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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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"I'm typing up the report now." He turned around and stood holding his hands in his pockets. "I never understand how you could torture your own flesh and blood like that. It simply amazes me." He said fixing his glasses and walk over to a cabinet grabbing his brother files and returning to his seat.

"Either way, that should be enough for now." Stamping the decease sign on the brother picture than scanning the papers adding them to the report and sent it.
"I wasn't torturing him. Just teaching him a lesson." Giving a kind smile mainly at the thought of what happened in his cell. "I won't let anyone kill him, he is far to important to me, which is exactly why I need him to understand he can't leave." She then reached into her pocket and pulled out a gold and silver nugget. "I know terrible idea, bad memories and such, I just figured you may want something." Placing the nuggets on the desk in front of her. She then took a seat and leaned back.
The guard picked up Max, after a nurse (Who was also a experiment) managed to heal Max's eye. He wouldn't be able to see out of it for about it day, but at least he wasn't permanently blind in one eye. The guard then carried Max on his back and practically threw him onto the bed. The guard then returned outside and waited for his ship to get back home.
((Sorry I'm so late, I'm preparing for a scholarship and it is veeery time consuming.))

Uriel knew there had been an escape attempt, somewhere deep within his thoughts.

But for hours on end, he had been sitting motionless on the edge of his thin, unadorned bed, his head clutched in his hands. He hadn't slept. He felt fragile, thin, like glass; a baby's breath, and he would shatter. Physically, he was perfectly healthy. Mentally? Not so much.

Lyrr had visited him.

Spoken to him.

The monster, that twisted fragment of his conscience which he ever so desperately tried to bury, but he knew that he was fighting a war he couldn't win. Lyrr was a part of him he couldn't escape.

His mind was a whirlwind of colours, voices and fleeting images, intermingling and breaking apart. His ears were ringing, his head pounding, slowly suffocating him. The shards of his conscience which he kept within himself had gotten the better of him; he had lost himself under the torrent.

Stop it. You are stronger than this!

Yet he was drowning.


He heard the guard banging on his cell door, but he was paralyzed.

Yet slowly he dug his nails into his scalp; the pain was a sudden jerk back to reality. It was enough. He took a deep, sudden, shuddering breath, and his eyes snapped open.

He slowly forced them down, down deep, where he usually kept them within himself. A ghost of a smile brushed his lips, before his body became limp and he slumped to the cold floor, passed out from mental exhaustion.

What would the guards do when they realised he hadn't come out? What would they do to him?

Those were his last thoughts before he blacked out.
There were no guards left, they were all outside waiting for a return boat that'd take them back to a different island.

James stood with two trays in his hands, and another three on his back; he had tray duty (and he hated it so much). He trotted over to Damion's cell and slide the meat through the opening like always. He then rounded the corner and realized that the escapees weren't to be given food, he sighed and said,"Great...what am I going to do with these?" He sighed again and went back to the cafeteria, dumping the plates in the trash.

Damion watched as a centaur slid his plate under the door like always, his eyes widened. 'Was that a centuar?No, I must be going insane.' he thought to himself as he ate his meat, just barely cooked at all; still bloody.
Max was too tired from the amount of pain and bloodloss he went through to even bother to yell at the guard for tossing him in his cell. He weakly raised a hand over his eye still unable to see through it. "And here I was hoping for a cool eye patch." laughing weakly only to clench his sides. "Damn it...of course it wasn't enough for her to take my eye, she also had to break at least two ribs.' He sighed and closed his eyes. 'If they think I will give up, then they have another thing coming.' He thought as his leg turned to electricity and physical again.
Having woken up a few minutes ago, Arya had already migrated to the bed that was placed in the corner of the cell. She knew it was going to happen eventually, but why so soon. She began to wonder why the process has sped up. Frowning Arya remembers when Max had lightly shocked her in the cafeteria. 'That shock must have been enough to stimulate the cells' she would think to herself. Not wanting to dwell on the matter anymore right now she would close her eyes, drifting off into a more restful sleep.

(If your wondering what happened, look to her CS)
James sighed and went outside, the guards were already gone. He laid down nearby a tree and set down a apple next to himself, at least some of the experiments could go outside. He started reading a new book he found while taking a few bites out of his apple, enjoying the peaceful time he had.
Penance laid on his bed waiting for something to happen. He already smelt food go by. 'Guess she was serious about the whole no food thing. I wonder how the others are doing. Come to think of it arya has gained new looks in a while. I wonder if she's changed lately?' He

Thought to himself hoping the week will go by fast
Mik was bored. After convincing a guard that she would havw seizures if she didn't eat a full meal, she was let out of her cell. Sneaking through the back door of the cafteria, she grabbed a chicken sandwhich. Sitting calmly in the branches of a giant tree and chewing thoughtfully " I hope Arya, Penance and Max are okay " she'd consider visiting but thought against it.
(Sorry about very slow reply, rpnation is being beyon stupid to me right now)

Alexia nodded at Crawlers' response as she walked with him, not having anything else to do nor anyone else to talk to. She moved Ashley from her head to being wrapped in her arms close to her stomach so she would not fall.
"Well that is nice for you isn't it?" smiled Alexia as the two walked together.
Isune said:
One horrible week of torture later...
((this is a time skip))
(Thank god for time skip)

Arya would be waiting for her cell door to be unlocked. She was pissed for the sole reason of forgotten to be fed.
Alexa was looking through the security camera's as she observed the three failed escapees. Arya and Penance were about to been given food, but she was still unsure if she let Max have any just yet. 'I guess as an older sister I should feed him. I haven't even let him have any electricity, he must be feeling absoulutely miserable.' She leaned back in her chair and thought about it. With a sigh she turned on a radio. "I need someone to give Max two car batteries and a meal." She then shut off the radio and continued to observer.
Penance waited at his door for food. After a whole week of not having any he was feeling weak and ready to knaw his arm off at this point
James once again had food duty, he murmured something about being a pack mule for these people; but delivered food like he always does. He then went to those in solitary confinement and said,"First lunch guys..." He then slide one tray for Max, one for Arya, and one for Penance.
Max looked at the tray, but couldn't get to it. Not only did he have no food for a week, but he also didn't have any electricity which resulted in a high fever. He could barley lift his hand to his head let alone get out of bed to get the food which was teasing him beyond belief.
"Bout time." He said grabbing the tray of food devoring it as fast as he could. "That it? After a whole week with no food??"
James simply said,"That's all they gave me, can't give you any more or any less." He then returned to Max's cell and said,"Almost forgot, he then took out three batteries and rolled them under the door, he was told to give these to max.
Isune said:
James once again had food duty, he murmured something about being a pack mule for these people; but delivered food like he always does. He then went to those in solitary confinement and said,"First lunch guys..." He then slide one tray for Max, one for Arya, and one for Penance.
She would watch the tray get slid under the door. As soon as it was within reach of her, she would leap onto it. The food gone within seconds
Max looked at the batteries for a second before appearing next to them. Without the slightest hesitation he absorbed the electricity, since it wasn't much it didn't get rid of the fever, but it was enough to get him to walk to the food. He at that slowly, though he was starving he still refused to eat the cooked carrots that were placed on his tray. 'I need more electricity, and how much longer is this confinement going to last? It's been a week.' He thought as he pushed away the tray.
Arya would be pacing about her cell. She wanted out, she wanted to run. Muttering to herself she would get onto her bed once more, staring at the door. Wanting to hear the sweet sound of the locks turning.
Alexa let out a sigh. 'I feel a bit sorry for the girl. She didn't kill anyone so I don't think she needs to be in confinement any longer.' "Can someone release Arya from solitude confinement. She can take her old cell, once she is released." She ordered over the radio.
James sighed as he made his rounds and dropped off food once again. He then saw that Max hadn't eat anything, but the others had almost devoured their trays entirely. He sighed and went to go drop off the trays.o

A guard picked up his radio and said,"Roger..." He walked over to Arya's cell and unlocked it saying,"Well, looks like your time is up...Come on, we're taking you back to your old cell."
Tats and Mari walk up to Sothenas' room and knock on the door, it had been a solid week since the transplant and everyday Tats' checked on how the girl was doing, today being no exception. Tats and Mari had already eaten their morning rations and so had the whole day free. "Morning Sothen!" smiled Mari after Sothena would answer the door. @RoyalPhoenix32

Alexia entered from the mess hall to the containment center, walking towards Crawlers' cell with Ashley tailing right behind her. In her hands was her morning rations, same old same old. She walked right up to the bars and smiled at Crawler,
"Good morning" greeted Alexia before offering the brown-sugar oatmeal to the creature. @GrieveWriter

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