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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TylerrCarterrr said:
"That's too bad.." he said with a small frown, he was hoping he could spend more time on drawing and such.
"You'd think they would give a map or something to the students here." he said looking over at the court, he saw a few students over there but decided not to bother them.

He let out a small yawn as his tail began to wag slightly without him noticing.


"Well I got my map from the main office, but I've seen some other people come in with maps. I guess it's a case of you needing to ask for one first if you want one." Moonstone explained to the boy. "Oh, I apologize, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Moonstone, what's yours?"

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Extra Information


Fantasy High's Tennis Court




Introducing themself to Xeltyr


Show Xeltyr around the school

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Nona said:
Colin chuckled "I happened to skip breakfast this morning so I guess were both hungry" he said as they continued to walk. After a while they both reached a diner. It was pretty small but the smell of food coming from the place would have attracted anyone in. Going up to the door, Colin held it open and waited for Blue to go in first.
Blue grinned at his comment , if he only knew what its like to have your powers make you hungry ,ill probably order triple what hes getting and that will be a light lunch she thought chuckling to her self as she walked in a friendly waitress sat them and gave them menus . Blues flipped hers open and studied it and after a few moments set it down " what are you getting ?"
Nona said:
Yuna almost toppled over when he pounced her but managed to quickly regain her balance. Blinking a few times it took her a moment to process her current situation. Once realising she was now within a hug, she could feel her cheeks heating up and her ears twitching but soon realised that there was surprisingly a lot less people around now than when it happened earlier. "U-Uhm..." She let out a sheepish laugh as she let him hug her, after all she had told him that he could, she just wasn't expecting it to be now and didn't know how really to react.

Ariel giggled a little, finishing off another 2 first "I'm glad you enjoyed your meal~" she said with a smile.
Ollene smiled softly, as she was finished with her meal

"I.... Didn't eat.... I.. Didn't have anything in my stomach since... Two days... So it f-feels..." Ollene mumbled, looking at Ariel with a peacefull look
charleen said:
Nico nodded.
"Well then, that's her loss.."

She said, smiling back at him again.

"I mean I've just met you, but I think you're pretty cool and stuff.."

She started tapping her fingers on the park bench.
Drakon's face went as red as his hair, getting him all flustered. "C-Cool?" He asked frantically and then quickly tried to fix it as he puffed out his chest and smirked. "O-Of course I'm cool!" He said to fix what he said earlier. He saw then that they were selling cotton candy, but he felt too nervous to approach.
Sixxx said:
Blue grinned at his comment , if he only knew what its like to have your powers make you hungry ,ill probably order triple what hes getting and that will be a light lunch she thought chuckling to her self as she walked in a friendly waitress sat them and gave them menus . Blues flipped hers open and studied it and after a few moments set it down " what are you getting ?"
"Hmm?" Colin looked up from his menu as after she spoke "Oh, uh. I don't know probably a cheeseburger or something and maybe a milkshake" he said with a nod "What about yourself?"

JJKab said:
Ollene smiled softly, as she was finished with her meal
"I.... Didn't eat.... I.. Didn't have anything in my stomach since... Two days... So it f-feels..." Ollene mumbled, looking at Ariel with a peacefull look
Ariel tilted her head. Two days? Ariel frowned at the thought "Well at least you aren't hungry now" she said offering a smile, not really knowing what else to say.
Nona said:
"Hmm?" Colin looked up from his menu as after she spoke "Oh, uh. I don't know probably a cheeseburger or something and maybe a milkshake" he said with a nod "What about yourself?"
Ariel tilted her head. Two days? Ariel frowned at the thought "Well at least you aren't hungry now" she said offering a smile, not really knowing what else to say.
"Yeah... So... Wh-What do you want to d-d-do now?" Ollene asked, slowly standing up, her hand still placed on her stomach. There was a slight blush on her cheeks and a soft smile.

"I... If nothing, t-then... Yo..you can.. Uhm... Walk with me to my house.." Ollene said quietly, slowly walking towards the door.
JJKab said:
"Yeah... So... Wh-What do you want to d-d-do now?" Ollene asked, slowly standing up, her hand still placed on her stomach. There was a slight blush on her cheeks and a soft smile.
"I... If nothing, t-then... Yo..you can.. Uhm... Walk with me to my house.." Ollene said quietly, slowly walking towards the door.
Ariel smiled softly "Well I'd love to go do something else but...I actually should be at school, my next class is starting soon" she said laughing sheepishly "I can leave you home on the way back though" she said with a smile.
"Ohkay.... I.. Uhm. Wanted to... Make sure n-nobody.. Is.. In my house" Ollene stated, looking a bit nervously at Ariel, biting her lower lip.
Nona said:
"Hmm?" Colin looked up from his menu as after she spoke "Oh, uh. I don't know probably a cheeseburger or something and maybe a milkshake" he said with a nod "What about yourself?"
Ariel tilted her head. Two days? Ariel frowned at the thought "Well at least you aren't hungry now" she said offering a smile, not really knowing what else to say.
"Maybe a burger and some chicken tenders amd some macaroni salad and fries and oh a coke and milk shake oh man they have alfrado ?! That too "she grinned " maybe nachos for an starter? "
@Wicked Jester[/URL]
Suuy sighed boredly, obviously he had missed a security guard of something. Then hearing the creak of metal he assumed the man had already drawn a weapon. At this time, about 100 of his clones world wide dedicated their thoughts and minds, looking at the scenario dozens of times over, from hundreds of perspectives. in that instance he calculated the mans likely position, the velocity of the bullet the man could fire, the time it would take for the cylinder to revolve before he could fire again, the affects gravity could play when Suuy "dropped". All of these aspects were taken into account and the most likely outcome was reached in the minds of the Suuys around the world. Suddenly reacting, Suuy realigned his gravity to the roof of the mall and began falling upwards towards it, pulling a pair of silenced m911 pistols from holsters under his arms he fired of half a dozen rounds at the shadowy figure across from him as he flipped right side up, another pair of Suuys appearing on the ground floor and diving to the left and right to ensure at least one of them survived.

(I actually had to check on Suuy's full ability list because I forgot he had control over his gravity xD he also has a few other tricks i havent ever used yet xD )
HimeragiSeiker said:
...?Aselia was just washing the dishes since she had nothing to do. She yawned a little bit since she was washing dishes in the morning?...

Mayumi Ishida

~ Coping With New Things


Mayumi had just woken up, seeing how early it was, she wanted to go back to sleep, but the clanking of the dishes would keep her up. She knew it wasn't Tohka who was washing dishes, so she figured ot was one of her parents down in the kitchen so early. Mayumi got dressed and brushed her teeth, doing whatever else she needed to before leaving out of her room. Mayumi had then made her way downstairs, heading straight for the kitchen to greet whoever was in there. "Hey mom!" She said happily upon finding out it was Aselia. "Goodmorning."

More Info

Location: Kitchen

Mood: Happy

Status: Greeting her mother

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Aselia


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TheDragoon said:
Drakon's face went as red as his hair, getting him all flustered. "C-Cool?" He asked frantically and then quickly tried to fix it as he puffed out his chest and smirked. "O-Of course I'm cool!" He said to fix what he said earlier. He saw then that they were selling cotton candy, but he felt too nervous to approach.
Nico completely busted out laughing. She was laughing so much that she started squealing. She tried covering her mouth. Nico nudged him gently and smiled sheepishly.

"Super cool!!"

She said, teasingly. She noticed the cotton candy too and she pointed towards it.

"Let's get some?"

She asked politely.

"Cause you know cool people consume cotton candy too,"

She said, jokingly.
charleen said:
Nico completely busted out laughing. She was laughing so much that she started squealing. She tried covering her mouth. Nico nudged him gently and smiled sheepishly.
"Super cool!!"

She said, teasingly. She noticed the cotton candy too and she pointed towards it.

"Let's get some?"

She asked politely.

"Cause you know cool people consume cotton candy too,"

She said, jokingly.
Drakon beamed at her, like a child's face was lighting up. "It is?!" He exclaimed before getting up and bouncing up and down with a smile. "Let's go let's go let's go!" He said happily, pulling her towards the stand before stopping once they got there and he realized his sudden outburst. "H-Hey! Are you tricking me or something?!" He pouted.
Roman said:

Mayumi Ishida

~ Coping With New Things


Mayumi had just woken up, seeing how early it was, she wanted to go back to sleep, but the clanking of the dishes would keep her up. She knew it wasn't Tohka who was washing dishes, so she figured ot was one of her parents down in the kitchen so early. Mayumi got dressed and brushed her teeth, doing whatever else she needed to before leaving out of her room. Mayumi had then made her way downstairs, heading straight for the kitchen to greet whoever was in there. "Hey mom!" She said happily upon finding out it was Aselia. "Goodmorning."

More Info

Location: Kitchen

Mood: Happy

Status: Greeting her mother

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Aselia


...?Aselia turned her head and saw Mayumi. She soon smiled at her before greeting her and turning her head back to the dishes?...

''Good morning dear. Did you sleep well?''
HimeragiSeiker said:
...?Aselia turned her head and saw Mayumi. She soon smiled at her before greeting her and turning her head back to the dishes?...
''Good morning dear. Did you sleep well?''

Mayumi Ishida

~ Coping With New Things


Mayumi smiled and nodded, happy to see her mother, but then again it was really early. She walked towards Aselia and stood beside her, watching as she washed the dishes. "Yes. I had woke up from the sound of the dishes so I came downstairs." She said, giggling quietly. "Did you? You're up mighty early."

More Info

Location: Kitchen

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking to Aselia

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Aselia


TheDragoon said:
Drakon beamed at her, like a child's face was lighting up. "It is?!" He exclaimed before getting up and bouncing up and down with a smile. "Let's go let's go let's go!" He said happily, pulling her towards the stand before stopping once they got there and he realized his sudden outburst. "H-Hey! Are you tricking me or something?!" He pouted.
Nico kept giggling. Oh we're jumping now.. Ok so she started jumping as well. This is so adorable. She had the urge to squeeze him, but she didn't because she just shouldn't. When she got pulled over to the stand, she almost tripped, but luckily she was fine. Nico did bump into him slightly. She muttered sorry to him and backed up a few steps.

"No, loser.."

She pushed him and went in front of him.

"Can I have the pink kind please?"

She asked politely. Nico turned around and obnoxiously took bite out of the cotton candy in front of Drakon.
Roman said:

Mayumi Ishida

~ Coping With New Things


Mayumi smiled and nodded, happy to see her mother, but then again it was really early. She walked towards Aselia and stood beside her, watching as she washed the dishes. "Yes. I had woke up from the sound of the dishes so I came downstairs." She said, giggling quietly. "Did you? You're up mighty early."

More Info

Location: Kitchen

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking to Aselia

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Aselia


''Hmmm...well I fell asleep here on the couch. It was a comfy couch. But yeah, I guess I slept a little earlier than usual so I could wake up early.''

...?She replied with a giggle?...
TylerrCarterrr said:
"Xeltyr" he said with a small smile, "Xeltyr Aulwrit"
He mentally cheered that he was actually talking to someone without freaking out.


"Nice to meet you, Xeltyr." Moonstone said. They almost bowed to him, something they had to constantly remind themself was overly formal and seemed to be outdated now. "So, would you like to move onto the next area, or would you prefer to linger on a bit more? The archery training field is nearby, so we can head over there if you'd like."

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Extra Information


Fantasy High's Tennis Courts




Talking to Xeltyr


Show Xeltyr around the school

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:



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