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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TheDragoon said:
Drakon shrugged. "We just don't really talk much... She doesn't seem to like me for some reason, always saying 'well it's not like I did it for you... I did it for Ineur.' and stuff like that. We still work together just fine tho, the mission comes first after all." He said.
Nico nodded.

"Well then, that's her loss.."

She said, smiling back at him again.

"I mean I've just met you, but I think you're pretty cool and stuff.."

She started tapping her fingers on the park bench.
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((I'm open, but I thought you were going to rp with Roman.))

((He is finishing up with someone else at the moment, but he isnt on so I figured I could with someone else while I wait seeing as how I missed so much before I got here.)
TylerrCarterrr said:
((He is finishing up with someone else at the moment, but he isnt on so I figured I could with someone else while I wait seeing as how I missed so much before I got here.)
((Okay then, I'll reply to you then if that's okay.))
TylerrCarterrr said:
"Man..." he muttered as he stored more of his belongings into his designated closet, the dorm he was presented with was spacious enough and might've been inviting if he actually had a roommate.
He had only been here a few hours and he had never felt so alone.

As he finished breaking down the last of the moving boxes he felt a slight buzz in his pocket, he reached in his pocket to see that it was a message from his father.

Don't end up being holed up in your room the whole day. Go out and meet some people, I promise you they will not bite.... Well maybe not all of them.

That brought a small smile on his face, regardless of what he was going through his father had always been able to make him feel better.

Yeah yeah, message received.... Enjoy your day off old man.

Old man? I'll have you know I am one of the youngest in our pack. Haha Love you kiddo

Love you too Dad

With his mood a little brighter he went in his closet and fished out his hoodie and put it on leaving it half-zipped with the sleeves up to his elbows.

He made sure he had his phone and key and made his way out the door and out into the center of the campus

(Sorry for the novel I just needed to somehow set him up in the midst of everything still going on.)

(Open to anyone atm, waiting for someone but will gladly hang with anyone)

(I don't mean to be OOC but around what time is it right now on campus?)


Moonstone soon enough calmed themself from their fight with Daniel, if angry silence could be called a fight. They began walking around the school once more, trying to hide the little bit of annoyance they felt from their face and look calm and casual. They found it nice, looking around the school, watching people interact, learn about the place they would be living in for a while. Moonstone was almost tempted to go find Junchi or Nico and invite them for their walk, but they left on sort of bad terms with Nico and had no idea where Junchi was.

They sighed as they continued to walk, wondering if there would be another class today or if that was the end of it. Moonstone was sure they'd hear about the next class starting though, unless everyone had a different schedule or something. They still didn't understand the schedules that well, though it was because they didn't even attempt to study it when they should have. Soon enough though, Moonstone began thinking of other topics as they walked. Drawing, the school, their family, reading, they were daydreaming all of these things one point or another during their walk, causing them to become nearly blind to where they were going and what was going on. They did try their hardest to not end up knocking into someone or trip onto something, but it did happen twice already.

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Fantasy High School




Walking around the school, Daydreaming


Walk around the school and relax

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Nona said:
"You're welcome Blue. I mean, I couldn't just leave a friend living on the street or wasting their money staying in a crappy hotel or something. Even if it was temporarily" he said with a smile before he Behan walking towards the school gates along with her. "Don't worry its not far from the school grounds" he said with a chuckle after her stomach growled
Blue smiled " good , i havent eat much lately and im getting hunrgy " she said as she followed him wondering where they were going



"Just how big is this place?" he only began walking around for a few minutes and he couldn't even find his way back if he wanted to. He made a mental note to ask around for a map but couldn't seem to find anyone on his 'adventure'. He then rounded a corner only to find himself now on his back with a sharp pain forming on his forehead.
TylerrCarterrr said:
"Just how big is this place?" he only began walking around for a few minutes and he couldn't even find his way back if he wanted to. He made a mental note to ask around for a map but couldn't seem to find anyone on his 'adventure'. He then rounded a corner only to find himself now on his back with a sharp pain forming on his forehead.
((Wait, did they knock into each other?))
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((Wait, did they knock into each other?))

(Yes, sorry if I didn't make it clear enough. I can Omit if you had something better in mind)
TylerrCarterrr said:
"Just how big is this place?" he only began walking around for a few minutes and he couldn't even find his way back if he wanted to. He made a mental note to ask around for a map but couldn't seem to find anyone on his 'adventure'. He then rounded a corner only to find himself now on his back with a sharp pain forming on his forehead.


Before Moonstone could stop it, they bumped into a person. "Sorry, sorry." they said as the person fell back. Moonstone immediately knelt down and tried to give the boy a helping hand. "I'm so sorry, are you alright? I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and I just... um... I just started randomly daydreaming." they blabbered on, only realizing maybe they should try helping the person out more than trying to make excuses for what happened.

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Fantasy High School


Anxious, Embarrassed


Trying to help Xeltyr


Walk around the school and relax, Help Xeltyr

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


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"No, no it's fine..." he muttered still clutching his head. "I didn't watch where I was go...ing..." he said as he locked eyes with them, their face made him tense up and add a light shade of red to his face.

He quickly got up and brushed his clothes off. "Are you okay?" he asked not entirely scared for their well-being seeing as they were still upright.
TylerrCarterrr said:
"No, no it's fine..." he muttered still clutching his head. "I didn't watch where I was go...ing..." he said as he locked eyes with them, their face made him tense up and add a light shade of red to his face.
He quickly got up and brushed his clothes off. "Are you okay?" he asked not entirely scared for their well-being seeing as they were still upright.


"Yes, I'm fine, but you still look hurt though." Moonstone said as they kept looking for any other types of injury without getting weirdly close and personal. "Would you like me to heal you or, um, take you to the nursing office? You seemed to fall pretty hard."

On the inside Moonstone wanted to scream in embarrassment. They wondered how many times a person could knock into people in one day before being known as the school's klutz. They mentally noted that next time they went out, they needed Junchi to stick near them, or at the very least someone else to keep track of their behavior. They felt slight shame that their family was right about them needing to be watched to avoid trouble, seeing as them simply walking while not paying attention probably gave someone a concussion.

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Fantasy High School


Anxious, Embarassed


Trying to help Xeltyr


Make sure Xeltyr is fine

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Before he could reply the red bruise on his forehead slowly went away. "No worries, my body heals itself." he said with a grin. He immediately stopped however as he felt they were uneasy about this. Taking a chance he put his hand on their shoulder "Hey, I didn't mean to worry you it looked worse than it actually was."
TylerrCarterrr said:
Before he could reply the red bruise on his forehead slowly went away. "No worries, my body heals itself." he said with a grin. He immediately stopped however as he felt they were uneasy about this. Taking a chance he put his hand on their shoulder "Hey, I didn't mean to worry you it looked worse than it actually was."


Moonstone slightly flinched at someone touching their shoulder, but tried their best to not make it noticeable. "It's fine, I shouldn't have overreacted. A lot of the people here have such amazing abilities, and I have to remind myself that self-healing is probably one of those." They tried to act casual and friendly after their panic to avoid things getting weird, and intended to go back to their dorm after the conversation. They felt like it'd be best if they just kept themself in their room, or stayed close to a group of people in one area to avoid them messing up without realizing it.

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Fantasy High School


Anxious, Faking casualness


Talking to Xeltyr


Go back to their dorm

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


He mentally face-palmed as he saw them flinch from him touching their shoulder. He immediately took his hand away standing there awkwardly

Finally he managed the nerve to talk to them again. "So, I uh just moved here and was wondering if you would show me around...?" more of a question than a request.

"Obviously if you don't want to I can leave you alone." he said trying not to make eye contact, feeling himself internally cringe at the awkward atmosphere.
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TylerrCarterrr said:
He mentally face-palmed as he saw them flinch from him touching their shoulder. He immediately took his hand away standing there awkwardly
Finally he managed the nerve to talk to them again. "So, I uh just moved here and was wondering if you would show me around...?" more of a question than a request.

"Obviously if you don't want to I can leave you alone." he said trying not to make eye contact, feeling himself internally cringe at the awkward atmosphere.


"Yes, I can!" Moonstone said, not realizing that he took his hand off their shoulder because they expressed discomfort. "I'm actually new here too, but we can learn together. I was actually taking a stroll for a bit to learn about the area, and I already know some of the places here already. Where would you like to head first?" they rambled, excited that the conversation was moving towards a less awkward direction.

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Fantasy High School




Talking to Xeltyr


Help Xeltyr learn the area, Walk around the school

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


He smiled, one he hadn't done in a long time, for some reason their attitude seem to life him up a little. "You lead the way." he said with a smile, scratching one of his ears.
TylerrCarterrr said:
He smiled, one he hadn't done in a long time, for some reason their attitude seem to life him up a little. "You lead the way." he said with a smile, scratching one of his ears.


"Hmm, well, let's start from the outside, then the inside. I just visited the tennis court, so we can head there first." Moonstone suggested as they began skipping to the court. "Is there any interests you have? That will give me a better idea on what you'll need to see first."

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Fantasy High School




Taking Xeltyr to the tennis court while talking to him


Show Xeltyr around the school

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


"Well..." he began as he mulled over the question.

"I enjoy reading, cooking, art and writing." He said with confidence as he followed beside them.

"What about you?" he asked them making sure not to get too close.
TylerrCarterrr said:
"Well..." he began as he mulled over the question.
"I enjoy reading, cooking, art and writing." He said with confidence as he followed beside them.

"What about you?" he asked them making sure not to get too close.


"I enjoy all types of art and practicing my powers. I enjoy more things but that's the stuff I can think of that this school probably has and we have in common, but I haven't seen anything on art classes yet. There recently was a combat class I was in, but it seemed like people slowly stopped participating, and the teacher didn't care I think." Moonstone explained. Soon enough they stopped at the tennis court, but was far away enough that they didn't bother people practicing and hanging out there.

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Fantasy High's Tennis Court




Showing Xeltyr around


Show Xeltyr around the school

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


"That's too bad.." he said with a small frown, he was hoping he could spend more time on drawing and such.

"You'd think they would give a map or something to the students here." he said looking over at the court, he saw a few students over there but decided not to bother them.

He let out a small yawn as his tail began to wag slightly without him noticing.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((I had to find my dog and hug him because this conversation has made me want to hug something xD he was like "dafuck you doing bro?"))
C4 could have happily stood there all night hugging Yuna and raveling in the fluffiness, but when he thought about how the two looked, from any uninformed bystanders perspective, the two would look like a loving couple and he didnt want such adjectives to be attached to him and Yuna, so EXTREMELY reluctantly he separated from her and with a pouting face he spoke. "I guess we should uh... get moving again right?"

Yuna hadn't really thought of those words being attached to them, mostly because they didn't have that kind of relationship. But she supposed thinking it over, maybe it did seem that way to people who didn't know them, she looked around a little, luckily nobody was really looking in their direction anyways. When he pulled away and pouted she almost felt like pouting herself, she had actually gotten quite comfortable in the hug but she had stopped herself and instead smiled "Yup! Were pretty much there only another minutes walk" she said with a nod. She fixed at her hair a little before setting off, walking to the arcade again.
Sixxx said:
Blue smiled " good , i havent eat much lately and im getting hunrgy " she said as she followed him wondering where they were going
Colin chuckled "I happened to skip breakfast this morning so I guess were both hungry" he said as they continued to walk. After a while they both reached a diner. It was pretty small but the smell of food coming from the place would have attracted anyone in. Going up to the door, Colin held it open and waited for Blue to go in first.

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