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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mei Junchi[/URL]



"I shall spy on your cooking, can I?" Fricka asked childlishly, quickly following Junchi out into the kitchen, with a broad smile

"So I can maybe learn something new"
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
C4 blinked and shrugged blankly. He had only ever briefly played some of arbitz's (another member of CROSS) videogames when there were long stretches of down time. "Sure, although I still dont think I'll be very good... so what exactly are you anyway? I mean... I've seen cat ears and dog ears, but bear ears are a first, and pairing that with hydrokinesis I'm not sure weather or not to catagorize you as a kemonomimi..."

Yuna slowed her walking pace as she processed the question given to her "Well...I don't know actually" she laughed "Everyone were I come from is like this, you know, ears and stuff, we never gave a name to it" she said, her ears twitching as she mentioned them "I am a human, but I have two souls/spirits/entities/whatever you want to call it in my body." She began explaining, hoping she was making sense "My own soul, which is human and the spirit of an animal, in my case a bear. The animal spirit is kind of like a guardian to me, you know, giving me my ears, my bear form, enhanced senses and my hydrokinesis and it can also summon other bear spirits to fight along with me and protect me should the need ever arise..." Once finished she laughed a little as she toyed with a piece of her hair "In short I guess you can say I'm human....If that even answers your question..."
JJKab said:
Ollene was sitting in the restaurant where Ariel promised her she wouldn't need any money. She was gratefull for that, but at the same time... She felt kinda bad that that girl decided to lean over her.
After going up to the counter and paying for the dumplings Ariel made her way back over to where Ollene was sitting, leaving the tray with the dumplings on the table. "Here we go~" she said before sitting down "I'm excited to try these" she said with a giggle as she took one to taste.
Sixxx said:
Blue nodded " i dont even have a place to stay yet to be honest , they were exactly pleases with me leaving in the middle of the yeat so now i gotta find a place " she smirked as her stomach growled " hey wanna go get some food ?"
Colin smiled a little though he was curious of where she was going to stay until then if she was moved from where she was. "I'm sure you'll find somewhere soon, You could always stay with me or my sister if you have nowhere else to go" he offered just in case, before she asked about getting some food "Sure, I'll have time to grab something to eat before having to grab my stuff from the dorm" he said with a nod "What're you hungry for?" He asked.
Nona said:
Yuna slowed her walking pace as she processed the question given to her "Well...I don't know actually" she laughed "Everyone were I come from is like this, you know, ears and stuff, we never gave a name to it" she said, her ears twitching as she mentioned them "I am a human, but I have two souls/spirits/entities/whatever you want to call it in my body." She began explaining, hoping she was making sense "My own soul, which is human and the spirit of an animal, in my case a bear. The animal spirit is kind of like a guardian to me, you know, giving me my ears, my bear form, enhanced senses and my hydrokinesis and it can also summon other bear spirits to fight along with me and protect me should the need ever arise..." Once finished she laughed a little as she toyed with a piece of her hair "In short I guess you can say I'm human....If that even answers your question..."
((you brought this upon yourself xD ))

C4 blinked as he heard what she said about a bear form and immediately focused in on that. Popping up in front of her, he leaned in so his face was only a few inches from her, his eyes shining in anticipation, having reverted back to cute hunting mode. "You have a full bear mode? Like a cute fluffy bear? like fluffy?" Practically bouncing up and down on the spot C4 appeared to be about to explode and had to resist tackling her once more and just hugging her and petting her like he had before but he realized that would be rude so he painfully resisted that urge.
Wicked Jester] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7057-jofune-tsurabisu/ said:
@Jofune Tsurabisu[/URL] I completely forgot to tag you xD
Scarlett had just left her friends Giselle and Ruri, to head to the library, when she noticed the boy agitating gravel with his foot as he sat on the bench. Normally, she did not feel like like associating with the lower class, but Mother practically insisted. She told her that her four years of high school would be terrible if she did not be friendly or kind to others. So her she was about to talk to a ruffian, a boy at that, when she felt eyes on her. She knew her friends were really her bodyguards, but the fact that they called her friend and put up with her childishness endeared them to her deeply. But still, being watched from the shadows was slightly unnerving. "It is a pleasant day, isn't it?" she asked as she straightened her dress and sat down next to the boy.

@Wicked Jester
@Wicked Jester[/URL]
((I'm pretty sure kings and rulers would be more apt to bow to Alex as he could orchestrate the complete downfall of their nations xD ))


Alex boredly looked up and saw a beautiful girl sit down next to him and a number of schemes popped into his head leading him to decide to toy with the girl for a while. "Accidentally" nudging her foot with his own he instantly copied her appearance and added it to his collection before replying coldly. "It depends on your definition of the word pleasant. I prefer the overcast days of light rain in Great Britain, so to me this is a hot unpleasant day, but I suppose to you it could be enjoyable yes."
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((you brought this upon yourself xD ))
C4 blinked as he heard what she said about a bear form and immediately focused in on that. Popping up in front of her, he leaned in so his face was only a few inches from her, his eyes shining in anticipation, having reverted back to cute hunting mode. "You have a full bear mode? Like a cute fluffy bear? like fluffy?" Practically bouncing up and down on the spot C4 appeared to be about to explode and had to resist tackling her once more and just hugging her and petting her like he had before but he realized that would be rude so he painfully resisted that urge.

(( xD Yuna should stop talking ))

Yuna immediately stopped walking forward when his face seemingly appeared right in front of her, causing her to lean back ever so slightly as her eyes adjusted a little, not expecting him to appear so suddenly and so close. Hearing his question, she laughed sheepishly in response "Full bear? Yes. Full grown bear? No" she said, still fiddling with a piece of her hair "My bear form isn't very useful to me because I only turn into a cub for some reason..." She said with a slight frown "But yeah, Its as fluffy as my ears" she said with a small giggle.
Nona said:
After going up to the counter and paying for the dumplings Ariel made her way back over to where Ollene was sitting, leaving the tray with the dumplings on the table. "Here we go~" she said before sitting down "I'm excited to try these" she said with a giggle as she took one to taste.
Ollene sloely reached her hand to take one of the dumpling, as she sniffed it, before taking a small bite. Her eyes widened, as she began eating more quickly. She was visibly not eating anything since a day, maybe two.

After few minutes, Ollene was done with 4 dumplings, and kept on eating
Nona said:
(( xD Yuna should stop talking ))
Yuna immediately stopped walking forward when his face seemingly appeared right in front of her, causing her to lean back ever so slightly as her eyes adjusted a little, not expecting him to appear so suddenly and so close. Hearing his question, she laughed sheepishly in response "Full bear? Yes. Full grown bear? No" she said, still fiddling with a piece of her hair "My bear form isn't very useful to me because I only turn into a cub for some reason..." She said with a slight frown "But yeah, Its as fluffy as my ears" she said with a small giggle.
((to late xD ))

C4 just couldn't take it anymore and once again pounced on Yuna hugging her tightly and petting and nuzzling her ears with an obviously pleased expression on his face, revealing in the fluffiness. "AH!!! SO FLUFFY!!!!"

(artistic representation of what just happened)

JJKab said:
Ollene sloely reached her hand to take one of the dumpling, as she sniffed it, before taking a small bite. Her eyes widened, as she began eating more quickly. She was visibly not eating anything since a day, maybe two.
After few minutes, Ollene was done with 4 dumplings, and kept on eating
Ariel took a small bite of her dumpling smiling once she had eaten it "Wow, these are pretty good, don't you think?" She said happily. Looking up, she had noticed Oleene had eaten 4 in the time she had eaten 1 but she didn't mention it, knowing that Ollene probably hadn't eaten much at all.
Nona said:
Ariel took a small

Nona said:
Ariel took a small bite of her dumpling smiling once she had eaten it "Wow, these are pretty good, don't you think?" She said happily. Looking up, she had noticed Oleene had eaten 4 in the time she had eaten 1 but she didn't mention it, knowing that Ollene probably hadn't eaten much at all.

of her dumpling smiling once she had eaten it "Wow, these are pretty good, don't you think?" She said happily. Looking up, she had noticed Oleene had eaten 4 in the time she had eaten 1 but she didn't mention it, knowing that Ollene probably hadn't eaten much at all.
Nona said:
Ariel took a small bite of her dumpling smiling once she had eaten it "Wow, these are pretty good, don't you think?" She said happily. Looking up, she had noticed Oleene had eaten 4 in the time she had eaten 1 but she didn't mention it, knowing that Ollene probably hadn't eaten much at all.
Ollene stopped chewing, as soon as she heard Ariel's voice. She nodded lightly, and got back to eating, managing to eat 3 more before stopping, her hand resting on her stomach, as she let out a sigh of relief.

"Urgh..... I'm.... Really full..." She said quietly, her eyes closed.
JJKab said:
"I shall spy on your cooking, can I?" Fricka asked childlishly, quickly following Junchi out into the kitchen, with a broad smile
"So I can maybe learn something new"
((Can only be on for a bit.))

Mei Junchi

"Sure, I always like company when cooking." Junchi said as they left her room, leaving the door open for her to leave too. They then headed towards the kitchen and took out the almost pre-made pizza. They sort of knew how to make pizza by themself, but it would take more time and they weren't in the mood for that, plus, it was too expensive if they spent their money on ingredients. After getting the pizza set up though, Junchi moved to making Fricka her tea, knowing that would come faster than the pizza.

Extra Information


Female Dorms, Fricka's Dorm




Making pizza and tea


Take care of Fricka

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

charleen said:
Nico giggled and took a step back. She crossed her arms and looked around her surroundings.
"Would you be down to fly kites?"

She asked, showing a bit of her smile. She just loves her kites, man. Nico felt excited again that she started swaying side to side and she didn't even realize she was doing that.
Drakon sighed lightly. "Sounds lame..." He started before finishing with a head tilt. "Don't blame me if I accidentally set one on fire... Also, I don't own a kite."
TheDragoon said:
Drakon sighed lightly. "Sounds lame..." He started before finishing with a head tilt. "Don't blame me if I accidentally set one on fire... Also, I don't own a kite."
Nico looked back at him and frowned.

"Well, then what do you want to do?"

She sighed heavily, crossing her arms. She looked away and rolled her eyes slightly.
Mei Junchi[/URL]



Fricka sat down on the table in the kitchen, looking at Junchi curiously. After a bit, she began blushing a little

"I was wondering... Uhm..... D-do.. Are you... Bored.. Here with.. Me?" She asked quietly, her eyes fixated on his back
JJKab said:
Fricka sat down on the table in the kitchen, looking at Junchi curiously. After a bit, she began blushing a little
"I was wondering... Uhm..... D-do.. Are you... Bored.. Here with.. Me?" She asked quietly, her eyes fixated on his back

Mei Junchi

"Why would I be bored?" Junchi asked, temporarily taking their attention off of the food and tea and onto Fricka. "I already went swimming with you, went to the store to buy groceries for you, cooked for you, grew you an apple tree, and I'm sure other stuff I'm forgetting." they said, leaving out the part where they had to save Fricka from death. "I don't think I could ever get bored of you."

Extra Information


Female Dorms, Fricka's Dorm




Talking to Fricka


Take care of Fricka

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

JJKab said:
"I.... Okay..." Fricka sighed softly, looking at Junchi cook, forcing a small smile onto her lips.

Mei Junchi

"Sorry, did I misunderstand your question?" Junchi asked as they went back to making sure the pizza and tea was going well. The tea seemed to be close to being finished, but the pizza was going to take longer, just like Junchi expected. "I heard that sigh from you."

Extra Information


Female Dorms, Fricka's Dorm


Happy, Concerned


Talking to Fricka, Checking on the food and tea


Take care of Fricka

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

Roman said:

Akane Ishida

~ Sanctum of Weapons and Amour


Akane smiled and stood up, holding her grocery bags in her hands. She looked down at the boy, her smile remaining as she learned her assumption had been correct. So he was lost, but how when the grocery store was so close. Being the kind-hearted person she is, she offered help, "I can show you the way. The store actually isnt too far from here." Akane said, taking a step back. "Thats up to you though."

More Info

Location: Out and about

Mood: Happy, helpful

Status: Talking with someone

Objective: Help

Interacting with: Arbitz


((Just wait till she finds out he doesnt know where he lives xD ))

Arbitz blinked, did he really need milk, or did he just need to go home. He wasnt sure, but he figured he better pick up some milk just to be safe. Thinking this he decided to accept the nice ladys help and spoke utterly embarrassed. "uhh sur! Thn I eed tah fnd mah house!"

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