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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Penance said:
"Humans?" He said curiously "hmph they wont be a problem. Where we heading?"
She would open her mouth to reply when she sensed movement all around. The familiar sent of humans crept into the air as she froze.
Peaceswore said:
Max woke up suddenly and stated to panic. He stuggled out of Penance grip and fell to the ground. Electricity was flying off of him in different directions as he backed away from the two in slight fear.
surprised by his outburst penance took a step back "whoa, hey man its alright. That monsters gone."
Eyes wide open , Mik looked surprised and terrified. " What the actual Hell ?!" sitting down hardly on the blood soaked grass, rubbing her temples. " I need to find that Damion guy, he'll explain all this" Standing up and runs inside leaving the smell of burned grass and blood behind.
((Blarg, curse you NOTIFICATIONS!!!))

Tats shrugged at the girls' questions before replying with
"Don't worry, leave that part to me" stated the boy before he heard the lock click. With a sigh he went over to the wall and put his ear to it before pounding lightly, trying to hear for something. After a few moments he came upon an empty space and pounded on it, it swung open; it was a door. "There are many of these hidden all around, only me and Mari know of them... her father created them so she could run around freely" explained the boy as he motioned for the girl to follow, hoping she would brings Mari with her. The door would lead them to Mari and Tats' room; it was not a cell, but an actual huge bedroom with 3 beds; it was decerated like a little girls room, imagine that!
When the drones were finally placed Jarnes zoomed in on the experiments.

"Ill let you be free for my brother sake, but if you go to far your going to be out of my jurisdiction."

He said to himself switching back to the building cameras watching as the cells were lock and experiments being led back to there cells. He switched to his brothers cell stared at it for a moment then switched back to another camera.

The lock down was only temporary to discourage the experiments for trying something like that again. He had been too lenient.
Darius was lead to his cell by gunpoint. "Alright, alright, Im going." He said holding up his hands.

Dympna however was gently pushed into her cell.
Sothena nodded before setting Mari on her bed and began to put things into a small bag she kept of her small possessions. She then set the bag on her back and all weapons she had kept on her person. She lifted Mari onto her shoulder again before following Tats through the door. Once seeing the room, she just shook her head slightly with a smile at seeing the sight of Mari and Tats' bedroom.

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Damion said,"This is just great, now I'm locked back in my cell and have nothing to do!" James on the other hand, simply said,"Great, now I'm locked in my cell." This whole breakout thing sure turned to a mess quick.
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Crawler's routine antennae cleaning was interrupted by the sound of the locks of his cell activating. He stared at the now sealed door and let his long antenna slide out of his forelegs. Getting on his two hind legs he walked to the door, taking care not to disturb his smaller counterparts.

Making sure not to touch the bars themselves, Crawler slid a foreleg through them and let a passing roach climb aboard. He pulled it into his cell then listened for a while before hissing in distaste.

"Well, thissss will not be well for usssss." He hissed
It was sad that they had lost two of their friends. "God, why'd they do something stupid like that?" She muttered sitting on her bed. Well, I better get comfortable for a while. She thought.
"Can you put Mari in her bed? I'll get the equipment ready if you are ready for the transplant" asked Tats as he went t a another door, leading to a actual lab used by a doctor; in it was the equipment needed to complete the transplant, the stuff wasn't big nor complicated, if one knew how to use it.

Zor heard the alarms go off, he did not care... there was food! For once he could eat more then the "Meal," as they called it, the meal they gave him was just barely able to keep him from a rampage, but tonight he would sleep with a full stomach, oh how glorious this food was! He was munching and slurping it up, eating with both his mouths as if the food were to walk up and leave. "Blood is cold won't be as good" stated Zor to himself, man did humans spoil so quickly...
Sothena nodded before setting Mari down in the bed and covered her up, in case she got cold, before following Tats. The room looked like a lab she had been in before but couldn't remember off hand. The feeling was familiar in someway.

"Tats...Were some experiments done in here by the original doctor?"

She asked Tats. @Federoff
Max stopped shaking after a bit and stood up. "We are idiots." He muttered. "Why did we rush? We should have planned this out more. Now what do we do?" He asked his two companions before he lost strength in his legs and fell onto the ground. 'I need some electricity. I used up too much of my power.' @Penance @StoneWolf18
Tats looked at the girl and nodded his head, before pointing at himself. "He only created the original... me" replied the boy as he offered her a seat in a chair. He sat in another chair and began to tell her the story of this lab. "I am the first, created to serve a single purpose... to give Mari life, for without me she would die as you already knew... After creating me, other scientists branched out more labs here and experimented on you guys, he had no part in it though" explained the boy, hoping that would make sense to the girl.
"I see...It just feels this place is familiar. I remember most of everything but who performed the experiment on me is up in the air."

She said before sitting down in the offered chair. She never understood why she chosen as an experiment nor did she care to understand why. @Federoff
Tats got up and got a needle, in it was anesthetic. "Do you wish for an anesthetic to ease the pain?" asked the boy, not showing the needle yet nor turning around, he didn't want to freak her out by accident ya know?
Peaceswore said:
Max stopped shaking after a bit and stood up. "We are idiots." He muttered. "Why did we rush? We should have planned this out more. Now what do we do?" He asked his two companions before he lost strength in his legs and fell onto the ground. 'I need some electricity. I used up too much of my power.' @Penance @StoneWolf18
"I dont know." Penance sat down by a tree "we cant go back and we cant get off this island."
Leaning on the tree Arya would close her eyes for she was exhausted. She kept thinking how big a punishment they would get for escaping. Horrifying images of other experiments they could do to them would flash into her mind. Pushing the thoughts out of her mind she would sigh. Turning towards the lab she would start heading to it, not saying a word to either of them. Nearing the entrance she would be grabbed by a horde of guards. Slightly struggling she would try and break from their grasp. But for not having slept in days Arya wouldn't do much. Giving up, she would go limp and let them do what they wished.
"alright then" replied Tats before injecting the girl with the anesthetics, it would block most of the pain. He then preceded to the transplant, it would be a long process indeed. It involved him taking the marrow of his bones and then inserting it into the broken bones, it would speed up the healing process 1000%, but it would still take a while. After 2 hours, the surgery was done as he bandaged up the area's where he injected. "It will be painful, but whenever you can you should stretch your wings to build up the muscles" replied Tats, seemingly not phased by the pain he should be feeling. He had already replaced the bone and its marrow while destroying the last one.

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