

Head researcher, he thought with a twinge of pure excitement.

He glanced occasionally at the louder of the experiments gathered, but always made a point to return his full attention to the guards and scientists to show his respect for what they were saying.
Alexa rolled her eyes as she walked up and took the flame girl to her new cell. "You know it's not that hard to shut up. Even Max is capable of it and he is a rebellious moron."
looking at the crowd "Recentlly there was an attempt for an escape. which was a failed attempted causing death and your fellow mates dier punishments," He said looking a the three escapees. "im here to tell you that none of this would have happened if you adhere to the rules, making your life and mines easier." " And know that i have shown my face you have something to direct your anger towards which is exactly what i want." He started to walked towards the door with a handful of guards following "Enjoy your day." as he walked to the entrance he whispered in a guards ear. "Keep hem in here till i say to release them." He didnt want to be interrupted while dealing with the Mik.
"The little bastard" she would say loud enough for to here while he left. "Cant man up and do it alone now can he" sighing she would shake her head
"Hehe dont worry," he said under his breath "i will direct my anger towards you. Just pray i dont find you away from you're guards."
Alexia was extremely grateful for Crawler allowing her to hide from the others by using him as a shield; she would most likely try and find a way to repay him for his kindness. By using the tips of her fingers, she lightly tapped his side to converse him a message in Morse code; she didn't know if he knew it or not but she tried anyways.

- .... .- -. -.- -.-- --- ..- -.-. .-. .- .-- .-.. . .-.

(Thank you Crawler)
Alexa was standing outside of the fire girls cell figuring out if she should stay or make sure Max doesn't do anything stupid. She let out a sigh and leaned against the door. 'Well I can't leave this brat alone, honestly why do my experiments have so much attitude?'
Once the scientist left, Crawler glanced at the guards for some time. After feeling a series of tapping on his carapace. After a moment he deciphered it and chuckled. Once the others began their generic uninteresting brand of bad-mouthing, Crawler turned in the direction of the guards.

"You guyssss are doing a great job like alwaysssss!" Crawler genuinely complimented "I ssssee they got you all geared up in New equipment. Well let me tell you right here that you guyssss dessssserve it for all the hard work you've been doing!"
Uriel waited in still silence as Jarnes walked past. He heard people muttering.

But no. He had an odd, sudden desire to rip this guy's throat out. In truth he had been peaceful, up till recently. Now, it was time to fuck some shit up. He stood, pushing his chair away leading it to clatter to the floor as he turned to face them, arms folded over his chest. Fire was coursing through his veins, a heady bloodlust clouding his senses.

"And what? You just expect us to sit down and behave, after what you've done to us?" he called out, breaking his silence.
((Sorry, I needed food!))

The guards quickly barricaded any possible exits with their bodies and said,"Please remain seated until told to stand up...Understood?" James and Damion both remained seat, with Damion lightly yawning.
Max didn't feel like doing anything. He was still cuffed so he couldn't change to electricity or anything. He just sat on his seat waiting to be taken back to his cell or whatever they planned to do with him.
Glancing at penance she would be tempted to stand. Her tail thumping the back of the chair she would watch the guards.
Alexia turned when she heard someone yawn, only to see that it was Damian. She immediately froze for a few seconds before awkwardly waving at the boy, "H-H-Hi Damion" greeted the cat girl before quickly looking back the other way; nervousness taking over her. She hugged Ashley tightly to try and calm herself down..

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