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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TylerrCarterrr said:
"None unfortunately, when I arrived to unpack the room was empty." he said as he opened the doors to the cafeteria, the complex was massive though it didn't surprise him considering the size of the campus.
"Once I meet more people I will request a roommate, but until then I guess I have a dorm to myself."


Opening the doors to the cafeteria Moonstone announced, "We're here. Let's get our food first, then we can go and talk more." They then left to go and get themself a hamburger and french fries, and decided to just create their own drink, the drink being chocolate milkshake.

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Fantasy High's Cafeteria




Getting themself something to get


Eat with Xeltyr

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Character Sheet:


His eyes lit up from the selection of food, food from everywhere and food he had never seen before laid right in front of him for the taking.

Being the simple guy he was he grabbed two hot dogs and slathered chili and ketchup on them, he complimented that with some tater-tots and a pink lemonade. Before making his way over to them and sitting across from them.
(Part 1)

Jack stared at the mirror. 'Yep, this is definitely happening' he thought. The area around him turned to back. The walls around him were ice and the floor was covered with water. Jack slowly turned around to see a boy around same age as him. He looked similar to him , but had black hair instead. "Well, isn't it my little bunny Jack! "The boy smirked while walking closer. "What now Kuro?" Jack glared at the boy. "It's my turn to play. It's not fair if me and the others are stuck in this God awful place."Kuro said.

"What... this is my body. You can't control me when ever you want."

"Oh really? "questioned Kuro.

Jack put a hand on his head. He was already getting sleepy and felt as if he was about to drift off.

"Don't worry little bunny. Just going to have some. Ooo! Don't you have a date today? Perfect , I'll help you out " Kuro leaned forward until he was face to face with Jack. "D-damn, go to hell Kuro" Jack said as he dropped to his knees. He couldn't move. "Just fall asleep little bunny. I'll be going now" Kuro said as he faded away, leaving Jack behind.
charleen said:
Nico rolled her eyes and laughed.
"Gosh! What are you 5?"

She said, sighing softly.

"Just kidding.. I'm like 2 honestly,"

She sticked her tongue out playfully towards him
Drakon then sighed and went back to his blank face, eating his cotton candy. Some ended up on the side of his cheek. I'm not a loser... He thought before he remembered every time that Shuu beat him. It just made him mad so he stopped thinking about it.
TylerrCarterrr said:
His eyes lit up from the selection of food, food from everywhere and food he had never seen before laid right in front of him for the taking.
Being the simple guy he was he grabbed two hot dogs and slathered chili and ketchup on them, he complimented that with some tater-tots and a pink lemonade. Before making his way over to them and sitting across from them.


Moonstone drank their milkshake first as they watched Xeltyr get their food and come over to sit with them. "So, about that helping with hardships thing. It's not that big of a deal, but I did threaten that if he didn't act better towards me he'd be out of a home. I don't know if it can count as an argument though, considering he didn't speak much to me."

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Fantasy High's Cafeteria




Eating their food, Talking to Xeltyr


Eat with Xeltyr

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Character Sheet:


"Still, if you feel some sort of way towards him then I would think it is an argument." he said as he took a sip of his lemonade. "What exactly happened if you don't mind me asking." he said as he delicately began on his first hot dog, tail wagging from excitement of the meal.
Kisaki said:
"My unrelated brother. He's a prince from some snow kingdom " she said.
"He's also a bunny demon" Hisaki added.
"Bunny demon?" Salvador asked, a surprised and amused smile appearing on his face, "This school gets more and more interesting." Bunny demons, werewolves, fox-eared people like Hisaki and that guy who tried to stab me with a spear...

"I think I'd want to meet that guy later." Salvador said. Changing the subject, he asked, "Where do you guys want to go eat?"
TylerrCarterrr said:
"Still, if you feel some sort of way towards him then I would think it is an argument." he said as he took a sip of his lemonade. "What exactly happened if you don't mind me asking." he said as he delicately began on his first hot dog, tail wagging from excitement of the meal.


"He wanted to play tennis with me but I told him I don't know how to play. He seemed pretty sad by it." Moonstone said before taking a bite out of their hamburger. After chewing and swallowing, they continued. "Then he seemed to get all daydreamy, which I admit, I do that a lot too, but his powers seemed to start going out of control with the ground breaking. Which... I admit... I do that a lot too... But still, I tried to show him, and then he just said he was going back to the dorms. I don't know what I did wrong really..."

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Fantasy High's Cafeteria




Talking to Xeltyr


Eat and talk with Xeltyr

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


"Hmm.." he grunted finishing the first hotdog. "That sounds weird, I don't see why that would've set him off."

Taking another sip of his lemonade he finished. "You don't know how to play Tennis?"
Mayyflower said:
Riley stared at him "This is so stupid, A daughter is not suppose to hit their father.." she huffed before she lunged at him, hitting him in the stomach as hard as she could.
Marcus's eyes widened "So...Its as I thought...I'd hoped this wouldn't happen" He looked at Sam "We need to talk"
TylerrCarterrr said:
"Hmm.." he grunted finishing the first hotdog. "That sounds weird, I don't see why that would've set him off."
Taking another sip of his lemonade he finished. "You don't know how to play Tennis?"


Moonstone finished up their fries, then said, "Nope. I never found a reason to learn. I prefer other physical activities than tennis. Do you know how to play?"

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Fantasy High's Cafeteria




Talking to Xeltyr


Eat and talk to Xeltyr

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


"Maybe one day you'll meet him. He's pretty cool."she skipped toward the stores door. Hisaki followed Kagami.

"We should get panda express or Mcdonalds. Maybe pizza!"she suggested. "I'm going to have some ice cream." Hisaki said.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]
"Bunny demon?" Salvador asked, a surprised and amused smile appearing on his face, "This school gets more and more interesting." Bunny demons, werewolves, fox-eared people like Hisaki and that guy who tried to stab me with a spear...
"I think I'd want to meet that guy later." Salvador said. Changing the subject, he asked, "Where do you guys want to go eat?"

Kisaki said:
"Maybe one day you'll meet him. He's pretty cool."she skipped toward the stores door. Hisaki followed Kagami.
"We should get panda express or Mcdonalds. Maybe pizza!"she suggested. "I'm going to have some ice cream." Hisaki said.
"McDonalds sells ice cream. I don't think Panda Express sells ice cream. Only fortune cookies. And those are Americanized foods," Salvador said as he followed Hisaki and Kagami, "But we could always stop by McDonalds or Dairy Queen and buy some ice cream. I wouldn't mind one of those McDonald frappucinos."
TylerrCarterrr said:
Smiling a little "I know the basics."
Finishing his second hotdog he looked at them again "So where do you want to go now?"


Moonstone finished up the rest of their food and milkshake before standing up and stretching. "Well, there's always the library. You said you like art, right? I'm sure you could find many books there, and it's a relaxing place to gather your thoughts too." They informed Xeltyr. "It's right between the female and male dorms, would you like to go?"

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Fantasy High's Cafeteria




Talking to Xeltyr


Show Xeltyr around the school

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


"I'd love to" he beamed slowly getting up, he love to read in the off time he got. "Is the library gigantic too?" he asked with a slight grin.
Cody fell, screaming, then before he hit the ground, he stopped, just above it. "Uh..." he said, before he was dropped to the ground, his whole body flamed up, and then stopped. He had armor on, "Wow! This is sooo cool!" he shouted, Then there were two swords that dropped in front of him, both made of fire and other materiel. He picked them up, and tried them out by doing a few swings, he's used to them now, "Welcome back, Cody." came a female voice, this one was, familiar, "Ugh! Show you self already dammit! Getting tired of seeing your craptastic life..."

Cody said, looking around, "Fine, if you wish to see what I look like, then I will abide by your wish." she said, there was a wall of flames in front of him, revealing a woman, "Are you sure you do not wish to be one of my champions? Like the one you saw, the one you shot?" she asked, walking towards him, Cody swung but the swords weren't there, and he felt lighter, his armor was now gone. She came closer to him, she seemed to have gotten, younger, maybe around his age now, "I can take and give you weapons at my will Cody, you're in my kingdom after all, my universe..." she said, standing in front of him, and walking around him, "My, you are fit for your age." she said, her voice now, a bit younger than before, "What are you getting at?" he asked, wanting to punch her, "Cody...Calm down with the aggression. I can read your mind, as right now, your soul, belongs to me!" she said, showing me my body lying in bed, at the school.

"Alright, and why am I here?" he asked. She came to him and wrapped her arms around him, "You, set me free, and I can give you anything you want, money, power, a whole army to yourself!" she said, Cody backed away from her, "Hmm....A whole army you say?" he asked. She smiled, "Yes...Demons, nightmares, anything, that strives in the dark!" she said "Hmm...Tempting, but I'm going to have to say, no." he said, punching her in the gut and backing off, she laughed, "Alright Cody, I'll see you in my castle, we shall settle this, there." she said, turning into a ball of fire, then disappearing , giving his armor and weapons back. Cody looked at a large castle in the distance. "You mean I have to walk?!" he shouted, receiving no response, he get's moving.
"Mcdonalds it is! Plus it's cheaper" she grabbed Hisaki's arm.

"Fine" Hisaki said. "At least I will save money". He walked as he was pulled by Kagami. She seems happier than usual.He looked at her for a while and slightly smiled. Once they made it , Hisaki and Kagami ordered there food. "So! Salvador do you like it there at the school.?" Kagami asked. She was curios if he enjoyed it there.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"McDonalds sells ice cream. I don't think Panda Express sells ice cream. Only fortune cookies. And those are Americanized foods," Salvador said as he followed Hisaki and Kagami, "But we could always stop by McDonalds or Dairy Queen and buy some ice cream. I wouldn't mind one of those McDonald frappucinos."

Kisaki said:
"Mcdonalds it is! Plus it's cheaper" she grabbed Hisaki's arm.
"Fine" Hisaki said. "At least I will save money". He walked as he was pulled by Kagami. She seems happier than usual.He looked at her for a while and slightly smiled. Once they made it , Hisaki and Kagami ordered there food. "So! Salvador do you like it there at the school.?" Kagami asked. She was curios if he enjoyed it there.
Salvador hesitated, then replied "It's different. I like how I am probably considered normal there, even with my alchemy, this mask, and my stupid habits." He looked at the menu, ordering a Quarter Pounder, a frappuccino, a soda, and onion rings
TylerrCarterrr said:
"I'd love to" he beamed slowly getting up, he love to read in the off time he got. "Is the library gigantic too?" he asked with a slight grin.


"It's magnificent! It's so beautiful and has so many information." Moonstone praised as they led Xeltyr out of the cafeteria and towards the exit of the building. "I've been there twice, the first to write, and the second time to acquire books on construction building."

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Fantasy High School




Taking Xeltyr to the school's library


Take Xeltyr to the library

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


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"Sounds great!" he chirped following beside them as they made their way towards the library.

"How does this place stay up and running?" he asked "This place is too huge for one group alone."
(Part 2)

He opened is eyes. The mirror in front of him seemed to be cracked , broken pieces littered the floor. He raised his hand towards his face. It was bleeding.

"I haven't felt pain like this for a long time. It's amazing!" the boy grinned.

The boy twirled around the room , still smiling at himself. "Finally , free. Now I should change my apperance back to Jack's. I don't to cause any suspicion ". His eyes turned back to its original color. His hair was kept white.

"Now that's better !" He sat onto a chair and crossed his legs. "First, let's mess with Jack's love life. I hope he has good taste in woman."
"What habits ?" she asked. She intrest ed in what he had to say.

Hisaki brought brought their food over to the table as Kagami was talking.

He started to his ice cream as he listened in.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Salvador hesitated, then replied "It's different. I like how I am probably considered normal there, even with my alchemy, this mask, and my stupid habits." He looked at the menu, ordering a Quarter Pounder, a frappuccino, a soda, and onion rings

TylerrCarterrr said:
"Sounds great!" he chirped following beside them as they made their way towards the library.
"How does this place stay up and running?" he asked "This place is too huge for one group alone."


Leading Xeltyr into the library Moonstone answered in a quiet voice, "Everyone seems to have some sort of power here. I wouldn't be surprised if there were staff here that helped keep everything in order. Anyways, is there anything you want to get from here?"

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Fantasy High's Library




Talking to Xeltyr


Show Xeltyr around the school

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