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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Jarne walked into a bathroom that was stationed next to his quarters. He looked at himself, now with the two nuggets dangling from his neck by a chain. He rubbed it slightly wiht the tip of his fingers. Tightening his tie he walked to surveillance room were Alexa was. "You decide yet if you were going to release Max from his week long punishment." Sitting down in his chair, over hearing her words. "Ahh so you do have a heart."
Penance heard them release arya 'good' he thought 'she didnt deserve any of this' penance started pacing his cell waiting for his time to be realest.
Alexa glanced at Jarne. "Of course I have a heart, proof is right around your neck. Anyway I might let the Penance and Max out, but if they even think about escaping...well they know what will happen. Though with Max he needs more electricity or he will drain all he can get his hands onto as soon as he is out of his cell." Stretching she looked at the video feeds and saw how impatient Penance was getting. "Fine...I need someone to relase lover boy, for you who don't know, that's Penance." @Isune
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Reaching the cell Arya would jump onto the bed, burying herself under she sheets. Laying in a tangled heap she would wonder when penance would get released.
Crawler made a point to clean as much of the bowel as possible before sliding it over to his smaller counterparts and exiting his cell.

Stretching his insecticide limbs out, he hummed in a bit of glee "So today's the day those poor, poor offenders get to eat again." He commented as he stepped out into the hall "I wonder if any of them had eaten pieces of themselves yet?"

He waved the thought off with a limb almost immediately before once again wrapping himself up in his wings and beginning the routine walk towards the cafeteria "They wouldn't, don't have the determination some of my counterparts have when faced with hunger. If they can get out of confinement they'll most definitely head to the cafeteria, I want some good seats. How about you?"
Alexia thought about for a few moments, wondering if she should go with him, and after a few moments she nodded. "I-I hope they are friendly" added Alexia before picking up Ashley and following Crawler over to the cafeteria; hoping that she would be able to make some friends today.
Mik hoped Arya was doing okay, she wasn't such a bad kid. Lounging comfortably in her room which was twice the temprature of a sauna, she thought that if she was nice to the guards for a while she might be able to visit.
A guard sighed and very cautiously opened Penance's cell and said,"Okay Fido, let's take you back to your old cell."
Penance growled "about time i got out of there" walking out of his cell he followed the guard to his old one.
After a few minutes of relishing the feeling of being out of that small, cramped little piece of hell Arya would untangle herself and races off to the cafeteria.

Arriving there she would fling herself into the back storage are. Tearing into anyone and anything back there. Devouring it hungrily.
James was cleaning the trays when he suddenly saw Arya jump into the storage room. James then slowly backed up, still holding a sponge and quietly walked out of the room.
Crawler led his smaller comrade to the cafeteria, giving a small hiss of delight at the sound of frenzied eating emanating from the backroom. His pleased expression doubling when he watched the horrified Centaur back out of the room with the face of a man who just witnessed his neighbor beat her husband to death with nothing more than a spoon.

He leaned back to Alexis "What did I ssssay?" Before walking over to James and trying to look past him to see the food genocide commence.

"Jamessss, my ever so convenient plot device." Crawler said as he approached "Wouldn't be a sssstretch to tell me what'ssss happening in their eh buddy?"
"I guess so." Looking at a the screen with the guard taking Penance to his original cell making sure he didn't do anything stupid. The he looked at Alexa "I don't think i ever showed my face to these people, and im pretty sure none of them know that im here." Getting up from his seat he started to walk towards the door tell the guards to gather the Experiments into the cafeteria, Time to make an appearance." Hes not much of a person to speak in front of a group but he thought it was about time especially due to the recent event.
James sighed and said,"They just took Arya off of solitary confinement and now she's eating all the meat in the back room, I don't want to become mixed meat yet; so I'm staying away." The centaur realized how scared he looked and sighed,"It's really nothing though." He said with a sigh.

The guards did as they were told and rounded up everyone in the cafeteria (even the three escapees). The guards then positioned themselves behind the experiments, basically pointing their guns to their backs in the event one of them went insane.
Alexia nodded and quietly, still holding Ashley somewhat tightly as they walked up to the one Crawler called James. Alexia hid behind Crawler out of fear, not wanting to draw any attention to herself though in all honesty trying to hide from something puts a lot of attention on ya...
Would slink out of the back room, sitting near then entrance she would wait for someone to notice that something was different.
Alexa let out a sigh. "I'll come with, can't stand being in this room all day."

Max looked straight ahead though his eyes seemed dull in color, especially the new one, even though it worked it was still a slightly lighter blue than his original. He looked physically worn from the lack of food and electricity, not to mention he was slightly paler.
Uriel was sitting cross-legged on the end of his bed, examining the twisting, thorny, vine-like tattoo winding up his left forearm. It was fainter than he remembered.

He sighed, looking up at the jagged scratches and whip-like marks covering the walls of his cell, rather conspicuous signs of vented fury and restlessness.

They wouldn't be pleased with him. Did he care? No.

He quickly became bored. Hopping down from his perch, he walked over to the door and cautiously opened it. Nobody was outside. As he stepped outside, he took a deep breath in and out again, stretching his arms. But he caught a glimpse of the wolf-like creature bring escorted to his cell. Probably one of the troublemakers.

If it wasn't for his little.. 'Mental episode', he most likely would have joined in on the break for freedom, despite the consequences. He was sick of this place and what they did to him.

He quickly stepped back as a figure shot past him in the direction of the cafeteria. He raised an eyebrow, sticking his hands in his pockets as he continued wandering down the corridor. But he was rudely interrupted by guards rounding them up like cattle to the cafeteria. But, having nothing better to do, came along anyway. What now?
(NOTICE, if you recall the post I had wrote a little while ago. Here is what has changed.



Except her eyes at still pale blue. She stands 3ft from the shoulder. If you wonder why this happened, check her CS.)

StoneWolf18 said:
(NOTICE, if you recall the post I had wrote a little while ago. Here is what has changed.


Except her eyes at still pale blue. She stands 3ft from the shoulder. If you wonder why this happened, check her CS.)

(( so 's she's fully wolf now ?))
Looks at guards barely hiding her rage " What the Hell happened now?!". Out of the corner of her eye she saw a wolf slinking in the back. Thinking it was Penance until she looked closer, just about to scream bloody murder, the wolf looked at her and Mik saw something familiar in it's eyes. " Arya?" she whispered under her breath
Penance stood in the cafeteria. The guards had put him in there. Apparently there was an anouncement. He searched the crowd for arya but couldnt find her so he sniffed around and found her scent by a wolf. He walked over to it and said "arya?"
Looking up Penance she would frown. Walking over to a nearby table she would struggle to get onto s chair. Turning she would sit, being taller she would sign "better, and yeah....that week kind of...eh...well.." Gesturing to Herself he would see her stone grey pelt hanging off her thin frame.

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