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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Max really hated being restrained on a bed like this since it was a lot like being on that damn slab during his experiments. "Damn it! Uncuff me! This isn't necessary!" He hollered. He was actually struggling so much his wrist and ankle were turning red, and getting close to bleeding. "Please..." He muttered under his breath.
Another guard came in, un-cuffed the boy, but left the blankets on him. The guard said,"That one is for our own protection...and your own protection so that one isn't coming off."
(going to bed, night)

Maris' dreams were of... well what do you expect? Little kid things that's what! She was playing in the park with all her friends, being pushed on the swings by Tats. Tats' dream was of nothing, he did not ever really dream often. The song broke through his dreams though, the one Sothena was singing, so he had one thing in mind now but nothing else.
Max nodded and rubbed his wrist. "Thanks." He muttered before closing his eyes, though he didn't fall asleep.
The guard nodded and walked out of the cell, locking all seven on the locks before doing something odd; the guard pressed a remote button and the attempted escapist's new cells had a second door come over the first and lock in place over the first, a second metal door. The guards yelled,"Light's out!" and all the lights in the cell units were turned off.
Max laid there for what felt like hours on end. 'How long is this confinement going to last? Is escape worth this?... Not only did the twins die, but the other experiments suffered because of our poorly thought out escape plan... I don't know anymore. I don't think I care.' He thought before finally allowing sleep to over come him.
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The guards did what was needed for them to do for their time being. Two guards were positioned in front of each escapees cell. All six of the guards were armed with heavy armor and weaponry just in the event of any of them tried it again. Four more guards were posted at the front gate and the door that leads to the yard of the labs.
Wings said:
(Wow so much approval.)
Darius decided that he couldn't sleep. So he decided to go visit people. First he entered the dreams of Arya. She seemed like she needed some company. Plus she was cute. "Sup."He said once he was in her mind.
Would be dozing off when she hears a voice in her mind. Somewhat startled Arya would force herself to stay calm. 'Hello?' She answered, not expecting a reply. Thinking she imagined the voice she would turn on her side and fall into a slightly deeper sleep.
Max eyes shot open and he was met with absolute darkness. "Where the hell am I!? Why can't I mo-.... Never Mind!" He called out. 'Good thing I don't have to use the bathroom or I would be in big trouble.' He thought as he tried to move his stiff body, but was unable due to the covers that tied him to the bed. 'I hope the other experiments aren't suffering for what we did. I mean they had nothing to do...hold on! Why am I worried about them!?'
StoneWolf18 said:
Would be dozing off when she hears a voice in her mind. Somewhat startled Arya would force herself to stay calm. 'Hello?' She answered, not expecting a reply. Thinking she imagined the voice she would turn on her side and fall into a slightly deeper sleep.
Darius smiled because the girl kind of flipped. That was his favorite part but he didnt want to scare her so he said, "It's me Darius. I figured you needed some company."
Wings said:
Darius smiled because the girl kind of flipped. That was his favorite part but he didnt want to scare her so he said, "It's me Darius. I figured you needed some company."
Hearing the voice again, Arya would be calm this time answering "yeah, that would be nice..." Trailing off she would add silently 'at least your not shunning me...'
StoneWolf18 said:
Hearing the voice again, Arya would be calm this time answering "yeah, that would be nice..." Trailing off she would add silently 'at least your not shunning me...'
Darius smiled a small smile. "So what's up?" He asked her.
Once Crawler had received some information on their current predicament, he hissed once more in distaste before wading the roach orgy, shrugging and glancing at the roach that had delivered said info.

"Tell the othersssss to get back into the wallsssss, don't want anyone getting pissssy about me leaving you guyssss all over the placccceee."

He waited some time for a reply as that one roach relayed the recommendation to the others scattered around the floors of the labs, but he did not expect the message he got back.

"Wait.... He'ssss doing WHAT!?!"

Far away in front of a completely different cell, a small group of roaches had gathered to watch in awe as another one climbed up the bed of the inhabitant.

Smelling the faintest trace of something sweet emanating off the sleeping occupant, Rodney the Roach willingly crawled toward the sleeping form.

Meanwhile, Crawler was having a panic attack.

"Damnitt Rodney!!!" He hissed as the roaches began delivering the message in a series of miniscule chirps to each other "You're going to get pessssst control right up our asssssesssss!"

When the message finally reached Rodney, he was already crawling along the sleeping form, devouring the smell of sweetness with his mandibles scratching at the sleeping form.

He looked over to the group of scurrying roaches who had carried the message and promptly sent another one back.

When Cralwer received the reply he had to step back for a while "Really now, enough for two he says?" Crawler began hi unconscious drooling before sending another message back "Rodney, I don't care how much of that body you have to sssscurry along! You get assss much sssssugar back here assss posssssible!!!"

Before the roach outside his cell could carry the message to the next in order to begin the arduous process of carrying the message back to Rodney, Crawler included an addendum.

"And make sssssure to get in the mouth to! They alwaywssss carry the good sssstuff around the lipssss and teeth!"

As the roaches delivered said message, Crawler tried his hardest to keep the saliva from falling freely. As he did so a roach couple who had been on the ceiling lost their grip and fell onto Crawler's shoulder, still very much connected to each other.

Crawler sighed as the two flailed their limbs around trying to get themselves right side up, then reached out with limb and assisted them.

"Marcia, Ssssstewart... you two know how we deal with ceilingssss." Crawler hissed as the couple continued their previous engagement "I know you two like to enjoy the thrill of danger but there'ssss a limit to how much you can.... ARE YOU TWO EVEN LISSSSSTENING!?!"

His only response were several flitters of their wings as the couple promptly used his shoulder as a bed.
StoneWolf18 said:
"Not much" she answered, exhausted. "I can't get to sleep."
Darius nodded. "Yeah. After what happened today, its hard to get to sleep. Anyway how are you? It seems like you are upset." He said to her.

Dympna curled up in a ball sleeping. She was dreaming of a peaceful forest.
Wings said:
Darius nodded. "Yeah. After what happened today, its hard to get to sleep. Anyway how are you? It seems like you are upset." He said to her.
Dympna curled up in a ball sleeping. She was dreaming of a peaceful forest.
(Church is starting, answer when u get back.)
Mik felt bad for them yet she didn't. She paced around her octagon shaped cell "Why were you so stupid, did you actually think that this would work, did you actually think they wouldn't catch you, did you actually think you could stand against Experiment 10?!". she suddenly dropped to the ground, the pains were back. Sweat attempted to pour out of here skin but the temperature of her body turned it into to thick jets of steam, her room becoming unbearably humid. Mik's skin light up from the inside, the flames pulsing through her skin. (( if you want to do the dream thing, sure))
Isaac paced back and forth in his cell he was quite bored thinking to himself "I didn't even participate in the breakout attempt I was just walking around." As he waited for the guards to release them.
Wings said:
Darius nodded. "Yeah. After what happened today, its hard to get to sleep. Anyway how are you? It seems like you are upset." He said to her.
Dympna curled up in a ball sleeping. She was dreaming of a peaceful forest.
Her ears back, sadness filling her eyes she would reply "well, an escape attempt just failed." Remembering the failure, many different emotions sparked. Hatred, fear, sadness just to name a few.
Awaking still in his office chair Jarnes walks into a large room full with screens recording the whole compound including the insides of cells.

Many experiments were sleeping or awake not being able to sleep due to the current event.

"It's seems no one is grieving. A bunch of heartless fools." Jarnes said with distaste. But he took it back seeing as the group of experiments here never really were the types to care." Awaiting the wake up call from the guards for the experiments. Jarnes sat in a single rolling chair facing the screens with a pen and pad. "Let's see how this isolation affects there attitudes." He said while pushing his glasses up with the back of the pen.
StoneWolf18 said:
Her ears back, sadness filling her eyes she would reply "well, an escape attempt just failed." Remembering the failure, many different emotions sparked. Hatred, fear, sadness just to name a few.
Darius' eyes became sad. "Yeah. It's sad that we lost two of our own during the escape attempt." He told her sadness bleeding into his voice.
The guards walked down the hallways, banging on the doors with their batons and yelling,"Rise and shine ya freaks!" Damion was having a peaceful sleep until he heard banging, he got up and walked out with a sigh and a yawn. James silently trotted out of the room, beyond tired. The guards kept banging on cells saying,"Wake up, and form a neat line outside of the cells."
Wings said:
Darius' eyes became sad. "Yeah. It's sad that we lost two of our own during the escape attempt." He told her sadness bleeding into his voice.
Arya remembers that the Twins had died. The grief she feels for them turned into a burning hatred. Hearing the wake-up call she would get out of the bed and shuffle into the hall. Even though she was exhausted her ears were pinned back against her head and Arya's tail was tightly curled around her right leg in fear of what was about to happen.
Mik was hungry, her protein levels were down and her stomach was killing her. The steam coming off her skin reduced to tiny wisps of smoke, staggering on her feet, Mik limped over to the door. Twisting the knob and seeing guards approaching the cells, she slunk off to the cafeteria praying they wouldn't notice her.

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