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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"Awesome " said Kagami

Kagami followed Salvador and pulled Hisaki with her. She pulled up her gas mask and looked around the store.

"I should get a bunny plushies for Jack " she grabbed the stuffed bunny from the shelf and bought it.

"I hope you didn't spend all your allowance on clothing Kagami" Hisaki said as he looked down at the bags she was carrying.

"I have plenty of money. I stole some from Jackie anyways" she said.

"Now your stealing money. God's " he sighed.


[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]((School ends tomorrow, I'll try to be more active))
Salvador smiled, "I can only eat for an hour every 5 or so hours, the gas mask provides enough of the needed chemicals my body needs for an hour without the mask on." He taps absently at his gas mask, a hollow klink! sound coming from it. He leads the way to the checkout line, stopping to get a nutrition magazine.

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Kisaki said:
Jack glanced at Cody. He was about to tackle him. Finally, snow and sharp edged icicles dropped from the sky. The sky was very dark. Jack jumped out of Cody's way. It was a close call.
(Gtg ) To be Continued...
Cody dodged a few but was caught by a few, embedding into his leg and back, he flamed up, melting the ice and sealing the wounds, though it hurt a lot. Cody landed short, instead, he forced a stream of fire at Jack, and went for another punch, this time to the face.
He dodged the fire but took the hit to the face.After being hit in the face , Jack gave a counter attack with a low kick. He raised his hand towards his bruised cheek.It slowly healed. Jack summoned and aimed a huge wave of water at Cody.

CERBERUS177 said:
Cody dodged a few but was caught by a few, embedding into his leg and back, he flamed up, melting the ice and sealing the wounds, though it hurt a lot. Cody landed short, instead, he forced a stream of fire at Jack, and went for another punch, this time to the face.
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@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]








...ΨKenji looked down at his timetable for a few moments and then looked over at Lumina's. From his observation, he saw that they both had the exact same table in terms of the classes they happened to share. He knew that it was probably the work of his older brother, Akira. Being the little brother of the principal had it's perks, he supposed. Upon hearing Lumina talk, he raised his head and replied to his pair, his smile remaining ever present as he did soΨ...

I have Biology next as well, so I'll be able to be with you in class~ As for the after-school stuff, I was thinking that we could go see one of these.. ‘movie’ things together. I read on the line that it's a popular date location. Or is it online? I'm not too sure how people refer to this ‘internet’ thing~

no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide

Lance sighed annoyingly, it was obvious that Haruo wouldn't make the connection, so bored, she waved her hand across her face reverting it to the one Haruo was familiar with. "You know for being the prince of the universe you're rather dim arent you? Moments before they left, the worlds greatest assassin showed you they could change appearances and you couldn't make the connection to the eye candy that appears before you, dressed as a maid and mentioning difficulty of getting her into the dress. Seriously! how the hell did i loose to a moron like you?" Puffing out her cheeks Lance restored her appearance to that of the eye candy and looked for an opportunity to bring up her planned bet.
Kisaki said:
He dodged the fire but took the hit to the face.After being hit in the face , Jack gave a counter attack with a low kick. He raised his hand towards his bruised cheek.It slowly healed. Jack summoned and aimed a huge wave of water at Cody.
Cody fell but rolled out, then he saw the wave of water, "Uh...How cold are we talking about here?" he asked, pointing at it, before aiming his hand like a gun and putting his thumb down shooting a small spark like ball at Jack's face.
"Cold enough" he pulled his scythe from the frozen floor and blocked the fire ball. He ran towards Cody and swang his scythe upward and downwards. He was already losing his energy , and his muscles started to feel like lead. He reminded himself to push through the pain.

CERBERUS177 said:
Cody fell but rolled out, then he saw the wave of water, "Uh...How cold are we talking about here?" he asked, pointing at it, before aiming his hand like a gun and putting his thumb down shooting a small spark like ball at Jack's face.
Kisaki said:
"Cold enough" he pulled his scythe from the frozen floor and blocked the fire ball. He ran towards Cody and swang his scythe upward and downwards. He was already losing his energy , and his muscles started to feel like lead. He reminded himself to push through the pain.
Cody was hit with the upward attack but dodged the downward, Jack looked like he was going to make a mistake sooner or later, maybe Cody will take him to the gym someday, get him into shape for other fights that don't include him. Cody was getting a bit, annoyed at how he can keep going, even after a punch to the face. He did the same thing with the flames and forced himself upward, then aimed for Jack again. Cody clamped his hands together and flamed them up, getting a bit bigger as the seconds went by.
"I really hate these fire attacks". He aimed another wave of water at Cody. He trying to extinguish the flames. A hit by some flames could end this battke. He has avoid the heat for sure.

CERBERUS177 said:
Cody was hit with the upward attack but dodged the downward, Jack looked like he was going to make a mistake sooner or later, maybe Cody will take him to the gym someday, get him into shape for other fights that don't include him. Cody was getting a bit, annoyed at how he can keep going, even after a punch to the face. He did the same thing with the flames and forced himself upward, then aimed for Jack again. Cody clamped his hands together and flamed them up, getting a bit bigger as the seconds went by.
Kisaki said:
"I really hate these fire attacks". He aimed another wave of water at Cody. He trying to extinguish the flames. A hit by some flames could end this battke. He has avoid the heat for sure.
Cody's fire went out, "Oh shit..." he said, slamming into the ground, bouncing a bit then landing again, all the air out of him, "That...hurt..." he said, sucking in some more air, he laid there for a second then got back up, "I really hate these water attacks..." he said, flaming his hands up then charging Jack, ignoring the pain in his arms and hands from the slam, as some cuts were opened, and he was starting to get tired now.
Sixxx said:
" thank you Colin " she grinned and her stomach growled " alright you lead the way to food , I'm starving "
"You're welcome Blue. I mean, I couldn't just leave a friend living on the street or wasting their money staying in a crappy hotel or something. Even if it was temporarily" he said with a smile before he Behan walking towards the school gates along with her. "Don't worry its not far from the school grounds" he said with a chuckle after her stomach growled
Jack was hit in chest with the flaming hands. He reacted to this by pushing water toward Cody , to make him move away. Jack went in for another attack with his blades. His blue irises now had specks of red in it.

CERBERUS177 said:
Cody's fire went out, "Oh shit..." he said, slamming into the ground, bouncing a bit then landing again, all the air out of him, "That...hurt..." he said, sucking in some more air, he laid there for a second then got back up, "I really hate these water attacks..." he said, flaming his hands up then charging Jack, ignoring the pain in his arms and hands from the slam, as some cuts were opened, and he was starting to get tired now.
Kisaki said:
Jack was hit in chest with the flaming hands. He reacted to this by pushing water toward Cody , to make him move away. Jack went in for another attack with his blades. His blue irises now had specks of red in it.
Cody was hit by the blades, melting them again, but not sealing the wounds, the mounted himself on a wall and launched himself at Jack, for one more go of the rocket, putting his fists together, setting them ablaze, 'He better fall soon, I don't think I can take another hit from those blades.' he thought to himself while he flew.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
C4 just continued to hug and pet her before realizing what he was doing and blinked. his eyes opening wide he looked down at the Yuna in his arms and blushed furiously once more. "I uh.... you just mentioned fluffy and uhhh... ehhhh... I ugh.... just kinda... tackle hugged you I guess..." Even though he said this, C4 still had Yuna wrapped up in a hug and was still nuzzling his head against her ears and was still petting her ears in a pleased maner

Yuna stared up at him with a confused expression as he spoke, blinking she then giggled softly "Its okay, After all, it did say you could pet my ears so its not like you're doing anything wrong" she said before he continued nuzzling her ears again. She didnt mind him doing so thay much since it seemed to be calming to him or something and she wanted to help him have a good day off. It wasn't as embarrassing this time either since there was no audience and besides, hugs were nice and warm and fuzzy and...huh, she had unknowingly started hugging him back, she guessed it was a reflex to being hugged, that and she felt a little silly just standing there, a little hug before going to the arcade wouldn't do any harm obviously.
Jack was ready to launch another attack until suddenly he couldn't move his body. He falled over after being trampled. "Ow!" he said as he regained control of his body. Now he has various burn marks on body. Luckly his demon powers are slowly healing these wounds. He got up from the floor slowly and aimed another attack with more blades.

CERBERUS177 said:
Cody was hit by the blades, melting them again, but not sealing the wounds, the mounted himself on a wall and launched himself at Jack, for one more go of the rocket, putting his fists together, setting them ablaze, 'He better fall soon, I don't think I can take another hit from those blades.' he thought to himself while he flew.
@Wicked Jester[/URL]
When Alex's foot gently scrapped the ground, he immediately felt something was off, but restricted himself from showing any discomfort. Upon further prodding he discovered his shoe was soft, malleable like jelly yet never changed. Alex smirked, it was no different that hen Breeze had forced him to walk 2 inches off the ground in shoes made of solid oxygen. He had learned fairly quickly how to walk in them and had even conned her into selling the rights to the shoes as the new "air jordans". Smirking, he replied, "I dont know, I think i would prefer reading on a nice calm night besides a fire in a rustic cabin. far more atmospheric."



"Heh, no. I want to play with you. You have these things and.. I can practice my air bending." he would say with a nervous smile. He didn't want to be rejected in any way, but at the same time, they still were simple friends.
Suuy sighed as he boredly sat around a deserted Arizona shopping mall. He had heard from the higher ups at CROSS that this was secretly a large relay for the Mexican cartel however he had yet to find any evidence of such activities. However of course once he did find any traces of the cartel, he would steal whatever product they were trying to ship so CROSS could resell it on the black market. A few hours earlier he had knocked out the night security guard and had fully explored the mall and was now waiting to see if anyone happened to show up from aforementioned cartel.

@Surprise Meteors
Nona said:
Yuna stared up at him with a confused expression as he spoke, blinking she then giggled softly "Its okay, After all, it did say you could pet my ears so its not like you're doing anything wrong" she said before he continued nuzzling her ears again. She didnt mind him doing so thay much since it seemed to be calming to him or something and she wanted to help him have a good day off. It wasn't as embarrassing this time either since there was no audience and besides, hugs were nice and warm and fuzzy and...huh, she had unknowingly started hugging him back, she guessed it was a reflex to being hugged, that and she felt a little silly just standing there, a little hug before going to the arcade wouldn't do any harm obviously.
((I had to find my dog and hug him because this conversation has made me want to hug something xD he was like "dafuck you doing bro?"))

C4 could have happily stood there all night hugging Yuna and raveling in the fluffiness, but when he thought about how the two looked, from any uninformed bystanders perspective, the two would look like a loving couple and he didnt want such adjectives to be attached to him and Yuna, so EXTREMELY reluctantly he separated from her and with a pouting face he spoke. "I guess we should uh... get moving again right?"



"Alright.. I just.. thought to make it more fun..is all." he would say, the smile on his face fading into an empty expression. He would soon levitate the objects and return them to Moonstone before sitting on the grass.
Kisaki said:
Jack was ready to launch another attack until suddenly he couldn't move his body. He falled over after being trampled. "Ow!" he said as he regained control of his body. Now he has various burn marks on body. Luckly his demon powers are slowly healing these wounds. He got up from the floor slowly and aimed another attack with more blades.
Cody dropped to his knees, looking at him, "Gonna give me mercy, or are you gonna end it?" he asked, either way Jack was going to win, now it all depended on how he ends the fight.
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