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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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  • Other (please specify)

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The daily meal was being carted by the experiments on the chopping block, along with the daily guard to be sacrificed to Zor. The scientist gulped before opening the door and heading down the hall to certain doom. Screaming from both Zor and the guard could be heard. "FRESH MEAT!" yelled the creature as the guard begged for help, yet no other guard went down there.
"I don't get why you guys try to escape, I mean you keep saying it's hell here, but if you think about it isn't that bad. We feed you, shelter you, cloth you, but you are just so ungrateful." Alexa said as she approached the three experiments. "Now obviously we have to punish people that break the rules, and murder so now the question is what should I do?" She asked the three of them with a smirk. "If you have ideas I'm a great listener." She joked as she glared at the three.
Peaceswore said:
"I don't get it why you guys tried to escape, I mean you keep saying it's hell here, but if you think about it isn't that bad. We feed you, shelter you, cloth you, but you are just so ungrateful." Alexa said as she approached the three experiments. "Now obviously we have to punish people that break the rules, and murder so now the question is what should I do?" She asked the three of them with a smirk. "If you have ideas I'm a great listener." She joked as she glared at the three.
Frowning Arya would glare at her, she hadn't done any of the fighting. Resisting the urge to rake her claws over her face she would glance to the others.
Penance just looked at the scientist in disgust and growled "who asks a cow how it wants to be killed?" He didnt like this scientist 'she wouldnt be tough without these guards' he thought
The guards pulled the three up and escorted them to separate cells, far away from each other. The guards locked all of the doors and closed the second sliding door.
After being thrown in the empty, reinforced cell she would lay on her back sighing. Trying not to think of the many things they could do, but Arya concluded that death wouldn't be the worst.
"Don't feed the girl for three days. For penance giving him a good beating should put his mind on the right track also no food for...hmmm do you think a week is to harsh? As for Max...just let me in his cell." Alexa said to the guards as she let out a small laugh as she thought of different ways to punish her insolent brother.
Crawler kept his bright and positive stance going up until the guards left with the offenders. Once gone he returned to his earlier state of twitchiness as he wrapped himself up in his wings once more.

"Well then, now that that'sssss over with." Crawler said to the remaining guards Are we done here? A bug'ssss got a lot to do."
Penance was shocked. no food for a week and none for arya? 'That bitch. Why doesnt she just kill us and get it over with instead of this torture."
The guards quickly said,"Yes m'am!" One guard quickly ran over and opened the door to Max's room. Once she was in he shut the door. Another guard walked into Penances cell and struck him with a electric baton, numerous times and gave him a good ol' knee to the snout. The guard then simply left and stood at attention for the higher up to come back.
A floating stick poked Crawlers' shoulder, not very hard but noticeable. Behind him was the shy katt girl, Alexia, with a plate in her hands and her pet katt, Ashley, on her head. "H-h-hi Crawler" shyly greeted the girl as she held in her hand a bowl of oatmeal sweetened with brown sugar, Alexia had always given her ration of sugary food to the giant bug; she didn't really like sweet things and she knew he did.

'No food for 3 days? Ugh' she had thought. Still hungry for having not eaten anything yesterday and without proper sleep this was going to be a nightmare. Curling up in the center of the blank cell she would sigh, and ever so slowly fall into a shallow sleep.
Penance laid on the ground shaking his head. He a little blood coming from his snout. "Punk. You're lucky im cuffed otherwise i'd rip your arms off and beat you with them." He said in anger.
One guard walked over to the rest of the experiments and said,"The rest of you are dismissed, go about your daily business." The guard then joined in the others while waiting for one more to return.
Max was sitting in his cell shaking ever so slightly. He then heard the door open and close he looked up and backed away when he saw it was her. "St-Stay away." He stuttered as he backed away till he hit the wall that was behind him. "Now now Max, don't be like that. We haven't had a good talk since your last attempt to leave." She said as she approached. Max didn't say anything as he pushed against the wall as if it would give out so he could run. Saying he was scared of her was a bit of an understatement after all she was the one that experimented on him and punished him on more than one occasion.

Alexa let out a laugh when she saw his terror in his eyes. She continued to walk to him till she was towering over him. "You know, I think I was rather nice to the others especially that werewolf, after all he did kill quite a few of my men." She said with a sigh. "I'm debating if I should make it worse for him or not. Though when I think about it you sort of were the cause of all the death. Had you just let the guards take you then the twins wouldn't have fought back and experiment 10 wouldn't have been released." She crouched down infront of him and placed a hand on his chin, after a few minutes she snapped her fingers. "I know! If you entertain me enough with your screams I won't bother the wolf, hell I may even lower his punishment."

Max didn't say a thing the entire time she spoke. 'It's my fault? Really?' He wondered. He then felt a stinging sensation on his cheek.
"Pay attention when I'm talking to you." She said coldly. He didn't respond and looked away, she let out an irritated sigh. "You always make this difficult."

(half an hour of blood curling screams later)

Alexa walked out of his cell her hands covered in blood.
"Haha I'm never going to get tired of that. That werewolf only has six days of no food also give Max some medical attention." She said to a guard as she tossed him...an eye.
The guard nodded and took Max to the emergency infirmary. The guard then said,"Sir, I think it's time for us to leave this wretched place...I'm sure those freaks learned a lesson."

James simply sat at his table and eat some food. He sighed, "He had it coming for trying to escape" he murmured.
Almost deaf, the screams coming from Max's cell were terrifying. Trying to block out the noise she wouldn't try to think of what was happening. Sighing she would return to the center of the cell.

On the brink of finally a deep sleep, Arya would be awoke by an acute pain flaring through her skull. Cursing under her breath she would groan and close her eyes once more, bearing the pain instead of trying to fight it.

After the pain had subsided, the great amounts of energy that it had taken left her in a deep sleep. Unaware of what it had caused.
Alexa let out a sigh. "I guess you are dismissed after you return Max to his cell when they are done treating him. Oh don't bother to clean the mess up, I don't want him to forget what happened anytime soon." She said with a smile. After saying this she headed to the surveillance room or where ever Jarnes was currently at.
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Federoff said:
A floating stick poked Crawlers' shoulder, not very hard but noticeable. Behind him was the shy katt girl, Alexia, with a plate in her hands and her pet katt, Ashley, on her head. "H-h-hi Crawler" shyly greeted the girl as she held in her hand a bowl of oatmeal sweetened with brown sugar, Alexia had always given her ration of sugary food to the giant bug; she didn't really like sweet things and she knew he did.
Crawler stiffened at the sudden introduction of sugar before clicking his mandibles together and turning as he slid two limbs out and quickly snatched the bowl away.

"Alexia, Lex, darling, you really ssssshouldn't have." Crawler commented before burying his head into the oatmeal and devouring it.

As he ate, he listened as the guards let them be for the day.

Once the bowl was wiped of the sweetness, Crawler reared back and coughed a bit before shaking his head of the excess sweetness.

"A capital feeling of ecstasy." Crawler commented before sliding the bowl into his cell, where some other roaches made haste towards it "Now to start my day."

Before he could lurk off, he glanced back at Alexia "Lexia, how has dear Ashley been faring lately?"
Mikai chased after the guard " sir I need meats, my body can't handle fruits and I had no part in the escape !"
(did anyone else get that lag spike?)

Alexia smiled at Crawler as he devoured the contents of the bowl, she was glad she could offer some relief in this prison. "She has been doing well, still lazy as ever though" giggled Alexia as Ashley let out a small meow, as if it was saying How dare you; before the katt let out a small yawn and fell asleep on her head, proving the girls point. "How have you been yourself?" asked the blonde-girl curiously, she always enjoyed talking to Crawler, she viewed him more as a big brother then a friend at this point, since she had known him the longest of all the other experiments.

At her question Crawler chuckled, "Well, I recently found an easssssy ssssource of ssssweet, my room issss pretty much covered in eggssss and a pal of mine went rogue lasssst night."

With that he began trudging toward the cafeteria "Nothing much other than that really."
(Sorry I was at zap zone withe family)

Jarnes left the room getting tired of the screams and entered back into his office awaiting Alexa.

Taking off his glasses and rubbing his temples "Well that's probably going to be the last exciting thing to happen around here." He put his glasses back on and opened the files that were layed across his desk that were of the three escapees.
Alexa entered after knocking. She walked over to the trash and threw away a paper towel before leaning against the wall. "Well that should make them think twice, though I have a feeling that brat won't give up. Maybe I should make sure he can't escape by simply making him incapable of walking." She then walked over to the desk and looked at the files. "Have you reported this to the higher ups?"

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