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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Jack held his scythe in his hands. He stared at it then made it disapear.

"I win". His clothes returned back into their regular attire. He healed most of the inflictions, but his body hurt like hell. He looked down a the ice that covered the floor. His eyes were not the usual color of blue. It was red like his vampire sister's eyes.

CERBERUS177 said:
Cody dropped to his knees, looking at him, "Gonna give me mercy, or are you gonna end it?" he asked, either way Jack was going to win, now it all depended on how he ends the fight.
charleen said:
Nico fluttered her eyelashes obnoxiously towards him.
"My eyes??"

She pulled away, laughing softly. Nico gasped.

"I love sushi too!!"

She said, smiling.
Drakon didn't really make a big deal out of it as they entered the park. "Cool." Was all he said. "Now that we're here do you feel like doing anything?" He asked her.
Kisaki said:
Jack held his scythe in his hands. He stared at it then made it disapear.
"I win". His clothes returned back into their regular attire. He healed most of the inflictions, but his body hurt like hell. He looked down a the ice that covered the floor. His eyes were not the usual color of blue. It was red like his vampire sister's eyes.
Cody flared up, sealing all the wounds and dealing with the pain. "Hey weren't your eyes blue before? " Cody asked, putting a hand on Jack's shoulder for both calming and support for himself, as he wanted to fall asleep.



"I'm going to the dorms.." he would say nothing else as he stood up and walked back the way they came. He would continue to walk, his head hanging low and the ground below him cracking and pulling away. It was clear that he must be angry, but at what?
"Yeah...don't worry this happens sometimes." he said. It'd mostly due to his Kuro. He seems to be acting up more. He just hopes his hair isn't turning black.

"Um.. do you need to go to the nurse?"

CERBERUS177 said:
Cody flared up, sealing all the wounds and dealing with the pain. "Hey weren't your eyes blue before? " Cody asked, putting a hand on Jack's shoulder for both calming and support for himself, as he wanted to fall asleep.
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It was another one of those nights again, Where the halls are stalked by the sound of heavy footsteps, punctuated by a snort, or grunt of finding a stray piece of garbage that was missed in the last closing hours of the store. Or it seems like it would be, but a part of that equation seems to be amiss. The security guard of course! How can any of this happen without him. Leo perks his ears up to the eerie silence of the shopping mall, sitting up from his makeshift bed of women's clothing. Bras make for very comfortable pillows for the uninitiated.

Merely from his sitting position, he gathered his few belongings, a backpack, change of clothes, and his favorite hat. It was the last thing he took from his old life. A tattered thing that said "BONK!" loudly on it. Strapping his cap onto his head, he teleports himself to the entrance of Victoria's Secret, and to the atrium of the mall. He spots one lone figure, wary of any movement. Movement wasn't something Leo did very much anyway, he just appeared as he always did.

Fashioning an ornate revolver, with spades decorating the barrel of the gun, he aimed down to the unknown man. "Who enters the gauntlet- erm, mall of Valkas?"

@Wicked Jester
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Kisaki said:
"Yeah...don't worry this happens sometimes." he said. It'd mostly due to his Kuro. He seems to be acting up more. He just hopes his hair isn't turning black.
"Um.. do you need to go to the nurse?"
"No! " he shouted, but checked his tone, "No, I've bothered the nurse enough." Cody said, the nurse said that if he shows up there again he'd go to the hospital, and he's terrified of the hospital, "I can sleep it off, " he said, smiling.



Daniel would continue to head towards the dorms, the ground still cracking beneath him. But after some time, the power would slowly fade along with his anger. He felt guilty for acting that way in front of Moonstone, but one cannot change the past as far as he knew. He would soon get into the dorm and into his room, soon locking it. He would stay inside his room until someone came by or he wanted to leave. He would lay on the bed staring up towards the ceiling thinking to himself as he levitated objects in a circle above him.
"If you say so...". He was kind of worried about Cody, but he is super human. They probably have healing powers like demons . "Well, I'm going to my dorm. Need anything else?" he asked.

CERBERUS177 said:
"No! " he shouted, but checked his tone, "No, I've bothered the nurse enough." Cody said, the nurse said that if he shows up there again he'd go to the hospital, and he's terrified of the hospital, "I can sleep it off, " he said, smiling.
TheDragoon said:
Drakon didn't really make a big deal out of it as they entered the park. "Cool." Was all he said. "Now that we're here do you feel like doing anything?" He asked her.
Nico sighed softly to herself. She found a small park bench and sat on it. She patted on the space next to her. She crossed one of her legs. She made pouty face and shrugged.

"I dunno.."
Kisaki said:
"If you say so...". He was kind of worried about Cody, but he is super human. They probably have healing powers like demons . "Well, I'm going to my dorm. Need anything else?" he asked.
"Nah, I'm fine Jack...maybe Serena can bring me some pain killers or something like that, I don't know... But, I guess I'll see you around, nice fight out there by the way. " he said making his way to his dorm.

(and thus the plot begins, will post the starter for his adventure when I get the computer back )
charleen said:
Nico sighed softly to herself. She found a small park bench and sat on it. She patted on the space next to her. She crossed one of her legs. She made pouty face and shrugged.
"I dunno.."
Drakon rose an eyebrow at her before sitting down next to her. He stared at the ground for a while, not really sure what to say. When he was about to say something; A blonde haired girl with wings passed by and looked over at Drakon. Drakon looked back as if they knew each other before they broke eye contact and the girl kept walking on.
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(Some drama is going to come up for my o.c )

"Okay then" Jack nodded and started to head to his dorm. His eyes were still red and seem that they won't turn back to their original in a long time. He finally got to his room and ran towards the mirror.

"This is not good. Not at all."

CERBERUS177 said:
"Nah, I'm fine Jack...maybe Serena can bring me some pain killers or something like that, I don't know... But, I guess I'll see you around, nice fight out there by the way. " he said making his way to his dorm.
(and thus the plot begins, will post the starter for his adventure when I get the computer back )
Kisaki said:
(Some drama is going to come up for my o.c )
"Okay then" Jack nodded and started to head to his dorm. His eyes were still red and seem that they won't turn back to their original in a long time. He finally got to his room and ran towards the mirror.

"This is not good. Not at all."
(Cody's going to hell lol)

Cody walked into his dorm room and looked around for the book, he found it in his gun safe, and wonders why it was in there. He sat on the floor, and opened it, flipping through pages upon pages of other stuff. The necklace Jack gave him started to glow, the gem in the middle popped off and landed on the book, and a lady, pale skin, and white wings and hair, blood stained, appeared before him, Cody ran to his gun safe grabbing one of his rifles, aiming at the girl, "Her majesty is waiting for you mortal."she said, Cody didn't say anything, she walked forward and Cody shot her in the head, her head tilted back, and looked back at him, "So, it's going to be like that huh?" she said. With extreme speed, she was in front of Cody, grabbing his neck, and lifting him up, "Ah, I see you finally revealed your true self...Mangy mutt..." she said. She planted a hand on his chest, and he started to feel a bit tired, then she moved it away from him, and he passed out, only to wake up standing on the floor again, this time, he could see himself, a lifeless body being tossed to the ground, and he felt the pain of his body's arm being slammed on the bed frame, 'I look pretty damn good...' he thought to himself, he looked to the lady that just...did something, and she got behind him, and cuffed him with, something, it didn't feel like rope or steel cuffs, more, dried bone or something like a husk. And they walked to the gem, which made a large red hole, and he was pushed in, falling down into the pit.

(This was pretyped, expect the other part tomorrow! Enjoy a, good read, I think...)

CERBERUS177 said:
(Cody's going to hell lol)
Cody walked into his dorm room and looked around for the book, he found it in his gun safe, and wonders why it was in there. He sat on the floor, and opened it, flipping through pages upon pages of other stuff. The necklace Jack gave him started to glow, the gem in the middle popped off and landed on the book, and a lady, pale skin, and white wings and hair, blood stained, appeared before him, Cody ran to his gun safe grabbing one of his rifles, aiming at the girl, "Her majesty is waiting for you mortal."she said, Cody didn't say anything, she walked forward and Cody shot her in the head, her head tilted back, and looked back at him, "So, it's going to be like that huh?" she said. With extreme speed, she was in front of Cody, grabbing his neck, and lifting him up, "Ah, I see you finally revealed your true self...Mangy mutt..." she said. She planted a hand on his chest, and he started to feel a bit tired, then she moved it away from him, and he passed out, only to wake up standing on the floor again, this time, he could see himself, a lifeless body being tossed to the ground, and he felt the pain of his body's arm being slammed on the bed frame, 'I look pretty damn good...' he thought to himself, he looked to the lady that just...did something, and she got behind him, and cuffed him with, something, it didn't feel like rope or steel cuffs, more, dried bone or something like a husk. And they walked to the gem, which made a large red hole, and he was pushed in, falling down into the pit.

(This was pretyped, expect the other part tomorrow! Enjoy a, good read, I think...)


(erm... hell was destroyed a long time ago buddy...)
Kisaki said:
"Awesome " said Kagami
Kagami followed Salvador and pulled Hisaki with her. She pulled up her gas mask and looked around the store.

"I should get a bunny plushies for Jack " she grabbed the stuffed bunny from the shelf and bought it.

"I hope you didn't spend all your allowance on clothing Kagami" Hisaki said as he looked down at the bags she was carrying.

"I have plenty of money. I stole some from Jackie anyways" she said.

"Now your stealing money. God's " he sighed.

Seems like I'm not the only thief, Salvador thought. Out loud, he said, "Who's this Jack character you guys are talking about?" He opens up the nutrition magazine and looks over one of their pizza recipes, which seemed to rely too much on vegetables.
"My unrelated brother. He's a prince from some snow kingdom " she said.

"He's also a bunny demon" Hisaki added.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]
Seems like I'm not the only thief, Salvador thought. Out loud, he said, "Who's this Jack character you guys are talking about?" He opens up the nutrition magazine and looks over one of their pizza recipes, which seemed to rely too much on vegetables.

TheDragoon said:
Drakon rose an eyebrow at her before sitting down next to her. He stared at the ground for a while, not really sure what to say. When he was about to say something; A blonde haired girl with wings passed by and looked over at Drakon. Drakon looked back as if they knew each other before they broke eye contact and the girl kept walking on.
Nico was looking straight ahead of the park, not even paying attention to the other girl, but she did see a small glimpse of her wings which brought her back to reality. She blinked a few times before facing Drakon again. She gave him the sly eye, giggling.

"Ooh who's that huh??"

She smirked playfully at him.
charleen said:
Nico was looking straight ahead of the park, not even paying attention to the other girl, but she did see a small glimpse of her wings which brought her back to reality. She blinked a few times before facing Drakon again. She gave him the sly eye, giggling.
"Ooh who's that huh??"

She smirked playfully at him.
Drakon sighed lightly. "Her name is Gladia Regina. She's a coworker and my bosses right hand er... Woman." He said. "Don't get the wrong idea tho, as beautiful as she is I don't like her." He explained. "She doesn't really make an effort to get along with anyone."
TheDragoon said:
Drakon sighed lightly. "Her name is Gladia Regina. She's a coworker and my bosses right hand er... Woman." He said. "Don't get the wrong idea tho, as beautiful as she is I don't like her." He explained. "She doesn't really make an effort to get along with anyone."

She said, tapping her chin slightly. Nico looked over him and sighed.

"Did something happen between you.. and uhh that person.."

She asked curiously. Nico wasn't one for being noisy, but it seem like it really upset him.
"Man..." he muttered as he stored more of his belongings into his designated closet, the dorm he was presented with was spacious enough and might've been inviting if he actually had a roommate.

He had only been here a few hours and he had never felt so alone.

As he finished breaking down the last of the moving boxes he felt a slight buzz in his pocket, he reached in his pocket to see that it was a message from his father.

Don't end up being holed up in your room the whole day. Go out and meet some people, I promise you they will not bite.... Well maybe not all of them.

That brought a small smile on his face, regardless of what he was going through his father had always been able to make him feel better.

Yeah yeah, message received.... Enjoy your day off old man.

Old man? I'll have you know I am one of the youngest in our pack. Haha Love you kiddo

Love you too Dad

With his mood a little brighter he went in his closet and fished out his hoodie and put it on leaving it half-zipped with the sleeves up to his elbows.

He made sure he had his phone and key and made his way out the door and out into the center of the campus

(Sorry for the novel I just needed to somehow set him up in the midst of everything still going on.)

(Open to anyone atm, waiting for someone but will gladly hang with anyone)

(I don't mean to be OOC but around what time is it right now on campus?)
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charleen said:
She said, tapping her chin slightly. Nico looked over him and sighed.

"Did something happen between you.. and uhh that person.."

She asked curiously. Nico wasn't one for being noisy, but it seem like it really upset him.
Drakon shrugged. "We just don't really talk much... She doesn't seem to like me for some reason, always saying 'well it's not like I did it for you... I did it for Ineur.' and stuff like that. We still work together just fine tho, the mission comes first after all." He said.

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