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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

JJKab said:
Fricka blushed slightly more, as she averted her gaze from Junchi's back.
"N-No... It's nothin'... Was curious l.." She exclaimed, frowning softly.

Mei Junchi

"Well, okay then." Junchi said. It only took a few more minutes for the tea to finish, and Junchi poured both themself and Fricka a cup, and sat down besides Fricka as they waited for the pizza to finish. "Would you like to talk about something else then?"

Extra Information


Female Dorms, Fricka's Dorm




Talking to Fricka


Take care of Fricka

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

charleen said:
Nico looked back at him and frowned.
"Well, then what do you want to do?"

She sighed heavily, crossing her arms. She looked away and rolled her eyes slightly.
Drakon shrugged softly and frowned. "I dunno... I just... Wanted to get to know ya better. That's all." He said like he was a little upset. It wasn't his fault that he didn't own a kite, nobody ever bothered to show him what one was. He just had a strange... But intriguing feeling about Nico.
Shortyshot said:
Marcus smiled "Just hit me"
Riley stared at him "This is so stupid, A daughter is not suppose to hit their father.." she huffed before she lunged at him, hitting him in the stomach as hard as she could.
TheDragoon said:
Hiro buckled up too and the ride started. "Here we go~" He laughed.
The ride had started and it slowly went up and then started to go faster. Harper held slightly onto Lillith and looked around, she was extremely nervous, but she cheered and laughed aways.

Lillith held on and when they started going up was when she started to freak out.
TheDragoon said:
Drakon shrugged softly and frowned. "I dunno... I just... Wanted to get to know ya better. That's all." He said like he was a little upset. It wasn't his fault that he didn't own a kite, nobody ever bothered to show him what one was. He just had a strange... But intriguing feeling about Nico.
Nico kinda froze for a moment. She broke her silence into a soft laughter.

"You want to get to know.. me?"

Her eyes widened in amazement. She was so shocked at that for some reason. Also Nico couldn't help, but blush even deeper.

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charleen said:
Nico kinda froze for a moment. She broke her silence into a soft laughter.
"You want to get to know.. me?"

Her eyes widened in amazement. She was so shocked at that for some reason. Also Nico couldn't help, but blush even deeper.

View attachment 320086
Drakon blushed a lot and pouted childishly as he panicked. "Y-Yeah! What's wrong with that?!" He asked curiously. What a strange girl, making him feel strange so much...
Nona said:
Colin smiled a little though he was curious of where she was going to stay until then if she was moved from where she was. "I'm sure you'll find somewhere soon, You could always stay with me or my sister if you have nowhere else to go" he offered just in case, before she asked about getting some food "Sure, I'll have time to grab something to eat before having to grab my stuff from the dorm" he said with a nod "What're you hungry for?" He asked.
Blue thought about what would be in her bank account and how much her kind needed to eat , smirked and grinned up at him "something cheap?" She smiled at hos offer " thanks i just night end up taking you up on that , atbleast for tonight, if thats ok... in return ill help you move your stuff "
Mayyflower said:
The ride had started and it slowly went up and then started to go faster. Harper held slightly onto Lillith and looked around, she was extremely nervous, but she cheered and laughed aways.
Lillith held on and when they started going up was when she started to freak out.
Hiro was trying to keep the girls calm the entire time but that's when he started to freak out too as they went down.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((to late xD ))
C4 just couldn't take it anymore and once again pounced on Yuna hugging her tightly and petting and nuzzling her ears with an obviously pleased expression on his face, revealing in the fluffiness. "AH!!! SO FLUFFY!!!!"

(artistic representation of what just happened)


Yuna almost toppled over when he pounced her but managed to quickly regain her balance. Blinking a few times it took her a moment to process her current situation. Once realising she was now within a hug, she could feel her cheeks heating up and her ears twitching but soon realised that there was surprisingly a lot less people around now than when it happened earlier. "U-Uhm..." She let out a sheepish laugh as she let him hug her, after all she had told him that he could, she just wasn't expecting it to be now and didn't know how really to react.

JJKab said:
Ollene stopped chewing, as soon as she heard Ariel's voice. She nodded lightly, and got back to eating, managing to eat 3 more before stopping, her hand resting on her stomach, as she let out a sigh of relief.

"Urgh..... I'm.... Really full..." She said quietly, her eyes closed.
Ariel giggled a little, finishing off another 2 first "I'm glad you enjoyed your meal~" she said with a smile.
Sixxx said:
Blue thought about what would be in her bank account and how much her kind needed to eat , smirked and grinned up at him "something cheap?" She smiled at hos offer " thanks i just night end up taking you up on that , atbleast for tonight, if thats ok... in return ill help you move your stuff "
Colin laughed "Sounds fine to me, I'm still waiting on a paycheck. I know a place thatll work, the foods actually pretty good there" he admitted before she mentioned her living arrangements "Of course its okay, stay as long as you need to" he said with a nod and a smile.
TheDragoon said:
Drakon blushed a lot and pouted childishly as he panicked. "Y-Yeah! What's wrong with that?!" He asked curiously. What a strange girl, making him feel strange so much...
Nico sighed softly.

"Well if you wanna know then I'll tell ya.."

She scratched the side of her arm and continued.

"Ok so I'm Nico, covered that.. uhh my zodiac sign is cancer so therefore I like to think that I'm caring and I love to dance even though I'm not that good.. and I'm also really bad at describing myself because I wanna sound cool when I'm really not.."

She looked down, fiddling with her fingers. Nico tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
charleen said:
Nico sighed softly.
"Well if you wanna know then I'll tell ya.."

She scratched the side of her arm and continued.

"Ok so I'm Nico, covered that.. uhh my zodiac sign is cancer so therefore I like to think that I'm caring and I love to dance even though I'm not that good.. and I'm also really bad at describing myself because I wanna sound cool when I'm really not.."

She looked down, fiddling with her fingers. Nico tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Drakon blinked a few times, then thought back to what she said before about other people having more impressive powers. If that's how it was gonna be then he had to say something about it. "...Is that really how you think?" He asked curiously. "That comparing yourself to others will help better yourself? There are people even stronger than me and do you think I just give up and say I'm useless?" He explained. "In the end, your holding yourself back if you think that way... A very very close um... Member of my family taught me that. That I'd never get stronger if I constantly didn't take the step to better myself. I'm sorry if that's harsh but... Don't think low of yourself. Otherwise you'll never move forward."
Nona said:
Colin laughed "Sounds fine to me, I'm still waiting on a paycheck. I know a place thatll work, the foods actually pretty good there" he admitted before she mentioned her living arrangements "Of course its okay, stay as long as you need to" he said with a nod and a smile.
blue grinned " alright lets go get some grub im starving " she said just as her stomach growled
TheDragoon said:
Drakon blinked a few times, then thought back to what she said before about other people having more impressive powers. If that's how it was gonna be then he had to say something about it. "...Is that really how you think?" He asked curiously. "That comparing yourself to others will help better yourself? There are people even stronger than me and do you think I just give up and say I'm useless?" He explained. "In the end, your holding yourself back if you think that way... A very very close um... Member of my family taught me that. That I'd never get stronger if I constantly didn't take the step to better myself. I'm sorry if that's harsh but... Don't think low of yourself. Otherwise you'll never move forward."
"You really think I haven't tried that??"

She muttered.

"Ughh it's so easy for people to say feel better.. you're fine and all that stuff, but I'm not going lie myself.."

She said, sighing.

"I don't think I'm useless, I know I'm useless.. okay, but I'm fine I swear,"

She turned around and crossed her arms.

"Let's just go okay?"

She said anxiously, walking forward.
Dylan smiled laying under a tree , her bloodshot eyes gazing at the leaves making her giggle

( any one free?)
charleen said:
"You really think I haven't tried that??"
She muttered.

"Ughh it's so easy for people to say feel better.. you're fine and all that stuff, but I'm not going lie myself.."

She said, sighing.

"I don't think I'm useless, I know I'm useless.. okay, but I'm fine I swear,"

She turned around and crossed her arms.

"Let's just go okay?"

She said anxiously, walking forward.
Drakon looked a little hurt but he nodded slowly. He wanted to help her but... How was he supposed to do that? He just wouldn't let it bother him as he just walked towards the direction the park was, absolutely silent.
Nona said:
Colin laughed "Sounds fine to me, I'm still waiting on a paycheck. I know a place thatll work, the foods actually pretty good there" he admitted before she mentioned her living arrangements "Of course its okay, stay as long as you need to" he said with a nod and a smile.
" thank you Colin " she grinned and her stomach growled " alright you lead the way to food , I'm starving "
TheDragoon said:
Drakon looked a little hurt but he nodded slowly. He wanted to help her but... How was he supposed to do that? He just wouldn't let it bother him as he just walked towards the direction the park was, absolutely silent.

Nico slowed down her pace and walked alongside Drakon. She gave him a small smile.

"So tell me something about yourself, it's only fair that I had my own little spiel,"

She said, chuckling softly.
@Fukushima Akira[/URL]








...Haruo sighed and looked away from the female, replying as he looked over towards the small clusters of students≭...

That's not funny. I mean, you're an attractive girl, but having eye candy isn't really my thing.

no slide no slide no slide



...ΨKenji looked down at his timetable for a few moments and then looked over at Lumina's. From his observation, he saw that they both had the exact same table in terms of the classes they happened to share. He knew that it was probably the work of his older brother, Akira. Being the little brother of the principal had it's perks, he supposed. Upon hearing Lumina talk, he raised his head and replied to his pair, his smile remaining ever present as he did soΨ...

I have Biology next as well, so I'll be able to be with you in class~ As for the after-school stuff, I was thinking that we could go see one of these.. ‘movie’ things together. I read on the line that it's a popular date location. Or is it online? I'm not too sure how people refer to this ‘internet’ thing~

no slide no slide no slide

charleen said:
Nico slowed down her pace and walked alongside Drakon. She gave him a small smile.

"So tell me something about yourself, it's only fair that I had my own little spiel,"

She said, chuckling softly.
Drakon stared ahead for a minute, then spoke once more. "I am Drakon Kyrane. I will choose not to talk about my past, but I will tell you some basic information. My favorite color is red, like umm... Your eyes." He said sheepishly before continuing. "My Zodiac Sign... I was never aware of since I don't remember when my birthday was. My favorite food is Sushi. Do you wish to hear more?" He asked her as they approached the park.
TheDragoon said:
Drakon stared ahead for a minute, then spoke once more. "I am Drakon Kyrane. I will choose not to talk about my past, but I will tell you some basic information. My favorite color is red, like umm... Your eyes." He said sheepishly before continuing. "My Zodiac Sign... I was never aware of since I don't remember when my birthday was. My favorite food is Sushi. Do you wish to hear more?" He asked her as they approached the park.
Nico fluttered her eyelashes obnoxiously towards him.

"My eyes??"

She pulled away, laughing softly. Nico gasped.

"I love sushi too!!"

She said, smiling.
Kisaki said:
(It's so weird when someone is in school while you have summer break. Take your time)
"Great !"she exclaimed. She already bought all of her items. Hisaki walked over to Kagami and gave her a plushies of an bat "here" .

Kagami squealed and squeezed the stuffed toy "It's really cute!".

She turned to Salvador "Let's get some food...Wait how do you eat anyway?" she asked.
((School ends tomorrow, I'll try to be more active))

Salvador smiled, "I can only eat for an hour every 5 or so hours, the gas mask provides enough of the needed chemicals my body needs for an hour without the mask on." He taps absently at his gas mask, a hollow klink! sound coming from it. He leads the way to the checkout line, stopping to get a nutrition magazine.

Nona said:
Yuna almost toppled over when he pounced her but managed to quickly regain her balance. Blinking a few times it took her a moment to process her current situation. Once realising she was now within a hug, she could feel her cheeks heating up and her ears twitching but soon realised that there was surprisingly a lot less people around now than when it happened earlier. "U-Uhm..." She let out a sheepish laugh as she let him hug her, after all she had told him that he could, she just wasn't expecting it to be now and didn't know how really to react.

Ariel giggled a little, finishing off another 2 first "I'm glad you enjoyed your meal~" she said with a smile.
C4 just continued to hug and pet her before realizing what he was doing and blinked. his eyes opening wide he looked down at the Yuna in his arms and blushed furiously once more. "I uh.... you just mentioned fluffy and uhhh... ehhhh... I ugh.... just kinda... tackle hugged you I guess..." Even though he said this, C4 still had Yuna wrapped up in a hug and was still nuzzling his head against her ears and was still petting her ears in a pleased maner

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