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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Max was still unconscious. Not only had he hit his head rather hard, but he also fought vigorously and used a lot of his power so him waking up anytime soon was unlikely.
"Yes, I would. I have a plan but...Mari would be sad to not hear from me again."

She said.
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The guards left in small aircrafts as quickly as they had arrived. Damion on the other hand, flew over the wall once again and walked towards Max and Penance with a smirk on his face. He said,"See what happened? You didn't think things through and failed, horribly."
Isune said:
The guards left in small aircrafts as quickly as they had arrived. Damion on the other hand, flew over the wall once again and walked towards Max and Penance with a smirk on his face. He said,"See what happened? You didn't think things through and failed, horribly."
"You...little...punk!!" Penance said with rage "because of you the twins are dead, because of you everyone's injured and because of YOU none of us are off this hellhole!! I hope your freaking happy!" he then picked up max and went to the woods with arya.
Damion kept a smug look on his face and said,"This is your own fault, you just can't accept it can you?" His smirk remained as he took a few steps closer. He then said,"Accept the fact that you were one of the wiseguys behind this, accept the fact that it was you who caused this."
"A plan? What do you mean?" asked Tats with both curiosity and worry in his voice, not only did the twins' plan fail but he didn't want see that happen to her... not again. "I hope its staying here..." whispered Tats, both not realizing he said that out loud but also blushing at his statement. Mari was of course, still asleep, now that the action had passed.
Isune said:
Damion kept a smug look on his face and said,"This is your own fault, you just can't accept it can you?" His smirk remained as he took a few steps closer. He then said,"Accept the fact that you were one of the wiseguys behind this, accept the fact that it was you who caused this."
Penance stopped walking. "I know." He said with his back facing damion. "But its not our fault. We have been imprisoned on the island our whole lives. We just want off. We just want freedom and try and live a normal life without experiments and tests. Is that to much to ask?"
Damion simply looked at Penance. He then said,"It was because of you lives were lost...It was because of YOU that I have been faced with loss as well." He then walked over to a tree and broke off large branches to make a small area of resemblance for the twins.
Sothena shook her head.

"A nightingale will not sing if locked away from the world. An eagle that has touched the sky then clipped will long to feel the touch of the sky once more. I know what they would do to me if I flee but the genes inside me yearn to touch the sky again, Tats. You also know if they find out my bones are healed, they'll crush them again...I don't want to say goodbye to anyone...I just want to be myself, Tats. Away from all the tests and constant vigils of guards that would report you...A 'friend' was able to get in here and see me. He spoke of the world outside..."

She said as she broke off in remembering her friend.
Sighing she got up, chose a direction at random and started forward.

Having walked quite a ways she would suddenly stop. Movement was all around her. 'I'm in a forest' she told herself 'there are animals and such around'. She continued walking, becoming wary. But just as she was calming down a sharp sent filled her nose. Human. Anya's breath catching in her throat she would look around seeing nothing but plants. Frowning she would turn and head back to the tree they were meeting at.
Isune said:
Damion simply looked at Penance. He then said,"It was because of you lives were lost...It was because of YOU that I have been faced with loss as well." He then walked over to a tree and broke off large branches to make a small area of resemblance for the twins.
Penance looked at damion "then why dont you let us go before more lives are lost?"
Tats nodded at the girl, "I understand...then let us help you; they would not hurt me for they know they cannot hurt me for Maris' sake; she after all is the daughter of the original scientist. They wouldn't dare hurt either of us" replied Tats, explaining to the girl that he wished to help her, but did not have the words to say it.
Tats thought about the question for a few minutes before petting the sleeping Mari on the head, causing her to turn in her sleep. "Mari is strong, not much she is afraid of. All we must do is bring equipment so I can continue to supply the necessary bone-marrow for her to live" explained Tats as Mari hugged her Giraffe tightly, causing Tats to smile a bit. "I made that for her years ago, it is nice to see she still loves it so much" stated Tats, unsure why he said it.
There is no pain greater...nothing that hurts worse than watching a loved one die right in front of you. While knowing you have all the power to stop it...but also none at all.

A red light beeped frantically on his desk full of buttons and notes, but he payed no attention to it, the scene of his brothers dieing replayed in his mind over.The screen of his computer was rewinded and zoomed in on the faces of his dieing brothers.

"Its all my fault, I wasn't there for them when they needed me."

A tear rolled down his face as he stared at the screen. He wanted to call the higher ups and yell and scream at them why did they give the orders to release that monster.

Now instead of sadness Jarne was now filled with rage he banged the desk and stood up heading out the room with the picture of his brothers faces remaining on the screen
Damion simply let his wing out and flew back over the wall. He landed and walked back into the lab. He grabbed pen and paper and wrote the names of the experiments involved in the breakout, so everyone would know that they weren't at the labs anymore.
Penance said:
Penance watched as damion flew away then walked to the meeting place carrying max
Seeing Penance come into view she would frown "there are humans around" Arya would tell him
StoneWolf18 said:
Seeing Penance come into view she would frown "there are humans around" Arya would tell him
"Humans?" He said curiously "hmph they wont be a problem. Where we heading?"
James trotted down the hallway and looked at the sign "Max is missing?" He asked Damion. "Yes, he was one of the people who attempted the breakout." Damion said with a sigh. James sighed as well and said,"Well, he did try to break out...Well I guess." Both then returned to their respective cells and rested for a moment.
Jarnes walked into a room full of papers and pick up a radio. "This is Scientist Jarnes i want eyes on the forest, give me two drones flying in there in 10 minutes, i dont want anymore dieng on my account." He picked up three files, each of the escaped experiments. "And i want guards on every door and i want all the experiments back in the cells now." nearly shouting the commands he slammed down his phone and carried the files to his office. Few minutes later the gates were closed with guards running into the building forcing Experiments back into there cells.
"What sort of equipment do we need? While they left me grounded, they didn't search my bedroom completely."

She said while bringing Mari up in a hold where she could lay her head on her shoulder. She went to a counter and lifted up the pendant that her 'friend' gave her. (look up Assassin's creed symbol on interweb to know what it looks like)

"This will open a cache of equipment I happened to keep here in my room."

She said while smiling then heard the 'extra' lock click. Who the hell gave the order?!
Max woke up suddenly and stated to panic. He stuggled out of Penance grip and fell to the ground. Electricity was flying off of him in different directions as he backed away from the two in slight fear.
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Damion and James both had their cells locked. They had no idea why! James nearly spilled his new coffee and said,"What's going on!? Who gave the order to do this?"

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