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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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  • Other (please specify)

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Penance woke up and sat up on his bed. 'Freaks?' he thought 'whatever' he got up and stretched before walking out of his cell
Isaac exited the cell thinking "Finally." as he lined up in front of his door thinking "Now what's going to happen." Maybe they were going to hurt us for trying break out?
Max was already awake, but was still tied to his bed. "Hey geniuses." He muttered as he pulled against the covers hoping they would tear. (Max has no clue the twins are dead)
Tats heard the guards yelling and quickly decided what he could do so she would not get in trouble. Without waking her, Tats' carried Sothena through the secret door and set her down in her own bed so the guards were not to be suspicious, "See you later Sothena" whispered the boy before closing the door behind him, it blended into the wall so well no one would be able to tell the difference. Being that Maris' room did not have any cameras, since it wasn't a cell but an actual room, no one would be able to know of this. He quickly made the bed, Mari waking up with a smile and a "Good morning" as she yawned. The two walked outside of the room and waited for the guards to pass by with their routine inspections.
A guard instantly grabbed Mik and said,"Where do you think you're going princess?" The guard wore elemental armor, so any fire or anything else wouldn't do much. He dragged Mik back to the line and simply gave her an apple and said,"Feast..." Another guard grabbed Arya and put her in cuffs and held her in front of him. He then took Arya to the front of the line and made her face the line. He then said,"Now we wait for the rest..."
Darius snarls when he hears the guards banging on his cell. He gets up and lines up by the door. His tail flicking like a cat about to strike.

Dympna wakes up and quietly lines outside flinching when the guard bangs on her cell.
The guards also walked over to max's room, untied him, and put him in isolated cuffs. Then, the guards grabbed penance and put cuffs and a muzzle on him before forcing them to look directly at the line as well.
Crawler had the swarm spend all night covertly sneaking into the cells that they were able to and cleaning their somewhat neighbors of any and all forms of sugar on their persons while they slumbered. When morning came, the roaches had receded back into the walls. Yep, leaving no evidence of their indulgence beside a horde of oothecas their wild night of insectoid passion had left all over his floor. Being careful not to harm the next generation, Crawler made his way to his cell door as it opened. His cell was quite a ways off from the others, the ones in between still empty for missing or future experiments. H could see them and he was sure they could see him if he tried, but he'd rather keep his focus on the guards at the moment as they began rounding up the offenders.

He made sure to wrap himself up in his wings before stepping out and to the side of his cell. Getting fidgety, head darting to and fro, he began cleaning his antennae once more as he waited for them to go about their day.
Max being the stubborn idiot that he is, he refused to make the walk easy for the guards. He didn't really struggle, but he made sure it was awkward as possible.
The guards forced all three of the experiments onto their knees. They then said,"This is what happens when you attempt to escape here, this is your fate if any of you dare try to do so..." James saw Max and simply crossed his arms and shook his head. The guards then continued,"These people shall be punished accordingly..."

((Is Jarne gonna come out and say something, or is he just gonna leave it to the guards?))
Isune said:
The guards forced all three of the experiments onto their knees. They then said,"This is what happens when you attempt to escape here, this is your fate if any of you dare try to do so..." James saw Max and simply crossed his arms and shook his head. The guards then continued,"These people shall be punished accordingly..."
((Is Jarne gonna come out and say something, or is he just gonna leave it to the guards?))
(The three as in penance, max and Arya?)
Max was confused and looked around. "Where are the twins? Are they sleeping in?" He asked completely oblivious to the situation.
((Yeah the three are all the people who attempted to break out.))

A guard sighed and said,"You have to be kidding me right, they're dead..." The guard sighed again and continued, "They separated too far and tried to kill 10 with the last of their might, but failed."
Jarnes turns around in the chair facing away from the screens as the escapees were made an example of. "No reason for me to intervene now." Jarne said sort of cold heartedly, but he still couldn't watch. Placing his hands under his chin eyes closed.
Looked at the guard in shock. "Wh-What? The-They're d-dead?" He asked as the blood drained from his face. "I knew they were hurt...but dead?" He asked in disbelief.
She glanced up at the guards. Only 3 days here an she is already being killed. Arya would keep her head down, closing her eyes she would accept it. Hearing Max find out of the Twins' death the grief that she had suppressed surfaced one more.
Penance just sat there. "Hey arya, max. Im sorry i got us into this mess. Its my fault the twins are dead and we're like this." He said upset from what he has caused
Penance said:
Penance just sat there. "Hey arya, max. Im sorry i got us into this mess. Its my fault the twins are dead and we're like this." He said upset from what he has caused
"It's not your fault" Arya would reply, the sadness she was feeling made her voice crack "I should have been smart and talked you out of it."
The guards said,"Look at what you all have caused...You killed one of your friends, or maybe you were just using them to try and get out of here, I don't know." Now Damion looked at the group with utter distaste, only shaking his head. The guard only said,"These people shall be punished, how? you might be asking, well we're still awaiting orders from our higher ups, so for the time being these people will be allowed nowhere near any of you."
Hearing the voices of the experiments confess and find out about the death of the twins made Jarnes eyes water. "Its my fault" he whispered biting his finger trying to repress the tears.
"Yay solitude confinement." Max muttered under his breath. He didn't hang his head, but looked at everyone and even smiled. "You know even though it was night, the ocean was rather beautiful. To bad I couldn't enjoy it for a bit longer" He said rather happily. (Did you see my second OC?)
Isune said:
The guards said,"Look at what you all have caused...You killed one of your friends, or maybe you were just using them to try and get out of here, I don't know." Now Damion looked at the group with utter distaste, only shaking his head. The guard only said,"These people shall be punished, how? you might be asking, well we're still awaiting orders from our higher ups, so for the time being these people will be allowed nowhere near any of you."
Hearing this she could just feel their eyes piercing into her back. Their disgust was so present Arya could almost taste it in the air. She sank lower onto her knees just wanting to disappear.
Crawler couldn't pass up the opportunity, he began applauding the guards from his positionafter letting two of his limbs slide out of his wings. It sounded like two wet arms slapping each other repeatedly.

"Well done officerssss, you've demonssssstrated sssssuch admirable devotion and order that I know for a fact each and every one of you will receive a noteworthy recommendation for a raissssse." Crawler hissed to them before chuckling a bit "Thank you sssso much for your time."

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